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World progress is not speeding up at an incalculable rate.

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If you:

1. Isolate the key areas of potential human change concerning human existence

2. Focus on adding and subtracting your actions accordingly, where you add time and energy to those key areas and reduce time energy away from those areas that don't facilitate 

3. Focus on understanding reality at the core level as much as possible combined with building models on the main areas

4. Remove all brainwashing, trauma, etc and restore yourself to an equilibrium of being

5. Only interact with existence in a way that is designed to improve your intelligence, whether bodily intelligence, emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence (and whatever else is particularly relevant)

You won't find it difficult to keep track of events moreover, you'll always be spotting new patterns in existence to add to your models of what's happening

You just need the right big picture formula, and I've partially provided it the rest you can improve yourself as needed

The problem is not that the world is speeding up beyond our capabilities of prediction, it's more that it has speed up beyond our current ways of conceiving of the world. 

People who are good at big picture thinking, model building, habit breaking and building, removing limiting beliefs, take a long term approach will have an inordinately greater advantage than those persons that are not aware of the potential doors they could open to help them adapt in the ways they need to adapt. 

Don't believe the mainstream, culture is a Trojan horse, it speaks to the average person. There's no need to be average in the modern world, yes we're all "average" relative to the larger cosmos I just mean with all the tools that are available to us to learn about and take action in this existence in a manner in which best serves our development.

Speed is relative.

If you're on a stallion you've tamed (i.e. with the right mindsets like the above) speeding around a race track its moving much slower compared to if you're just sitting down not expecting the horse to run right past you. Even slower when you take a zoomed out look at the race around the track. But if people are watching the wrong race or the jockey is wearing the wrong saddle and has learned the wrong techniques to ride the horse, well that's when the world is doing things we're not expecting.

Rise this horse of change into the future with insightful eyes, don't believe the lies.

Don't believe anything, integrate everything.

Edited by Origins

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