
Effects Of Porn : Why You Should Get Rid Of It!

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often times people, while eating and pleasuring themselves in general, they visualize something different than what is truly there. The problem begins partially during doing it ritually, which is a mindful practice. But when you do it habitually, it is no longer a mindful thing. You should become as logical with yourself as possible when you masturbate. To the extent that you use your imagination to conjure a women, you should focus on the reality of your hand and things in general just as much. Instead of considering what it feels "like" consider what it is and ignore the urge to visualize. You should be brutally honest (which is not brutal but rather impartial). Basically, Focus on the reality of things to the degree you desire to imagine what it obviously isn't. It may bring suffering at first, but suffering is only a temptation to make things bigger than they are. It is as simple as stopping and realizing that to masturbate makes things more complex than it is. You could as easily curb the craving and ease the suffering without it by eating ice cream and taking a semi cold shower, combing your hair or taking extra care of your face. Basically all the things you imagine women are doing when they aren't having sex. You may notice your appearance seems more presentable, your are happier and pleased with less instead of requiring much, and you will focus on those things that make you appear more orderly and mature. You'll be like a mature man who is masculine yet self-controlled.

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Just thought I'd give my input.

I was pretty neurotic about getting rid of porn and stuff in the past, YET I still found myself relapsing. And it was difficult. 

HOWEVER, now I don't even stop myself from porn if I want it, YET I use it way less often now.

Try the counter-intuitive way. Instead of trying to resist your porn cravings, accept it. Accept it to the point where you don't attack NOR do you defend it. Literally just accept for what it is. 

THEN go work on your life purpose.

You don't get over porn by fighting it. You get over porn because your busy doing productive, meaningful things, You get over porn, because you just aren't thinking too much about it. Don't beat yourself up, don't demonize, don't judge, don't have any beliefs. Being neurotic about your porn use is its own problem (I would argue that it's a BIGGER problem). Just work on being authentic. 



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