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Quantum Toad

Dream Awake ~

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Sooner or later we all awaken from the dream and realize the illusion of life and death. Then what? What will you say to the fears, what will you say to the times you took life seriously and limited your full potential and experience? You want to get back on the ride now when its all over? It doesn't work that way love. You chose to be a player of the game and then started to complain and postponed playing somewhere along the line because of the shit that happened to you? So what? Life happens to all of us, its how we respond to what makes the currents of life change. One of the greatest lessons Creation will teach you is that the mirror(universe) will never smile first. Victimhood mentality gets you nowhere, for what you resist, persists. Its Universal Law. And so as you stopped playing, you started aging and merely 'existing' in a dream, in limbo, in the greyness between living and non-living, taking things seriously, trying to be all high, mighty and spiritual, not realizing you couldn't be further from the truth. Trying to be something other than yourself, which only pushed you further into illusion, when there was nothing but you to begin with. Where are you going? What are you trying to achieve? You are already infinitely abundant! perfect, whole and complete as you are. You just do not see it because you are no longer here. You are no longer now. You have wondered elsewhere my dear. But in the Stillness of the Here and Now, mind and illusions eventually fade, and I AM presence, your True Awareness arises, and the whole universe becomes your Eternal playground once again, as you were when you took your first breath into the Dream and yet, not a second has passed since. I remember clearly who and what i am beyond this body/mind and that is pure presence, pure awareness, the experience i am experiencing here and now, stability, ecstasy, bliss, peace... Nothing exists outside of this moment, no tool, substance, ritual, partner, lover, act or behaviour is needed to be who you truly are, for this may all be an illusion, but the experience is very real. I sometimes wonder how can we even forget who and what we truly are, in reality, we only pretend we do because we no longer believe we are worthy. I will tell you one thing dear beloveds, if you were truly not worthy, you wouldn't be here, Period. Creation does not make mistakes.

We are no different you and i, there is no place in existence you can hide from yourself, you cannot escape the Self. There is only Self. Paradoxically, the beings who are at most at peace within themselves today have usually suffered the most deeply because it takes true darkness to embody light. Use that to your advantage when you feel the whole world is crashing on you, know that your purpose is greater, for you are great, brilliant and of grand design. You are Divine in every aspect of the term. Do not settle, never settle. Never stop playing or you miss the point that Creation is ever playing, ever changing. Keep rising, keep flowing with the currents and ebbs of nature, you are eternal and never ending.

Why accept temporary and trade it for Eternal? You are only tired because you are out of alignment with your innermost Truth, with who you truly are, but realize you cannot actually be out of alignment with your true self, but you can make it 'appear' so because you are infinitely powerful and creative, you have the free will to do so and create the illusion that you are not. So Go Crazy! Be Wild! Play as completely as the child, don't just walk here, Dance with Creation, Immerse yourself, entirely.

Enjoy the ride, the play, the dance, the dream, while it lasts because one day you will awaken from it altogether.

Love ~

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Really beautiful ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Quantum Toad lovely


discipline is what brings you back to yourself

discipline yourself and then flex

discipline and then then treat yourself

until the state which is arrived at via discipline is maintained - then each moment you can play. each moment is total. and the next is a blank canvas.

the karma has melted. there's only what you are doing in the moment. total. one.

Love Is The Answer

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