
Why life create obstacles In our life?

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Hello everyone hope you are doing well.

As I'm observing myself and my life from past few years, I realised that we always have some problems to solve, we always have some obstacles in life that never stop, if we solve one, then another come up, it's seems like it never ending cycle.

This obstacles are not just about money, or basic human problems, but also spirituality, after one enlightenment, we want another enlightenment, and it goes on and on.

So I'm not saying that I don't want obstacles in my life, or I want to get rid of all obstacles.

What I'm saying I want to understand, why we have obstacles and challenges in first place, why they exist, is it because its the test of our unconditional love, or spiritual growth or whatever.

So what is the absolute perceptive for obstacles and challenges?

Love to hear hear your opinion, and my man Leo opinion, you blown me away by your latest video on conspiracy, quite eye opening. Thanks for making that video we really needed it.







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You create your own obstacles by creating goals. No desire, no problem.

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Obstacles are a function of the ego's desire to survive in its limited form.

See, if you surrendered yourself to Truth completely, there would be no obstacles. But also no guarantee of survival.

So you're caught in an existential bind. On the one hand you want life to be effortless and truthful. On the other hand you want to survive, which is falsehood. These two things are in existential conflict.

The core existential problem is this: survival is falsehood. So it must always fail because falsehood isn't true.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't believe anyone here is desireless. We all care about survival.  The obstacles we create should be for making us survive in the best possible way. 

Edited by wk197

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  Survival..   Desire.. Misidentifying as a separate finite self. 

If you don't care about survival and have no desires or preferences and no longer Believe you are this finite body-mind... Then what obstacles can face you?.  But ofcourse easier said than done.  You will keep identifying as this finite body-mind and keep craving for things and keep wanting to survive. Hence obstacles will be waiting for ya.  So keep quiet and do your homework or wake up.. Be free.. And die. Lol 

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As you start to see the world as an outside projection, or rather that there's really no inner or outer, you see how you create your own obstacles, often by labeling events as obstacles and feeling resistance to them. We become aware of how inner resistance creates outer obstacles. Inner resistance reflects our outer obstacles, our obstacles reflect our inner resistance and they appear to arise together and seem to require each other. When we see that while they are one and the same, one does not create the other in a cause and effect manner, there are new ways of seeing and relating with the world. Nothing changes/everything changes. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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You as the higher self/soul did this to yourself. I have personally seen my soul self, it's all my fault i'm here.

I have many regrets now and it's all my fault.

I'm glad this life is so short.

Leaving is always an option.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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So, first of all, I think the obstacles only exist in your mind.  But here's my attempt at an explanation--one that I came up with one morning when I was thinking about the same general idea that you're talking about.  I wrote it down right away because it seemed like a fluid, coherent idea:

I think what's happening in life is that 1)people are afraid of death.  2) people are afraid of death because they don't understand what death is.  And because they don't get rid of this fear, it stays with them and they get used to ignoring it, but it's still there.

This fear creates an energetic drive inside the person--in order to distract the person from their fear of death.  And this drive is what we call "desires."  

Every thought and action that we engage in every day is driven by these desires.  These actions and thoughts are then repeated each day, over and over and they become what you could call automatic or habitual, or addictive, or compulsory.  And these thoughts and actions continue for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years until we die.  And that is all life is.

A metaphysical explanation: This life for you is existing right now in order for you to have the self realization that you are not a physical being.  You are the consciousness that has created the reality that you see.  When you have this realization then you will also realize that death is not real and therefore you overcome that fear and transcend all other fears and the mystery of life itself.... and that is the meaning of this physical life.

Side note: I think a mistake is to think that we are here to achieve something grand.  Or that there is anything you are here to physically DO at all in life (i.e. legacy achievements).  All these complicated grand life plans are part of the material distractions away from the fear of death, which is the true driver of all human thought and action because that is what you are here to overcome, nothing more.

But in the meantime, enjoy growing spiritually, watch some Leo videos, watch some Seinfeld and laugh, play some tennis and move around a bit.

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I would say I'm god experiencing itself, it's creation over and over again.

There is nothing to do it's "for fun"

Just like playing a game of chess or a video game ,you do it for the experience, not to gain anything or be a certain way.

We tend to take it very seriously tho, because it feels very real... 

After psychedelics tho... realness also gets a reduction.

It's like training the self to see itself always.

The result for me is, feeling both real and unreal, as i have almost cured Hppd, now i'm a bit on the real side again xDD

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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@Bulgarianspirit yeah i would agree and psychs really show you that all is illusory around you 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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On 10/5/2020 at 11:46 AM, Inder said:

Hello everyone hope you are doing well.

Thanks, hope you are doing great too :))

As I'm observing myself and my life from past few years, I realised that we always have some problems to solve, we always have some obstacles in life that never stop, if we solve one, then another come up, it's seems like it never ending cycle.

Yes, but do you see how everything in the past was just perfect, to lead you to the current moment?

This obstacles are not just about money, or basic human problems, but also spirituality, after one enlightenment, we want another enlightenment, and it goes on and on.


So I'm not saying that I don't want obstacles in my life, or I want to get rid of all obstacles.

Exactly, it's about you wanting (or don't wanting) these obstacles.

What I'm saying I want to understand, why we have obstacles and challenges in first place, why they exist, is it because its the test of our unconditional love, or spiritual growth or whatever.

I would say – yes, or to have fun in other words.

So what is the absolute perceptive for obstacles and challenges?

They are you, Love. Created by you to experience yourself :)) 
"If you are enlightened everything is", including obstacles and challenges.
If you see them for what it is, the notion of obstacles/challenges disappear.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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It depends on how you conceptualise obstacle, let's look at it in the general sense like say my keyboard is on fire while I'm typing and there's no way I can put it out or type without putting my hands in the fire. This would be conceptualising it in the mental sense as we normally do, so the obstacle is mental you see, all these kinds of obstacles are always mental. Otherwise you are life and life is all. When everything is life, there can be no such thing as an obstacle to the whole, when consciousness lives in a physical body that has various motivations however, this obstacle, combined with the latter understanding, is that the obstacle is solely mental, and can be thought of in a multitude of ways. In fact any one mental obstacle is likely at least several hundred kinds of mental obstacles depending on how we're looking at it, normally we just think about it with direct immediacy, "my keyboard is on fire, therefore I have a physical obstacle (which also happens to be psychological, emotional, cultural because what norm exists where people commonly do this other than monks lighting themselves on fire, financial because now I'll most likely need to buy a new keyboard, etc, etc)".

Build your mind.

Edited by Origins

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In the intrinsic mental sense, an obstacle is just a pressure point, like right now I have a pinched shoulder so I'm struggling to do chin ups and I have to do certain stretches before beginning. All the obstacle though is physical pressure, we all have to ask ourselves, if we know we are infinite, why is this physical pressure that leads to this better outcome which is just a physical distance greater than what I can handle? No matter what the pressure is, its a relevant question, like I think we need balance of course, especially around sleep, but in terms of accomplishing the necessary things we ought to accomplish in the context of our natural flow of actualisation, we ought to be able to handle this pressure if we understand this simple truth. For me its not the case of proving to myself that I'm greater than the pressure, rather that my experience and non experience of the pressure itself is an illusion in the context of the flow of consciousness. This while simultaneously trying to experience that pressure with zero dissociation. There's zero need to back down but to experience it completely and fully so that the body-mind can integrate and grow from it fully. This is what people forget, they forget this aspect of experiencing things fully in every moment and because of that, forgetting that we're growing in some way in every moment as well, even into old age, just in a different sense, and its when we lose those senses that growth moves to degeneration. So in the context of actualisation, don'y let it slip, stay on the steering wheel. There's still a hot debate on free-will vs determinism, in the linguistic logical sense, it absolutely doesn't exist, but for me in a more metaphorical sense, I see it as the ever flowing and changing stream of informational data experiencing in consciousness as the shifting seas of the ocean and any agency there consciousness rowing the boat. Keep rowing while at the same time seeing through the rowing and oceanic experience in its entirety.

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Life gives us obstacles as an opportunity for realization and growth. Obstacles are not a problem. They only become a problem when we resist them. All obstacles conflate to a single question:

Do you accept the isness of the present moment, or do you suffer as a result of refusing to accept it?

Once you learn to live in the Now , obstacles will no longer seem insurmountable. You will navigate them with intelligence and grace.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Nonesense. Some people can be destroyed by obstacles and they fall away. Lose their homes etc.

Saying obstacles can just be overcome is nonesense.

Life wants us to suffer.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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@Bulgarianspirit Obstacles can be painful, but pain is different from suffering. Suffering is only necessary until it is no longer necessary. Obstacles are powerless to touch who you are, and they are the universe's way of helping you learn not to suffer.


Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. (A Course in Miracles, Introduction)

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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8 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

I guess it's a part of the game.

Exactly :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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