
Effects Of Porn : Why You Should Get Rid Of It!

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Porn warp's ones sexuality

Give it up before you end up hating Women is my advice ,  most women are not sexed crazed bitches they are in fact tender sensitive human beings.

Porn reduces women to jack off item's instead of the loving giving beings they actually are. 

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It is only porn or fapping in general ?

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Question: Is it a better alternative to fap without porn. For example: just sitting and fantasizing or looking at pictures/playboy or any other alternative methods? Or should my goal be to ultimately eliminate porn and fapping completely?

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 Masturbation is not a bad thing in of itself , over doing it like anything else is the problem.
Maybe switch to soft porn at first then try fantasying more along those lines.
You need to become horny for a real live woman , not porn stars in triplicate.

You need to want to meet a girl who is normal and within your reach , an average person or one much like yourself.

Edited by Beam

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1 fap (without porn) before going to bed every day is over doing it or not ? ^^

Edited by Flo

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that's not unusual for a young guy at all , its pretty normal fap

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I want to know if it's healthy or too much (it's not because it's normal that's it's necessarily healthy), thanks for the answer anyway :)

Edited by Flo

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I'm no sex therapist , I just know guys and girls both do it , its not a bad thing ,  being preoccupied  doing it excessively is not going do much for a person social life or happiness.

You may well be in the habit of it more then you actual need the release ,  try and figure that out

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Demonizing porn has become popular.

One can use porn responsibly, just like anything else.

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@Leo Gura Yeah but everyone's ego can still use advice like that to rationalize abuse which is far more common. That kind of advice isn't very helpful to the majority.

Still, I agree demonizing is something one should be weary of.

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@Extreme Z7 Which is why we try to work on the ego itself. Cause otherwise one abuse will just be replaced another.

I see a lot of nofap guys whose minds are now filled with the ideology of: YOU SHOULDN'T DO PORN EVAR!

I find porn preferable to wasting years chasing sex or getting into a relationship that wastes 1000s of hours of your life, just because you want to bust some nuts.

If one can authentically outgrow the need for sexual release, that's great, but it has to be done through inner work, not merely through JUST SAY NO sort of tactics. The sex drive is way too powerful for that. It's not like kicking a drug, which you have no natural drive for.

My only beef with nofap is that I think a lot of people might be doing it in a way that denies their sex drive. And then it goes into neurotic Catholic guilt-trip territory, where you have to forcefully deny yourself, and beat yourself up.

Of course if you're watching porn x3 a day, then you'll want to stop that. But I don't see much problem with a couple days a week of porn/fap.

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Everyone's advice is golden its important to look at it from all angles to figure out wtf to do.

I am know to watch  solo porn on occasion a girl and herself , I found it useful to keep it simple and boring. Its not very addicting this way guys.

Its your minds you get to choose what you let enter it and what you don't.


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I would suggest a pussy prowl would be more rewarding.  Try going hands off say until you ask someone on a date.  Let your abstinence work to your benefit not detriment.
Been there done that ( didn't buy the tee shirt )

Participate in activities what ever is possible everything within reach , smiles help your going to have to put on the charm , seriously as effort equals results.


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@Leo Gura I definitely don't think we should demonise others, but I also I do think we all can control our sexual urges, with practice. From my experience from masturbating 3 times a day, now I don't find any problem going for weeks on end with out porn. 

The demonising aspect of no fap in my opinion is the perfectionistic baby of a tightly set belief that porn is bad. I think fuck that, saying completely No to porn is not the answer, however with practice and slowly pushing yourself you will develop the control to manage cravings and gain control over your sexual urges but you can't do that when your wanking a couple times a week. You need experience pushing through the cravings gradually.

Also (I don't know this personally) but from what I've heard a lot of people say that after a long time with no fap you don't even get the cravings or urges anymore, your sexual performance increases a lot, and your ability to connect with others is heightened aswell. They still have sex but they don't feel the need to masturbate and their quality of life is balanced and much better. But that's after a lot of experience.

[Edit: and to add onto managing your cravings; pushing your potential forces guys to fix their lifestyle and thoughts. So its kind of a double sides coin. On one side you can authentically grow out the addiction through inner work and on the other you can handle the addiction which forces you to develop the aspects of your life around it that cause you to depend on sexual cravings. But gradually!. the guys who want to quit for life straight away are the ones who bash themselves and have a perfectionist attitude to no fap.. I condone practice and gradually abstaining for longer and longer periods without porn and fixing the areas of your life that cause you depend on sex and encounter feelings of escapism. I don't think that's bad. ]


Edited by LifeLife

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19 hours ago, Wormon Blatburm said:

@Sick Boy

"I also suffer some social anxiey due to bulliying in my childhood, and I notice that when I'm more anxious in general, my social anxiety also grows up."

If you think you have social anxiety I recommand checking out the guys at socialanxietyinstitute 

Thanks for the recommendation. I have improved a lot in this department on my own, I consider to have only mild social anxiety at this moment, and it comes in waves. Picking up girls regularly have helped me a lot.

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Extreme Z7 Of course if you're watching porn x3 a day, then you'll want to stop that. But I don't see much problem with a couple days a week of porn/fap.

I had 4 girlfriends, and I stopped to being attracted to them when a year passed.

I watched porn once a day, sometimes even more, and I noticed how my fetishes were constantly scalating and changing.

Of course you will not be as attracted to your partner like in the first months but if you stop to have erections when you are perfectly healthy there is a problem involved. Maybe is not only porn's fault, but I suspect it has got a lot to do with it.

If you manage to use porn only 2 times per week, it is probably ok. But if you can't control yourself, better go cold turkey. Try to ask an alcoholic to drink only 2 times a week... Better dron't drink at all.

Of course, I find masturbation without porn totally healthy.


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@PetarKa Well the ideal is to quit porn entirely. Some people continue to masturbate and just quit porn, each to their own.  The nofap forums and pages refer to quitting porn and masturbation entirely as "hardcore mode, which includes not fantasising, not looking at any pictures that might tempt you, not masturbating and not looking at porn. And then there's normal mode which is just quitting porn. My advice, if your just starting, probably just try to remove porn at your own pace that suits you but if you want to experience the full reboot effects eventually I advice going to the hardcore mode - but it takes some experience with saying no to your addiction to completely conquer it. Keep doing what your doing, watch some videos on the topic and youll get a general idea. There's a lot of videos and forums on this topic. Just type in no fap in google or youtube and youll be sweet ;)

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I'm not sure if this would work with porn but it helped with other things. Simply stop using so much imagination and acting as though the sensations you feel are the real thing you see. Stop imagining as though something is what it isn't and pay attention to the facts.

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