
Why is eating meat "bad" or less evolved lets say?

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From a spiritual standpoint?


Since the universe is just creating and devouring itself and consciousness wants to just experience and explore.


Is a lion bad for eating a gazelle, is a cat bad for playing with and killing birds and mice as a hobby? If not why is a human bad or less evolved for eating a cow or a chicken?

Edited by PurpleTree

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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There is no crime in eating meat from a universal standpoint. We were raised to eat meat from early childhood so we are all innocent in this matter. However, eating meat makes your body more "dense" and therefore slows down you spiritual evolution a bit. You also get the animal characteristic of the animal you are consuming. It also slows down the spiritual evolution of the animals as we continuously kill them. We are interconnected with the animals and therefore we slow our spiritual evolution down by killing them. By slowing them down we slowing ourself into Godhood. There are huge dark energy flowing from the butcher houses off the slaughtered animals into our earth that as seen by some clairvoyants, and that "dark energy" makes our collective couscioussness more depressed and psychotic without it knowing . It is also "immoral" to have other people butcher the animals for us and degrade their spiritual insight while we avoid the consequences by buying meat in the supermarket. There are also "Good" stuff to this but this is the "bad" stuff i have read.


“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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I eat meat, but there are definitely issues with it. One is the suffering inflicted through the farming process, animals are sentient beings, maybe their brains aren't as complexed as ours but they can still feel pain, fear and a wide variety of complexed emotions. The way the current farming process operates causes a lot of pain. 

Also there is no balance we consume much more than we need, no other animal does this. As we become more conscious we will realise the suffering we're causing. In the same way as people would've justified killing humans in the past and probably still do, we justify torturing and eating meat but as consciousness rises I don't think we will consume animals on the same way or at all 

Edited by Consept

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@PurpleTree Nothing "bad" about survival. The videos cover this topic in detail, including hierarchies of survival evolution. 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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21 minutes ago, integral said:

@PurpleTree Nothing "bad" about survival. The videos cover this topic in detail, including hierarchies of survival evolution. 

Survival of whom?

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One of the things that make us human is our ability for compassion and empathy. If you asked people to kill a cow or a pig themselves with a knife, they could not do it. Maybe if their life depended on it. Also, unless you are a psychopath, if you see an animal being tortured it will affect you in some way emotionally.

It's not all "hierarchy" or the circle of life or whatever. Would you be okay if the rich people decided it is okay to eat and kill poor people just because they are higher in the social hierarchy? Of course not. You can't compare the behavior of wild animals with sophisticated human beings. Humanity has evolved spiritually and emotionally and is perfectly capable of employing higher ethics. And in a lot of cases we are. 

Eating meat also has nothing to do with survival. It's a total luxury and you can survive just as well without eating meat. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Maybe start asking yourself serious questions where you have to make difficult choices, that lead to unethical consequences, life does not run on your perfect imagination, if you are not one who will have to make them, someone else will have to, only luxury here is your opinion based on your personal experience. 


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17 minutes ago, vizual said:

One of the things that make us human is our ability for compassion and empathy. If you asked people to kill a cow or a pig themselves with a knife, they could not do it. Maybe if their life depended on it. Also, unless you are a psychopath, if you see an animal being tortured it will affect you in some way emotionally.

It's not all "hierarchy" or the circle of life or whatever. Would you be okay if the rich people decided it is okay to eat and kill poor people just because they are higher in the social hierarchy? Of course not. You can't compare the behavior of wild animals with sophisticated human beings. Humanity has evolved spiritually and emotionally and is perfectly capable of employing higher ethics. And in a lot of cases we are. 

Eating meat also has nothing to do with survival. It's a total luxury and you can survive just as well without eating meat. 

Do you think plants etc. could have some kind of awareness too and wouldn't want to be eaten or cut down?

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

Do you think plants etc. could have some kind of awareness too and wouldn't want to be eaten or cut down?


Of course, it's totally possible they have some kind of low awareness. But as far as I know, plants don't have a brain, the ability to process emotion and pain, a nervous system and a sentient awareness. Don't get me wrong, animals definitely have a lower awareness than humans, but quite a sophisticated awareness nonetheless compared to plants. 

The hypocracy of humans is exemplified by research that has shown a higher intellect in pigs than in dogs. Yet look at how we, as a society, treat dogs vs pigs.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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eating an animal consciously, there is great respect and gratitude for its life, using one to fulfill your desire for pleasure becomes something entirely different. 

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@willl Why can't you be grateful for eating plant-based foods though? Why do animals have to suffer and die for your consumption?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Humans have an obligation to nature because humans are at the top of the food chain, the greatest predator.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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2 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

Is a lion bad for eating a gazelle, is a cat bad for playing with and killing birds and mice as a hobby? If not why is a human bad or less evolved for eating a cow or a chicken?

Nothing is bad or less evolved as far as I'm concerned but harm would be caused by raising so many cows and chickens even if it was done respectfully (which will never happen as long as the numbers look anything like the way they do now).

The moral problems people have with meat are typically rooted in hypocrisy. Human as well as non-human animals are harmed by your actions regardless of your diet. That's of course not some kind of free pass but it means that vegans who aren't doing anything about the animals harmed in the process of growing plants simply have an eating disorder. If on the other hand meat simply disgusts you, that is of course healthy.

2 hours ago, neutralempty said:

Most spiritual people here aren't vegan or vegetarian as I understand. So, if there were a spiritual reason, they probably wouldn't know.

I haven't eaten meat in a very long time. Maybe that's what allows me not to identify as "spiritual". :-) Magical thinking aside, it hardly matters whether you eat meat or not. If you do, simply take care to exercise moderation when doing so.

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there is a reason stage turquoise people by and large don’t eat meat, it’s connected with the energy of the body in some way and also what you eat becomes your nature and there is no life energy in dead food. 

As sadhguru says “I like to eat based on how alive the food is”


yes we are harming plants too, but they are alive when we eat them and the plants want us to eat them in sense, they want to proliferate and providing  fruits and vegetables  helps them proliferate the plant itself and it’s roots and consciousness, all life simply wants to live on this planet, and when we kill to eat without necessity it has negative impact

also a good point is that when you are eating fruits and vegetables you aren’t eating the whole plant so you’re not really killing it, plants/trees don’t die if you pick their fruit.

Edited by Gidiot

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Eating factory farmed animals is bad because if you were that factory farmed animal you would beg humans to stop. Those animals get raped, tortured, separated from their family like the victims of the Holocaust.

If you were a Nazi, you probably ignore or reason the acts your doing. But Nazis are now known as very evil, since we understand the destruction they did to the innocent beings of that time. 

Someone who eats burgers and meats all day doesn’t comprehend the reality that has to unfold to provide that source. If they did, they would at least cut down on their consumption. 

People who make choices without understanding the consequences are not conscious enough or aware enough to see life from another point of view.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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There is nothing objectively wrong with anything.

But as a human you have the choice of eating by slaugthering sentient beings or not (unless you have some very specific health condition).

If you chose to do so, you are literally putting sentient beings trough unimaginable hell and pain just for the sake of a very short sensorial pleasure.

Also you have to take into account the enviromental consecuences.

It's up to you to say wether that's the most concious decition or not. God doesnt judge. ;)

Edited by Fran11

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1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

It's up to you to say wether that's the most concious decition or not. God doesnt judge.

I pretty much agree with this. It's important not to view this through a moral lens, but through the lens of ignorance hindering our ability to exercise compassion effectively. Many people are simply ignorant to the suffering caused in eating meat.  

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