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Life purpose, self-actualization and fulltime job

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I've been contemplating on how i can come closer to reaching my LP, but atm i don't see any way of getting where i need to be, without getting myself a loan from the bank.

My situation right now is that i'm working full time, living by myself, and almost all my money goes towards paying my bills, rent, etc.. I can barely save anything, and if i do, it almost always goes to unexpected stuff that comes up.

For my LP, i have to move to a different city, that has a college that allows me to get my bachelor's degree by going to class at night, and work during the day. This will be hard, but i'm ready to face it.

however, it will cost me a lot of money at the start, which i don't have right now. Saving up will take me way too long. I'm also reaching 28, and i don't wanna wait much longer on starting this journey. I'm just scared of taking a loan, and worry that it will become a burden over time, since i obviously have to pay for it every month, at least 3 years down the road.  

Any tips/advice is welcome.


"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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You could try working a well paying, yet tough, job in the summer and make lots of money.  Working on oil rigs comes to mind, construction can sometimes pay better than entry level jobs, forest fire fighting, ...


How crucial is going to school?  Is there another alternative?

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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