
Is there any reason to be good in life? Any reason to love and have a purpose?

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I have had some amazing awakenings to love,

However I still feel like I am interrupting something wrong.

Intuitively I believe I should do my part in making the world a better place. I should be nice to people and work on my life purpose.

But I have this darkness that says there is no point if this is illusory.

Then I have a counter point: Like Neem Karoli Baba says " All One" , possibly meaning that God Consciousness / Love, and life are all one thing. Should I do good for my Karma / make the world better for others and reincarnations. 

What is the point in being good in life? It feels bad to dis engage and fuck off in life. But I have a hard time engaging when I can't see the reason to do good. Should I just do it for goodness' sake itself? 

Are people even real? I got glimpses that we are all one. Are other people as real as me and why should I try to help and improve peoples lives.? (Please note I currently do do this, I'm just feeling a bit stuck right now. ) 

Thanks very much,

TLDR: Why bother loving and engaging in life ? 




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This is a really nice topic!

I love these questions because I asked myself them too.

These are the replies I can give it to you according to my actual degree of spiritual development.

I hope they'll help you :)

So, let's reply to your questions:


"What is the point in being good in life? It feels bad to dis engage and fuck off in life. But I have a hard time engaging when I can't see the reason to do good. Should I just do it for goodness' sake itself?"

Rephrase it with: "Do I want to be good just for goodness' sake itself?" instead.

There is no reason to be good or bad.

Good and bad are (as you intend them) relative and not absolute concepts.

What seems good to me may seem bad for you and viceversa.

Being "good" is not something you are. You'll do good as a result of your spiritual development.

The more you evolve yourself and increase your awareness, knowledge and spiritual development, the more you'll be authentic and closer to the Source.

You'll remove along the way your negative thought and behavior patterns, self-deceptions and false believes and live a more authentic and passionate life.

What's left are things like empathy, goodness, authenticity, selflessness, respect, love and such.

But especially because at the end nothing matters and because "you" are "alive", you have the choice between choosing to do "good" for yourself and for others and slacking off or doing "negative" stuff.


"Intuitively I believe I should do my part in making the world a better place. I should be nice to people and work on my life purpose."

If you feel it and you want to do it, do it.

You have to understand that noone will dictate how to live properly.

You are your own authority and you can decide between living heavenly or bringing hell.

Leo did some videos about the topic I suggest you to watch.

I'll link them here (the first one has the most priority to you atm, because it tackles many things about "What should I do, if everything is illusory" and how to balance enlightenment with a life purpose):




"Are people even real? I got glimpses that we are all one. Are other people as real as me and why should I try to help and improve peoples lives.?"

You're right.

All is one.

It's one thing perceiving itself in many different forms.

Everything is illusory.

But as I said, expecially because everything is illusory and nothing matters, you can treat everything as an enormous Legoland park, where you can experiment and do all what you want.

So, What do you really want?

What do you think it's best to you and to humanity?

How do you want to live your life?

What kind of changes do you want to bring?

How do you want to leave other people after you'll die?

How do you want to be remembered?

Hope it helps!

P.S. on a higher level, all is Love, so you cannot do anything else than love :) The entire creation is an act of Love. I still not have experienced it directly, but only conceptually. Leo talks about that in depth in at least 3 videos of him.

Edited by Vittorio
Wanted to add something

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I still want to add, that Leo talks about LP and enlightenment in many other of his videos.

If you want, you can follow this thread too, where they are talking about this:


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There are practical reasons why being 'good' is in one's self-interest, but do not assume that failing to engage is 'bad'. Humanity's biggest problem is a lack of consciousness (this is, for example, why all of our attempts at political and economic systems have ultimately failed or are in the process of failing). Improving your consciousness is a valid contribution in itself, and can lead naturally to contributing as per your highest calling.

The best practical reason for being 'good' comes from near-death studies. After death there's a thing called a Life Review in which the entire lifetime is re-lived briefly but in detail, but from the perspective of other beings affected by your actions. In addition to having to experience harm caused to others, the particular afterlife and any future lifetimes will be affected by the level of love and compassion displayed in this lifetime.

This is not a judgement per se but is a similar outcome. It puts a lot of Jesus' teachings about loving one's enemies into perspective, and exposes how flawed Western society's idea about winning at all cost is in the bigger picture.

That said, again, there is nothing wrong with being detached or alone. It is merely a cosmic argument about the natural consequences of causing harm to others.

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For me it's the wrong question (maybe its because I'm a bit beyond that now). Think very deeply about this.

Okay so you're alive, you've got this consciousness with x amount of capacity to compute the environment based on its present experiences of it (if those experiences are limited recommendation is to expand them - I won't make assumptions you could be 13 years old for all I know where you'e just broken out of Juvenile prison), now, what return on investment (ROI) do you want on this life?

Everything you equate as "purpose" has ROI, even if it's totally selfless you're still getting something from that selflessness, whether its the acknowledgement that its right, true, honest, or whatever the justification happens to be. Your determined "purpose" will evolve overtime, what's most important to me is, is it authentic to you on as deep of a level as possible that you personally resonate with? It doesn't even need to feel meaningful, you could be a die hard nihilist, it just needs to be true to you.

Think long term, heck run different thought experiments in your mind about your age. Let's say you've got 4 scenarios: 1 year left, 50 years left, 100 years left and 500 years left. With your answer being shared just with yourself, what kind of ideas do you get for this ROI? So yeah, it's just ROI. Other than that its mostly just people playing nonsense games within and between one another from politics to religion to culture expressed via at least one modality like social media technologies, or maybe you're one of the few that are just sitting all of that out on a mat meditating with the is-ness of existence. There's other options as well but I like that contrast, heck maybe you're a soldier that'll get blown to pieces who's parents from one culture will honour, mourn and celebrate him/her or from another culture you're ridiculed, shamed and defamed after your death because either maybe no one ever liked you or maybe you were captured and converted into something culture has termed as "terrorist".

Pick your game, know the price. That's the essence.

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6 hours ago, Stephen said:

I have had some amazing awakenings to love,

However I still feel like I am interrupting something wrong.

Intuitively I believe I should do my part in making the world a better place. I should be nice to people and work on my life purpose.

But I have this darkness that says there is no point if this is illusory.

Then I have a counter point: Like Neem Karoli Baba says " All One" , possibly meaning that God Consciousness / Love, and life are all one thing. Should I do good for my Karma / make the world better for others and reincarnations. 

What is the point in being good in life? It feels bad to dis engage and fuck off in life. But I have a hard time engaging when I can't see the reason to do good.     Should I just do it for goodness' sake itself? 

Are people even real? I got glimpses that we are all one. Are other people as real as me and why should I try to help and improve peoples lives.? (Please note I currently do do this, I'm just feeling a bit stuck right now. ) 

Thanks very much,

TLDR: Why bother loving and engaging in life ? 

Meaning for ‘things’ arises in humans, and as such ‘things’ should do what ‘things’ should do, relative to the meaning, and the human the meaning arose in. 

No ‘thing’, and by that I mean to say no person, object, or experience, will ever be as Good, as Goodness is, Good.

Which is not a problem at all, for no thing.

No thing can compare no thing to a thing, but misses that it is, no thing, and all apparent things. 



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All is illusory and empty. Yes.

At the same time, reality manifests in the way that it does.

You are not awake until you commit yourself fully to helping to contribute to the awakening of all of the universe.

If all is one, and you have just liberated yourself...yes, you are liberated...but there are still billions of life-forms (that are part of you) that are not liberated yet. Therefore, your work has just begun.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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@Stephen I mean if it’s something you enjoy why not do it. Why wait for the universe to tell you it’s ok?  

I get what you mean the universe is one and it’s all of us fundamentally, but that realization is not saying you can’t enjoy doing good as you see it. You could spend the rest of your life in your head thinking about the realization and if it means you should do this or do that or not this or not that or you can just go live now and do you so to say.  

And if that falls into some universal defined way, then so be it, how could it be otherwise?  You think you could act in a way the universe didn’t intend or allow?  That would be like saying the universe created a way that can’t happen yet does happen.  Or that it created a way not to happen, that when it does happen it will displease it and it will then blame that which it created and allowed to act as its able to or not able to?

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Biologically and evolution-wise  being good actually works in the favor of humanity. Less destruction. 

But it's a choice which is a good choice. nevertheless a Choice. 

Now even if it wasn't biologically important, it is still spiritually important, as you transcend spiritually, you feel the yearning to do good in the world. 

This does not mean that not engaging it is bad per se. 

It is definitely not useless but in your life it could be either important or redundant. 

For example an environment saving project. 

I might want to donate to it. Donating to it is definitely not useless because it will help the cause. 

But it could be either important or worthwhile to me or redundant.. I might want to do it out of personal passion or think it's a waste of my money. I can swing the pendulum either way. 

What I mean here is that, in the absolute sense it's definitely useful and worthwhile. 

But in a personal sense, it's totally relative, it's not my liability, I can place great significance on it or not think about it at all 

We don't do good in the world because of a "why to do it" but because we know that good will lead to some benefit to either someone or everyone. 

In the same breath you could ask "why shouldn't I just destroy this world, what's the purpose to allow it?" 

There is no answer to this question. See the dilemma? 

The only possible answer is "good faith."

We do things out of good faith. Now to engage in good faith or not to engage in good faith is a matter of personal choice. 

We do some things for our survival. But out of good faith we do other things that don't add much to our survival in the present moment 

But we  still do it out of good faith. 

You give a cookie to your friend out of good faith, even though it adds nothing to your survival 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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This is such a good question.

We are connected. So raising consciousness is not just for the good of an individual but for the good of others too. I often have the feeling that if it's just for myself, I easily slip back into my old pattern. But if I'm in a community, such as this forum and other communities of my own, I feel a lot more fulfilling when I share my progress, my growth, and see other people grow. There's no longer a question of "should I be good?" I just be. It's a wonderful flow to ride. 

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11 hours ago, Stephen said:

Why bother loving and engaging in life ?

Because it feels good.

unborn Truth

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