
Tim Pool

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35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He's just acting out his biases and aligning it with making great money on YT.

Nothing original here.

He's more unhinged than usual here. Something's different.

I suspect he's secretly upset that Trump is going to lose re-election despite him saying otherwise in his "news videos".

If and when Trump loses, he'll have no problem pushing (more) narratives of fraudulent voting and lies about polling.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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All the major right-wingers are going to becoming increasing more unhinged up to the election. And especially after Trump loses.

They will not re-evaluate the wrongness of their positions. Their minds have been rotted by anti-SJW culture war garbage. They will do endless mental gymnastics and play the biggest victims while fearmongering about communists bringing on the end of America.

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Tim Pool is an idiot... "secret voters" it's called the margin of error lmao 

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23 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Tim Pool is an idiot... "secret voters" it's called the margin of error lmao 

Yeah well, if you like Trump, you almost have to be a secret voter because you are the biggest enemy of the mainstream! Especially if you aren't a raving Q-Anonner but you just like Trump, you would keep quiet about your political preferences. If you are a Q-Anonner, you can tell them about it and be a part of that group.

I have a feeling that this community in general grossly over-estimates the level of development of people. Leo has gotten a lot better at understanding how low their level of development is, but I still think he over-estimates it. Almost nobody studies policy! Myself included. I've never really studied any policies. My whole point of engaging in these discussions is to study collective ego behavior, which is my pet project.

I mean, it's a good thing to give people the benefit of the doubt. It is respectful and appropriate, especially when you don't know for sure.

Edited by Parththakkar12

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In the context of SD, those under stage Orange tend to have little capacity for self introspection and personal responsibility. This doesn't emerge in earnest until the one genuinely values personal development in healthy Orange. 

The 35% furthest right on the right-wing spectrum will get more immersed into defending their ideology. That ideology is their self identity and that is compounded with a collective identity of MAGA. Not only will they not introspect - they will see in polarized opposites - anything pointing at self introspection is interpreted as extremely threatening. It is a matter of life or death. Similar to "ego death" during a psychedelic trip, there can be intense resistance, anxiety, fear, anger, insecurity etc. 

If Trump loses, I predict a hyper reactionary response by those 35% on the right wing extreme. I predict the 15% that are center-right might have some capacity for open-ness and introspection with a new change of leadership. Not revolutionary Yellow-level stuff - more like evolving from Blue level polarized categories of extremes toward basic nuanced thinking. In particular, if polarized categories of extremes no longer win, there will be a shift in strategy. I'm starting to see the early signs of this as Fox starts to hedge their bets on the election. They are subtly shifting toward basic nuance as seen by inviting people like Mayor Pete. Most importantly, they are not demonizing him - they are treating him as if he has a view worth at least considering. Corporate right would much rather schmooze with a Mayor Peter than a Bernie or AOC. 

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What about Candace Owens, true believer or just playing her part for some attention, fame, money etc.?

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27 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

What about Candace Owens, true believer or just playing her part for some attention, fame, money etc.?

She is a grifter in it for attention money and fame. 

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Every human on the planet is a true believer in their worldview. So the question is moot.

This notion of people "just grifting" is silly. Grifting involves true belief in your grift.

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