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Not expressing myself truly leads to tension

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Hey guys. Another quick one from me as i noticed something profound i my life and maybe you can relate it somehow to your life. 

Sooo lately i've been struggling with tension in my body. It produced anxiety and anger feeling or "feelings" (a thought disguised as a feeling).

Yesterday i promised to myself that the next day i take 100% resposibility for myself. How did i do that? I allowed everything to be. I felt Deep drive and anger and i said "fuck it, let it be and let's take 100% out of it". And wow boy. I went to the gym as always but it wasn't as always. Everytime (or atleast 80% of the time) i feel some kind of anxiety or tension during my training session. This time i allowed myself feel my anger 100% and express it. WOW BOY. I just feel sooo light and good.

And the other thing is i am kinda crazy. I mean i do some stupid faces, talk some crazy shit but i guess that's the way i am and i need to celebrate that. When i stop my inner needs i become tense. This tension produces anxiety, fear and anger. 

I think happiness is when you don't laugh at this video but you sincerely understand it and resonatee with it.

Be your true self. Or atleast strive to it. Godspeed.

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Sorry to but in to your topic, but I think this might be helpful to some people too. 

Thing to note, don't become egocentric prick. 


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Do not hold in emotions, the more you let go of stopping yourself from being your truest self the closer you are to enlightenment. It is just that you will fool yourself on the journey and therefore it will take time to get there. Also work and certain situations need you to hold yourself back to be able to make a living and not get into jail out of some stupid reason. 

When you get closer to the highest states of consciousness your body/mind will do what takes the least mental willpower. Your body will be very relaxed and you will laugh a lot for the smallest things. You won't use your body crazy because it takes mental willpower even if you thought you were being "yourself". When you give in more to your "truest nature" you will use your body/mind carefully.

(this is what I think comes next, I haven't come to this point myself as of yet) Now there there may be something you want to do on this world before you leave it. It will probably manifest itself in the way that you do what is needed in the world. When everyone / everything is completely ecstatic and living life to the fullest then your job is done. You just do what is needed for A - your survival, B - everyones well being. This is what it means to be selfless, there's no gain in it for you because if you want to experience the highest states of being then you just need to let go of all ego and suffering. 

This is normally a very hard task to do for the majority of beings but it is just about learning what is the truest way of living and what is not. There is a lot of what is not. In the end it will be clear because you transcend or loosen the grip on human mind/body. It's the truest experience of living that you have had and that's called Awakening, then in the highest forms Enlightenment. 

Every time you feel lust towards something or crave a feeling or want love or whatever. It is just your body seeking these highest states of being. Which you might one day realise is within you. Is it not true you experience this world only from within? All of the world is created within you, you know the whole story, light reflects into your eyes to your brain... When you know yourself fully you will be in the control of how highly you experience life right now. Every feeling, craving and what not can be experienced and satisfied within you right now. A spiritual seeker seeks unity of everything and wants all pleasantness of which a human can experience. Creates the highest forms of consciousness within their experience of life and lusts to go even deeper to be even more satisfied. Untill Enlightenment happens and you feel completely satisfied and at ease. 

I hope this didn't confuse you. 

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