Eren Eeager

Leo offers little motivation for his students.

52 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Once you tap into real creative intelligence, you'll never be non motivated. 

Ask @SoonHeihe forces me to wash dishes. Thanks dad you've been so creative. Instead of giving me canvas to paint. 

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Just now, SoonHei said:

@zeroISinfinity the laundry still needs to be spun bruhhh! GET TO IT OR YOU WILL GET A TIME OUT!

then time won't be an illusion... it will be VERY REAL

Please don't spank my ass. xD Will be able to forgive ya that but gay thing, really?! 

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On 10/5/2020 at 3:54 PM, Eren Eeager said:

Anyone else feel that? I know Leo is interested in explaining reality in the clearest way possible but what about us, we need motivation, we need someone who keep reminding us with the good things. I feel like Leo is so distant emotionally from the viewer in all his videos.

I need someone to motivate me to do inner work and to work on myself.

Can anyone recommend a teacher/guru who motivates you?

You do not need someone else to motivate you. You want someone else to motivate you. Very important distinction, because it’s in the direction of the deeper realization, that you actually don’t want someone else to motivate you. You want to feel the visceral inspiration of your dream for your life manifesting, actualizing. You want to dream it and live it consciously.  You want to be creating consciously, and to know in every cell of your body that you are living the fullest life possible, having no regrets when you are done here.

You are fully capable of imagining the life you want to live and living it in your true nature of love, inspiration and creating. What you want is both beyond and yet relative to what you’ve experienced. Looking for that to come from someone else will never fit, because you have not experienced the relativity of their life, relatively speaking. Only ‘yours’. You can inspect, let go of, and thus remove the barriers you have put in place with regard to your well being and natural inspiration to consciously create. This thread exemplifies the opposite, and that (I presume) is what isn’t resonating. (Not anything anyone else says). 

It would be hard to make a case that any other human has shared more content, with more nuance, passion & insight in precisely this matter, than Leo.  Not to mention, via a vehicle or means of delivery - which is literally - free - to you. I realize that could be interpreted as having a certain ‘overly gratuitous’ ring to it, but I am saying it because I find it to be true & accurate by a very large margin. It’d be a shame for someone to contextualize their own way out of missing what he’s offering by spinning it back on him. If ever you do not find someone inspiring enough - stop and recognize where inspiration is, where it’s coming from. To draw out the point more deeply you might consider a neighbor, who hasn’t done anything or offered anything to others, and then compare them (really their offering) with Leo(‘s). You might find you are telling an ocean it is not wet enough for you while missing the boat it is pointing to all together. 

The fulcrum of your resistance, imo, is your belief that it is even possible to “work on myself’. You are yourself, and are perfect. You will not be able to change perfect. You can however, inspect all beliefs to the contrary. I would nip that in the bud, cut it at it’s root. When a thought arises about how you need to “work on yourself”, instead bring what you actually want in this life experience to mind, and write it on your dreamboard. This is to welcome desire, to unify through it, with it, as it, and to realize and bring to life more clearly your preferences, your vision, and to shift focus to them rather than on lack, be it yours or someone else’s. This in and of itself Is the ever present, ever available love which flushes out it’s own self limiting beliefs...such as that there is anything ‘wrong’ with you, or that you have ‘short comings’, or are ‘lacking’, and need someone else. 



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27 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@zeroISinfinity hehehheheheheh :)

will stop only when you sing MY HEART WILL GO ON, in perfect tone and pitch

Please dad,we really shouldn't expose our family secrets. You do know that I sing "I am barbie girl in a barbie world" every morning when I shave. 

Will sing ain't no problem for me but please dad just.... ?

Will say it, now I lost all my points here on this forum with ladies. ?

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I find out annoying when someone tries to motivate me. It doesn't feel genuine. If something is worth doing there is no need for motivation.

As mentioned before. Psychodelics and suffering are the best motivation for this work.

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 How much motivation you need to want to be your best self?

Do you meditate? @Eren Eeager we are the ex convicts, Leo is here to empower, not to enforce.

The inner work is your responsibility alone.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Mu_  Maybe I should go for the more basic motivational speakers and recontexualize them into spirituality work.

Plus yeah I was not given any recommendation except for Matt, Instead of telling me that motivation is intrinsic please give me some recommendation guys!!

thanks Mu

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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The motivation should come from within and not from someone else. 

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Well first we're all teachers and students at the same time.


But i find Leo pretty motivating compared to people like Eckhart Tolle, Osho, Sadhguru etc.

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