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An Interesting dream I just had

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I just woke up from a dream. I usually don't give much attention to dreams but thought to share this one since it was pretty insightful.

In the dream I was walking by and suddenly an attractive girl walked pass through me. In that instant I thought to approach her but then I didn't. And immediately afterwards I said this phrase:

- "Actually, this is me just being biased towards one form or another. -Me looking at a plastic wrap on the street, 'If I would be *truthful in life, I should give the same importance or unimportance to this plastic wrap (a certain form that is appearing) than to that women (another certain form that appeared). It's just another form".

Note: * This word (truthful) I didn't said it in the dream, but it was like an "attitude" the character of the dream was having that was alluring to truth. Yet the word truth or spirituality or Non-duality wasn't really used at all. 

Then i was walking with my father and a guy appeared on our back and start Fighting us. He was much younger and he started wrestling my father and was hurting her. I remember I joined the fight and I end up beating this guy to death to save my father from dying. At the end I thought "what a mess/disaster". 

But then I woke up from the dream and I realized it the angustia i felt when the guy was attacking my father was totally an illusion since the difference between my father and the guy who attacked us was just held in my imagination, not in the dream. The dream was just One substance of mind with several forms in it! My father never really "happened". Nor a an attacker..nor a fight!

And of course I realized too how true the character was about the plastic wrap vs women insight. Damn! If only THIS world would be just like that! ?? A dumb dream what I will soon wake up from it ??


Edited by Javfly33

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It feels so real isn't it ? ?

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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