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Tancrede Pouyat

Fulfilling My Life's Purpose

13 posts in this topic

I've been blogging every day on Medium. I noticed that it's basically my journal. So I'll be posting here too. One thing I like to do is play with the formatting, I just wanna warn you before you get all weirded out about it.

Here's today's post :

How To Do Affirmations Without All The Boring That Comes With It
To be clear, that title is a clickbait. You should do at least 2 affirmations per day, 5 minutes per affirmation. And you should ALSO do this.

They’re right here. Just below these words I’m writing. I see them consistently. They remind me. They’re just the easiest thing I’ve ever decided to do in order to change my life.

To be clear, I own a desktop computer, not a laptop. My monitor has thick edges so I can put post-it notes on here pretty easily.

All you gotta do is write them on little post-it notes and post those notes somewhere you see them consistently. Think about them at least once in the morning, and once in the evening. 

And keep them there until you feel like they’ve become realized. After that, write new affirmations on new post-it notes and you’ll be good.

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@Tancrede Pouyat Sounds like an effective affirmation practice. I haven't done any affirmations yet, I do plan on starting. I will use your advice :) Thanks for posting about it.

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Taking Responsibility To The Next Level

When we first learn about Taking 100% Responsibility for our entire life, it’s natural for us to go to the following place :

My environment doesn’t matter, I’m gonna do it on my own.

So we individualize ourselves, we become self-reliant. We become independent.

And that’s awesome. 

We start growing ourselves, becoming more proactive, making things happen, gaining confidence in ourselves, building self-esteem, getting a sense of achievement in our life...

But there’s another level.

Taking Responsibility for our Environment !

That’s right. Voluntarily changing our environment in order to achieve what we want. Becoming interdependent.

We re-care about our environment. Except that we don’t see it as something static that doesn’t affect us. We see it as something that grows with us, something that grows for us, and something that we help grow.

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How The French Language Can Help You Understand The Human Mating Dance

Hint : It’s not what you think

“A determiner (also called determinative) is a word, phrase, or affix that occurs together with a noun or noun phrase and serves to express the reference of that noun or noun phrase in the context” — Wikipedia

In French, nouns have genres. In German, they have three genres. And I think Finnish has 5.

I like to look at the 2 french genres and say that they’re the two genders.

Masculine. And Feminine.

We haven’t logically and rationally thought through the whole thing before having assigned a gender to a noun. We just kinda slapped a gender because we felt like it.

There’s something more primitive going on here. Just like the human mating dance.

If we take a look at the genders of the nouns in the lexical field of the human mating dance, we have some deep realizations.

Pursuit is feminine.
Date is masculine.
Relationship is feminine.
Sex is masculine.
Neediness is feminine.
Mystery is masculine.
Niceness is feminine.
Status is masculine.
Submission is feminine.
Purpose is masculine.


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Law Of Attraction

“What you focus on expands” — Dan Sullivan

When I discovered self-help, it was through a YouTube channel. There were tons and tons of free videos just right there, teaching me all kinds of stuff about life.

It was pretty cool except I didn’t really take any form of action. None at all. I just used these videos as a sort of Inspirational Kool-Aid.

It was useful for me. I needed it because I was in a pretty dark place in my life.

And then, sure enough, I started taking action, seeing bigger results, setting bigger goals, making bigger changes, doing bigger self-help.

“What you focus on expands” — Dan Sullivan

If you feel bad about doing too much mental masturbation. If you feel like you’re not really doing self-improvement. If you feel bad when you think about telling the people around you about personal development.

Just don’t.

Keep focusing on Self-Actualization. It’ll grow bigger.

Law Of Attraction takes time to work. And it only works for things you have control over.

But it’ll work for sure.

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What To Do When You Don’t Get The Results You Deserve !!!

You learned about it. You got all fired up about it. You were excited. It was really the thing you should have been doing all along.

But now, it doesn’t work. And, you know what, there’s this other thing more important over there, I’m gonna do that instead. I can’t be doing this first thing unless I’ve done this second one.

This whole approach doesn’t work, does it ? It just doesn’t. You’re not making progress, here. You’re just not.

And you probably know what you should do. Yet, you don’t do it.

So, what’s going on here ? I’m gonna help ya out is what’s going on.

I tell this story in such details because that’s exactly what happened to me. And, guess what, I figured it out, and I’ve built a system that guarantees results.

Here’s the only theory that you need here :

Stick with it long enough and you’ll get all of your results exponentially, not linearly.

For example, a business is a system that you build, you grow, and that throws off value over time. In exchange for the value it creates, it gets money. And then you can take part of that income for yourself.

But, see, you have to build and grow the system before making money. As a business owner, you have to be fully dis-identified from your business. You are not your business.

Just like that thing that you’re trying to accomplish, you need to see it that way. Look at it in terms of it, not in terms of you.

Build it, grow it, and then you’ll be able to harvest all of its fruits.

Here are four practices to help you implement this in your life :

1. Spend some time every week thinking about the future, what you want it to look like. Maybe write it down in a journal, or even share it with like-minded people ! You can find great forums out there.

2. Do tons of research. Learn as much as possible about what you're trying to accomplish.

3. Take Fucking Action. Keep working toward your dreams. They're not just gonna turn real by themselves. You're gonna make them real. Be a Creator in your life ! It's one of the most rewarding things you can do, so be happy about that ! Quit your bad habits, and implement good ones. Spend 3 months working on quitting 1 bad habit and implementing 1 good habit, and then move on to the next ones.

4. Have FUN ! Seriously ! That stick you have up your ass, TAKE IT OFF ! Be a little more detached in your life, nothing is going to kill you.
Edited by Tancrede Pouyat

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How does it sound like when you go deep ?

One thing’s for sure : you can’t write that down.

How does it feel like when you go deep ?

One thing’s for sure : you can’t write that down.

      Most people dismiss direct experience as a valid way of arriving to Truth.

They say it’s groundless.

Yet that claim, is it grounded in direct experience ? Is it backed by any real proof ?

“I know that I know nothing” — Socrates.

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I don’t know why but this word came up.


Dear Sir, please pause your reading and think about what this word (composure) means to you.

In my college, when you start your 2nd and your 3rd year, you come in to school 3 weeks before courses start, you group up with 2 other students (I partnered with the only 2 girls in my class), and you do a mini-project with them.

Yesterday, I got in to school, I partnered with the 2 girls, and we settled on a project. The professor asked us to present the project to him this morning.

He said it was too light.

Not enough workload.

Just too easy.

So we changed the project. And the workload is much bigger. And it’s so different from what we had settled on yesterday.

It’s funny how composed the three of us were. Completely calm and peaceful. Very basic.

That’s what Composure means to me.

      Having a giant just appear right in front of you and still being calm.

A lot of people like to challenge their comfort zones in little ways.

Going to a Starbucks. Lying on the floor and making weird moves with your body. Then just leaving…

Deliberately picking in your wallet to give the exact amount of change, but doing it soooooo fuckiiiiiiing slooooowwwwly, just to make the waiting in line longer…

All of those are extremely useful practices to developing Composure and other valuable attributes. Have fun with them, it’s all harmless. Only good can happen to you.

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Sometimes, I just don’t want to do it.

I just don’t have the motivation.

But I just kinda push myself and do it anyways.

I really love those days because it’s when I create my best stuff.

It’s the stuff most people don’t like about themselves.

It’s the stuff where I don’t think too much about how I’m doing.

It’s when I stop following the rules. It’s when I eat chocolate.

I have the motivation to do it, but I don’t have the motivation to follow the rules.

It’s when I edit, and then de-edit the most.

HAve peace my frieeeeeenndddsss.

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What Are The Outcomes That They Want ?

Whatever you’re doing involves other people.

We’re wired to want outcomes. Those ‘other people’ want outcomes.

We evolved to get up in the morning and want to have food and shelter.

What’s great about human beings is that we can learn. We can grow. We can morph. We can change. We can create an entire artificial society all rigged to amuse our ego. We can take chimpery to the next level.



Same rhythm.

The thing is, if you want to get something from somebody, you need to give them something first. GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT !

Eben Pagan once did an experiment : he gave away more of his stuff while launching a product, and it was the most successful launch he had ever done !


Ryan Levesque created what he calls “The ASK Method”, which is basically a whole thing where you ask prospects what they want, and then give it to them. That thing has been growing businesses like FUCK ! It’s ridiculous.

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How NOT to be dragged down by the people around you

It’s not what you think.

Most people in society are negative.

They just are. They are. They really are.

And it sucks, doesn’t it ?

It really does. It does. It absolutely does.

I like to be positive, to be happy. To smile. To have fun. To laugh. To be optimistic.

Who doesn’t really ?

No one. No one will ever tell you "I want to be miserable". It just can't happen.


If you look for advice around this topic, all you’re gonna find is : Surround Yourself With Great People.

With superstars. People who want to go up in life, and who expect you to go up in life. People whose advice you can trust, even if you don’t like the advice itself. You trust THEM.

And it’s good advice. But most of us can’t just have that instantaneously. Because we have to be Superstars ourselves first.

And that can be hard at first. Especially if we’re still surrounded by mediocre people.

So what to do ?
Simple. Realize the following :

It’s A Character Trait.

People either are positive. Or they aren’t.

Which means that either you’re positive, or you’re not.

If you let yourself be negative, that’s fine. But just realize that you could be positive that easily.

I always like to say that : What’s easy not to do is also really easy to do.

That helps me a lot in doing the right things.

Here’s a little How-To for you.
If you ever find yourself being negative when you want to be positive, I recommend that you write down the date and time on a little notepad you carry around with you. This tracking will help you realize just how negative you are.

Do the same thing for when you’re positive when the situation typically prompts you to be negative. And see just how positive you are.

Over time, you’re gonna build awareness around this area of your life. And you’ll see that you’re going to be more positive. And this until you become fully positive.

What to do first.
Go get a notepad right now ! It’s so critical for you !


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Taking F*CKING Responsibility

I know it’s old school stuff. But, DAMN IT !

You need to take fucking responsibility !!!!

One of the character traits of the most successful people in the world is Rapid Speed Of Implementation. And it’s simple : as soon as they have an idea, they really quickly take action on it. 

That can only happen if you take responsibility.

Another character trait that they have is that, whenever they’re faced with an obstacle (or a problem, or an issue, or any kind of weird shit you complain about), they simply ask themselves “HOW ?”.

That can only happen if you take responsibility.


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