
Can these be core values? I don't see them commonly mentioned anywhere.

23 posts in this topic

  • Arete (to be the most one can be) 
  • Responsibility (taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens)
  • Flow (the concept by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) 
  • Execution (less theory, more application) 

Can these be core values? 


Also, how can I best identify my toxic/negative values and get rid of them? 

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There are articles that talk about core values, but mention negative values such as comfort, certainty, attractiveness, wealth, pleasure, etc. 


What's everyone's thoughts on this? Are their views on core values distorted? 

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22 hours ago, preventingdiabetes said:
  • Arete (to be the most one can be) 
  • Responsibility (taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens)
  • Flow (the concept by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) 
  • Execution (less theory, more application) 

Can these be core values? 


Also, how can I best identify my toxic/negative values and get rid of them? 

Why not? :)

Leo's LP course explains in depth the importance of values.

It helps you by giving you a set of positive values you can base your life upon and help you finding your own personal values.

Always to stay in topic, I highly suggest you to watch this video:

This will help you giving more insights about values and new perspective about things you never thought about :)

Edited by Vittorio

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Values these days are becoming insecurities - 100% RESPONSIBILITY!

I mean whenever someone can't align with reality, especially in relation to a core value we have to take a step back and just observe ourselves from third person a bit. 

Firstly, you can really only apply that to yourself, secondly its more a goal than a value, aiming to just be as responsible as possible. 

Sometimes, at least in this case, I recommend taking a step back from culture and observing it from a distance before you let it infect your mind. Leo fell for this value to feed to this audience as well, for me what's going to be better for you long term is just trying to be as accurate a possible in relation to your values. Reality values accuracy. Was I meant to give him $5 back or $10 back? That becomes an even bigger deal the more 0's we add to that, "oh well I'll just take responsibility no matter what". Aim to just be as responsible as you can, that'll be enough, and accuracy is all you can do to aid the situation there, no point beating yourself up if you tried your best, all you can do now is be responsible when it comes to learning from the experience, which means only doing what's necessary there, learning from the situation doesn't at all have to involve criticising yourself. 

Let's say a mouse is learning the route to a maze that at the end takes him to a piece of cheese, the goal, every time he criticises himself he releases stress hormones, every time he's just prudently reflecting on the paths he took as best as he could to ensure he doesn't go down the wrong area and he just trusts his learning process, he releases more positive chemicals.

We've got so many subtle, subtle things wrong when it comes to our values in culture, so striving for accuracy, only to the best of your ability, will provide you with unique values that separate you from the sheep beating themselves up half way through the maze.

See the cultural maze from above wherever possible. It's difficult, our bodies take the longest to become enlightened, for example, I had a stress response today in relation to my father asking for help because we always get into arguments and I even gave him money last time to sort out the problem himself but he decided to ask me at a time in which he had a close friend with him thinking in the back of his mind he could leverage that against me on the same situation I gave him money for a few weeks ago. It didn't work, but I still internally went through the feelings of anger and more. I can't be 100% responsible in this situation, if I was I'd never have the feelings, but I can aim to be as 100% responsible as I can and that will improve my brains learning in relation to my feelings. Which means effectively processing what comes up not rejecting anything. My emotions are informing me that a personal boundary is potentially being violated, so they're doing the right thing in a lot of ways actually, while at the same time I still need to ensure that I effectively process the emotions and the situation to ensure minimal damage in the situation. And I did that. Now I move on, reflect on the situation more to encode new memories regarding the situation and when it comes up again my brain will travel down that maze a little more effectively. That's true responsibility on my end, and that's all I can do, I can't control what my father will do, what his friend will do or what problems come up in my fathers life nor always be sure as to whether or not that mode of action is always going to be the best, you have to just be adaptable to the circumstances as they arise. This is where adaptability conflicts and merges with personal values at the same time, the mediator here is responsibility and its utility is accuracy (100% responsibility and the like, honestly, that's if you're a sheep/insecure - its only a good starting position if any other starting position you have is bad).

What is a value?

A value is simply the relationship between emotional and cognitive content designed to instruct meaningful action in the world relative to ones understanding, ideally ones highest understanding.

That should be how you approach this.

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How to identify toxic values?

A good way is a simple thought experiment that could be termed something like the "Right World Simulation". Assuming you're aiming to create the right world relative to your own subjective experience of it, one thing you can do is imagine plugging all your present behaviours into a character within a video game called Life Synonymous (i.e. The Sims) which is isomorphic to the conditions present and who's character looks exactly like you and is responsible for all the things you're responsible for along with the same desires, etc all the behaviours. Now imagine this game in your mind as a simulation and observe all the things you now do as this character. Assuming the character is behaving as you would or might likely (which could be a number of possible behaviours) observe all of the things your character does "right/healthy" and all the things it does "toxic/unhealthy". With you now in the position of architect instead of just the mere subjective experience of being you, play your role as the architect by brainstorming down all these things into separate columns or even from a mind-mapping point of view, whatever best serves the best way you learn. 

The second aspect involves contemplating all of these toxic and healthy behaviours and thinking up ways in which you could move away from the toxic and transition into the more healthy and even thinking about how you could condense the healthy enough that you may even imagine a higher level for yourself to move towards through a process of recombination.

This second aspect is really important when it comes to utilising your brain to take the next step in creativity and consolidation, the latter being the recoding of memories that result from the learning you've now undergone by doing this exercise. This whole process is analogous to the mouse learning the maze as noted above, in the mouses case its brain is learning via trial and error and updating its map as it goes along, you're doing exactly the same thing just at a higher level of abstraction and subtlety as well as your movement being more the traversing and learning--->adaptation of an inward maze and the mouse an outward maze.

Edited by Origins

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For me an even better game is Universe Synonymous.

That way I get a much more multi-layered picture going, this takes so much more nuance though because you need to take into consideration how your behaviours originated from collectively a historical, cultural, evolutionary, childhood rearing and general social context, just to name a few. 

Life synonymous, where you're more self centric, is still going to be useful, its just a more micro picture of things, which for me would be a subset of Universe Synonymous.

In Universe Synonymous its much easier for me to see not only how I relate to my own behaviours, my environment, goals, purpose but all of life around the entire planet, its sea of both knowledge, change and digression.

There's also a chance to spot not only healthy vs toxic behaviours from an individual to collective sense but from a collective sense in general and the role that I play there (thus collective to individual), moreover, the permanent realisation that among many other forms, this is actually just the behaviour of Earth. This is what is totally under-represented and what I've never heard anyone speak about, everything that happens on Earth is just the behaviour of Earth if its true that all of life on Earth originated form Earth, rather than say it being the behaviour of any individual, then from there its the behaviour of our solar system and so on and so fourth. We act with higher character in the micro relative to best learning but we develop the best kind of learning from the highest perspectives, or just the ones we're ready for.

Edited by Origins

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That's why you should read 'The Way of Men' (Not the superior men) because in the book, the author, Jack Donovan indicates what does it mean to be a real man.

Edited by hyruga

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For me another one I just realised is the .1% rule as a goal directive when it comes to thinking about values just to force myself to reconfigure as much as possible because of how Stone Age most of culture is on values:

I want values that only .1% of the population have.

I want values that only .1% of the population execute on

I want values that only .1% of the population can think of

That'll force my brain to make new connections rather than allowing it to reach easy conclusions. See when we ask the brain a question, it always gives us some answer even if its "I don't know", by building parameters that we want the brain to follow, say "hey fuck you brain no I want you to push yourself here", it'll force the brain to take itself to the next level.

We gotta get creative - you've got this major mega machine called the human brain which is basically a UFO spotted in the squalor of Facebook culture whenever you see intelligent life so you gotta put it to work - create something new - Example:

Valuebe re-originating my experience in every moment, like who has that value? For example, like right now my computer is transforming into an aeroplane which is now flying around in my office and now all around Earth flashing holographic year 4000 Mc Donald's ads in peoples faces. 

I want next level (that's what I'm calling the values that fall as a consequence of implementing the above .1% rule) values for mind, heart and spirt. 

I'm transcending this bitch and I'm not holding back, getting out of the status quo, any status quo my mind creates. Where am I? I'm in the back of a dragon's throat spitting fire at yal invoking a magical angel demon to inspire the imaginative life in yourself to move mountains you've never imagined existed before to take your perception of life to the next level.

OTHER .1% VALUES TO GIVE IDEAS (remember these values are meant to represent the true anomalous):

  • Turn all feedback from the environment (social, including all sensory and mental feedback) *into a masterpiece (in terms of developing a more coherent picture of reality, being more creative, creating higher projects, etc).

      - All those people that fear rejection from the opposite sex (I see a lot of that related stuff here) will now no longer have to worry about it and will move in with far greater certainty about what they want from the interaction.

      - This value also ties in with the first value really well.

  • Always as much as possible know why I’m doing what I'm doing autobiographically and from the perspective of the beginning and end of the universe (so billions of years).




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11 hours ago, Origins said:

Firstly, you can really only apply that to yourself, secondly its more a goal than a value, aiming to just be as responsible as possible. 

What do you mean? 

I don't think it has to be interpreted as only a goal. Aren't most values things that you can really only apply to yourself? 

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And I see this intelligent system as providing the glow of consciousness by the way, when we nurture the intelligences of the system we nurture the glow of consciousness. Intelligence (energies, emotions, etc as noted above) is just the electricity to consciousness which is the glow, so I've changed my perspective on consciousness now, realising that intelligence provides the supporting network for consciousness itself to unfold in interesting ways. I've learned, the greater consciousness/intelligence communicates with these intelligences that provide its glow the more said consciousness can nurture that glow in various directions. And I think this is where people get confused, consciousness is not a "thing" per se, it lives in simultaneously undefinable and sense space, just like our vision is, vision isn't really a thing per se, but it allows us to see things.



And I wrote before the following (see: " "), however I would now describe intelligence as the means and consciousness the end as a purpose. It makes sense to me on an interesting level why consciousness would be an end, because its the simultaneous realisation that there is nothing in this world to leave with other than that fading light of consciousness that dims as the electricity (intelligences) dies down in this body and goes someplace else while at the same time that consciousness itself is a kind of no thing (but there's a paradox there of course that can be inferred in the way I've described it given intelligence can raise and lower it, etc). 


"And I realised that it goes something like this:

Purpose -> Values -> Standards -> Goals

I've realised that I'm an intelligence system (emotional, energetic, cognitive, etc intelligence system). So that's naturally my purpose, to improve the intelligence and communication between all of these systems. And this naturally ties into origination (i.e. from planet Earth) of course and evolving an optimised relationship there too. And now all I do is build values around that based on the .1% rule, which is like a standard for the value, which of course is fine, because embedded within each of these (purpose, values, standards, goals), is of course a purpose for purpose, values within purpose, standards within purpose and goals within having a purpose, so on and so fourth for the rest.

I hope that breaks things down well."

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If you really want to look at values and understand more about values, beliefs and purposes, then a very powerful coach would be Tony Robbins. 

Trust me he really knows his stuff and he already knows all these back in the 80s. He's the world's first life coach and is also one of the most successful coaches ever.

People always judge him as being orange in spiral dynamics or that he's only a motivational speaker but pls only judge him after you feed a million people which he did.

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Eventually you'll realise there are no values, purpose or standards in the light, all there is, is the light and the will of being piercing through the darkness of existence from which we all permeate from and are through echo's, whispers, signals and signs pointing no where and everywhere all at once and in no space or time at all.


This glow of light, this firefly,  will take a long time to  hover over your perception as you're looking up at the night sky wondering what it all means.


Best :D


The will of light

The emptiness of being

In darkness



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Yeah light is all there is.

Does it boost your ego when you post with such large fonts?

Edited by hyruga

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1 hour ago, datamonster said:

To me these aren't values. Values are about your motivation, your Why. Your points are about your How.

For example, you could say a core value is integrity. This is your Why.

The way you make sure you act with integrity in your life is by always taking 100% responsibility for whatever happens rather than playing the blame game. This is your How.

That's how I understand it.

To me these are my why.


I am doing what I am doing because I want to be the most I can be.


When I’m not taking 100% responsibility for my life, I am bitter, jealous and have a bit of a victim mindset.


I am doing activities that put me into flow state for its own sake.


I feel best when I’m actually executing and not idly theorising. 

You mentioned responsibility, what are your thoughts on the other values I listed?


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16 hours ago, datamonster said:

However regarding Arete, for me it's too vague. I wouldn't know how to action upon it. What does it really mean to "be the most one can be"? I wouldn't know how to measure if I'm succeeding at this or not.

For example:


If I were to be faced with the decision of going to the gym or staying in bed because I was tired, I’d choose the gym.


Or if I had to choose between working on my craft or watching another YouTube video, I’d choose the former. 

You never really know if you are being the most you can be, that’s what self actualization is after all.

But you can strive for it, and the decisions you make would account for it. 

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Just to stop by briefly because this has been pinching in my mind ever since I contributed:

  1. I'd focus on patterns over answers (values, principles, standards). 

    Standards, values, principles for me are just guided by patterns not ideology, proclamations, etc. So I look out into my experiences and the world via research, learn about what patterns work and don't work and avoid what doesn't work while moving towards what does work. 

    This is also the case for not just values, standards differentiation but for all perception and therefore all of possible reality. 

    So I've created a meditative practice where I solely focus on perceiving the patterns of anything happening in consciousness or whatever consciousness produces, all I do is close my eyes and then begin just processing as many patterns as deeply as I can as they present themselves (1 hour per day at least for me).

    I find its a great technique to decondition the mind. Everyone's mind is different but for me its been an inevitable path towards increasingly higher enlightenment, its a natural consequence to awareness becoming permanently aware not on the level of idea but literal way of processing the world that reality is just a figment of the imagination, and that's of course a natural consequence to the combination of processing reality in terms of patterns and the de-conditioning that results from that.

    How can the mind perceive "reality EXISTS!" when its simultaneously perceiving all the patterns that make up that perception? Including all thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, awarenesses, etc. For me that's the case at least. I don't know if reality exists, I don't know if existence exists, I don't know if there is a universe. This is just a collective agreement that I never agreed to. For me there is just patterns that can be processed to an increasingly more sophisticated end as pattern differentiation increases (i.e. avoidance of assumptions one of the core aspects here). For me, if I don't begin at "reality" as we've termed it from the perspective of pattern differentiation and end with pattern differentiation, I'm not perceiving reality and I'm going to get lost in the ideology that may come from the process of thinking I'm connecting dots when I'm not really.

Take it easy yal!

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