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I have always wondered this well really just noticed it, time is completely relative, I’m not talking Einstein here I’m talking about me and your time synced up. Okay let’s say for example you took a substance and I was not taking a substance . For me 1 minute goes by, for you within that one minute you experience 1 hour. When we get back to the same Time scheme I feel like my observer is now 1 hour ahead of you and your experiencing what I experienced one hour ago. This is a very rough explanation I don’t fully know how to convey what I’m thinking into words. Some days for ppl go fast some days for ppl go slow , so how do we know by the end of the day we are all synced up at the same time period in the linear progression. 

if anyone gets what I’m saying please chime in 

ps @Leo Gura a time episode I feel like is long overdue 

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@MvrsMeanwhile you can read-

The Order Of Time by Carlo Rovelli, you will get some juice with some extra sweet pulp, just read.

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6 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

so how do we know by the end of the day we are all synced up at the same time period in the linear progression.

By using a third-party, or an external objective observer, like a clock.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Mvrs there is no synching. Think of it spatially instead. One guy walks from A to B and another guy drives from A to B. They both go at different speeds, but they both arrive at B. B is a fixed point in space.

It's the same with time, midnight is a fixed point in time.

Although if you talk to Einstein all this fixed point business goes out of the window.

57% paranoid

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