
Stage Blue Spirituality (New Age = Satan?)

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I have an interesting stage blue Muslim friend that is kind of obsessed about religion.

Some questions he continually likes to ask me inquisitively: xD
Probably because he just does not understand and remember the answers.

-Why are you not following scripture.
-Who is the author of the Koran (God himself is the expected answer)
-If you agree that the author is god, why aren't you following his rules.
-The rules god wrote say you will burn in hell for this.
-Why do you chose to sin.
-So you are a buddist.
-So you are new age.
-Are you pagan.
-What religion are you.
-Why are you not following a religion.
-Islam is the most correct religion, I studied this.
-Its truer than Christianity.
-Islam proved many things before science did.
-Do you think there is only one god. (he is on the 7th heaven)

Its gives quite an insight into the mind of religious stage blue.

To link to your question. I've never found a way to make him question his worldview.

Its not that I crusaded and insisted for him to understand my stuff, in fact I took it as a playful laid back exploration, did not attack anything he ever said, even the most silly stuff. But even if these conditions were in place and I wasn't pushy, nor had Intent to be, or to change him...... When the right conditions that made him question his believes came, protector memes just came online. That is a sin, that is exactly what should not be done, that is unquestionable, that is against gods will.... ect.

And in big part, he was trying to understand, he is quite inquisitive, maybe 70% of the time there was no crusading on his part. It feels to me like I look like an anomaly to him that he likes to understand, but cant let go.

Not sure of how to catalyze a rise in consciousness in another. If they are not willing, its just impossible it seems.

Edited by Yog

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I realize I don't have a profile picture but still... read this it might be interesting.

I have been around a tremendous amount of stage blue people, and have had no choice but to interact with them for extended periods of time.  Engaging in conversation and mostly listening to them.  Stage blue people have often approached me and wanted to have all sorts of talks about their religion etc.  If you have not been around very many stage blue people you may be extremely surprised that these are in fact real people who are actually like this and there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to in any way change them.  You will very likely not be able to convince them of anything. 

It reminds me of learning in school about people from earlier times, let's say peasants living in the feudal age.  You would imagine that if you went back there to talk to them, they would confide in you that they didn't really feel like this identity or believe in their king.  But no, if you went back and met them, they would be almost the exact cliche you have read about, its quite mind blowing.  I have become so fascinated by stage blue people.  There was a time when I thought they felt Christianity and a human like god and the bible and the cross were all known by them to be symbols of something beyond them.  It actually turns out that this is not the case.  Remember I'm only talking about stage blue people, there are Christians that are not stage blue.

The real problem with stage blue as I have been nearly devoured by it over the last couple of years lol, is that it is so close to stage red.  The veneer placed over stage red, stage blue is actually quite brutal.  It's brutal in its vibe, its very hard to be around, an extremely unfree vibe, very sad and painful to be around.  Massive amounts of abuse have come from stage blue and it's flawed approach to trying to be good.  kids are extremely difficult for stage blue, the natural free energy of a child is a threat to them.  The way a child is comes straight from God, but is not quite fit for a pretend idea of a god yet.  It's too free and natural, so stage blue is very abusive and repressive, creating a backlash of generations of people obsessed with demons and horror and all that jazz.... stuff having not much appeal aside from the reaction to stage blue it provides.  

Ya... I could write a book on stage blue.  You basically have to listen to them and thats about it, you can try to slip in some mind expanding comment here and there but it would take decades of turbulent change for them to become a person not painful to be around.

Oh and ya, they do think new age things are the devil.  In fact, there are many things that could help them that they avoid because it is the devil. If something is socially normal enough, they will accept it, such as computers.  They understand very little about psychology and thus can't avoid the mistake about placing so much power in this devil thing that it actually becomes the god they live by, and they then emboid the characteristics the devil was meant to be a metaphor for.  

Stage blue people also often believe in ghosts and demons and things you typically see in western horror movies.  This is because it fills in the gaps and sort of sits as an unofficial companion piece to their religion.


I should add I have met a few pretty cool and nice stage blue people.  Some are really patient and accepting of others.  These people I have highly valued, but they are rare.

Edited by Mulky
thought of more stuff

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  On 10/9/2020 at 5:23 PM, Yog said:

-The rules god wrote say you will burn in hell for this.

Such choices, much freedom, wow love ! xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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  On 10/9/2020 at 5:15 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Gesundheit How do you explain such regression?

Well, first of all, labelling it as "regression" is already a mistake. Because who determines what progress is and what regression is? The model? But that's the thing that we're questioning here.

Second, now that we're clear on point number one, we can't use the model in question for our new possible explanations. And we certainly have to find other models or ways of thinking to see if it makes sense.

Third, I believe this is how people at SD tier two view things, but perhaps much more complicated than just this, so congratulations myself for starting to glimpse that lol.

That being said, I don't know where to go with this, sorry ?

  On 10/9/2020 at 5:15 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:


I think SD isn’t necessarily meant for individual evaluations always.

Yeah, actually there's this other developmental model that Leo talked about recently, it's called the 9 stages of ego development. It focuses on the individual trends, but it's kinda similar to SD in its line of thinking.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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  On 10/9/2020 at 5:25 PM, Mulky said:

I realize I don't have a profile picture but still... read this it might be interesting.

I have been around a tremendous amount of stage blue people, and have had no choice but to interact with them for extended periods of time.  Engaging in conversation and mostly listening to them.  Stage blue people have often approached me and wanted to have all sorts of talks about their religion etc.  If you have not been around very many stage blue people you may be extremely surprised that these are in fact real people who are actually like this and there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to in any way change them.  You will very likely not be able to convince them of anything. 

It reminds me of learning in school about people from earlier times, let's say peasants living in the feudal age.  You would imagine that if you went back there to talk to them, they would confide in you that they didn't really feel like this identity or believe in their king.  But no, if you went back and met them, they would be almost the exact cliche you have read about, its quite mind blowing.  I have become so fascinated by stage blue people.  There was a time when I thought they felt Christianity and a human like god and the bible and the cross were all known by them to be symbols of something beyond them.  It actually turns out that this is not the case.  Remember I'm only talking about stage blue people, there are Christians that are not stage blue.

The real problem with stage blue as I have been nearly devoured by it over the last couple of years lol, is that it is so close to stage red.  The veneer placed over stage red, stage blue is actually quite brutal.  It's brutal in its vibe, its very hard to be around, an extremely unfree vibe, very sad and painful to be around.  Massive amounts of abuse have come from stage blue and it's flawed approach to trying to be good.  kids are extremely difficult for stage blue, the natural free energy of a child is a threat to them.  The way a child is comes straight from God, but is not quite fit for a pretend idea of a god yet.  It's too free and natural, so stage blue is very abusive and repressive, creating a backlash of generations of people obsessed with demons and horror and all that jazz.... stuff having not much appeal aside from the reaction to stage blue it provides.  

Ya... I could write a book on stage blue.  You basically have to listen to them and thats about it, you can try to slip in some mind expanding comment here and there but it would take decades of turbulent change for them to become a person not painful to be around.

Oh and ya, they do think new age things are the devil.  In fact, there are many things that could help them that they avoid because it is the devil. If something is socially normal enough, they will accept it, such as computers.  They understand very little about psychology and thus can't avoid the mistake about placing so much power in this devil thing that it actually becomes the god they live by, and they then emboid the characteristics the devil was meant to be a metaphor for.  

Stage blue people also often believe in ghosts and demons and things you typically see in western horror movies.  This is because it fills in the gaps and sort of sits as an unofficial companion piece to their religion.

I can totally see the validity of their way of being! It's crazy that to me, Blue is the same as Orange and Green, and even Yellow, only in different flavours and levels of complexity. I see them all in the same way, ideologies.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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I can also see their validity, however it can difficult to be immersed in blue culture.

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@Gesundheit you’re right, it’s regression from my biased view point & using SD. Correct. 

And, yes I need to finish watching that series, so it basically a personalised SD? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Jimrubin shush it’s the devil remember ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@acidgoofy not sure that’s a great idea ?

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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This is why I don't talk to my family about psychedelics and spirituality. They are all stage blue catholics and christians, and my mom in particular views things like yoga, meditation, psychedelics, and so on, as vehicles for evil spirits to invade your mind and whatnot.

It's a shame since I'd love to be able to share that side of myself with them, but being realistic I know their minds are not open to it so I always try to steer around the topic.

My cousin once told me that her parents taught her that buddhism was evil, and when I asked her to explain why she had literally no idea, she just believed what she was told and never questioned it.

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@eggopm3 That sums up stage blue in a nutshell basically, believing what authority say, it’ll all be good in the end, it’s what they need ;)

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I'm surprised you guys actually talk to people about this stuff. I normally avoid the topic even when quizzed. Guess I'll have to reconsider.

The main motivation for keeping in line with fundamentalist doctrine is social. The Jehovah's Witnesses have a policy called disfellowshipping, meaning that anyone who misbehaves simply gets kicked out of the community. It leaves sinners in ruins, completely unable to communicate with family and losing all forms of support, yet is completely legal. Since some entire regions of the world are fundamentalist, any sensible person would do their best to conform. (The witch-burning in Christian history is another extreme example.)

In a way it is sad, because it is a lifetime not only wasted in fear, but also creates all the horrors that fear gives rise to. They fear evil taking over their mind, so dedicate their lives to divisive, elitist and fear-based theological insanity. They fear non-truth, so commit feverishly to whatever nonsense they were raised with. They fear brainwashing, unable to see that they already are. They fear devils and so create wars. They fear hell and so create hell on a planet that could otherwise be a utopia of sorts.

But then again, they are having fun with all the drama and will evolve at their own rate. It would only be truly tragic if they were committing to an eternity of low-consciousness, which is of course impossible.

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@No Self Luckily, she’s not sold on the ideology, and she’s very open minded, but it is interesting how these people operate. 

But, yes it is what it is, we can’t do much really, can we? 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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  On 10/9/2020 at 1:47 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:

She said, she has never been “allowed” to do these practices as in Some forms of Christianity it is seen as “Satanic” and basically not following the path of Jesus. 

When I was in my 20's a friend/neighbor asked me about meditation because she knew I was a practicing meditator. She was attending weekly bible classes at the time. A week or so later I saw her again and asked if she given meditation anymore thought. She said she asked her bible teacher about it. They told her meditation was "Satanic" and "it will let the devil in".  She seemed comfortable with that so I just let it go. Haven't seen her since. I wonder how that worked out for her.

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  On 10/9/2020 at 11:43 PM, cetus said:

When I was in my 20's a friend/neighbor asked me about meditation because she knew I was a practicing meditator. She was attending weekly bible classes at the time. A week or so later I saw her again and asked if she given meditation anymore thought. She said she asked her bible teacher about it. They told her meditation was "Satanic" and "it will let the devil in".  She seemed comfortable with that so I just let it go. Haven't seen her since. I wonder how that worked out for her.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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When my Catholic/Religious friends ask me about my views, I tell them I’m as much a Satanist as I am a Christian. Which is true, but really I am a free soul with a free mind. 

Its sad how easily things gets dismissed as the negative side solely because it’s feared and not clearly understood or respected. But when you awaken, you realize that there is only light because there is darkness. So it’s easy to love the story and teachings of Lucifer as much as the ideas from Jesus.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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  On 10/9/2020 at 11:55 PM, cetus said:

@Shin That's one from the archives.

What do you mean ? ???

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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