Leo Gura

Conspiracy Nutcases Mega-Thread

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56 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course. Because virtually nobody is genuinely interested in pursuing truth. Most people pursue spirituality because it makes them feel good, which is still function of ego/survival. People are not seriously interested in deconstructing themselves and reality. Those folks who get sucked into yoga or a Sadhguru program are doing it out of conformity, not any serious desire for truth. Nobody following Sadhguru is interested in truth. They watch his videos like a monkey who has discovered a shiny peddle.

Maybe other people just aren't stuck in the same dichotomy as you because they have a different relation with truth and the external world. You'd have to completely break out of your own spell to consider ideologies that aren't so "realistic". We aren't humans have a spiritual experience, but spirits having a human experience. The spiritually inclined not of such a fixed earthly nature will have a huge edge on you when it comes to breaking through words/the matrix/and getting inside the physical xD. That's why your video was shallow to so many despite the big picture view, it lacked/negated too many perspectives and ignored value. Of course there's truth and value in all ideologies, but how many get to the foundation/core of the unconventional/undesirables? it requires continuous outward/inward research/exploration/reflection that doesn't meet most people's values and attention span. Congrats on the house btw. please do consider other paths have a drastically different modality and matrix of relative truths. Also i think it's obvious all teachings offer something new as you go deeper into expansion, experiences change entirely, there will be new angles/points of relatability. You cannot assume a teacher is speaking from any point other than your own. How much direct experience and survival related beliefs can actually be questioned? 

4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A lot of spiritual people are not truly thinking for themselves or contemplating reality, they are just blindly following a new, higher kind of religion/ideology, which easily becomes a cult.

I've met western Zen Buddhists whose minds are riddled with Buddhist dogma and no direct experience of God.

People realize there's no actual thinking for oneself, just higher and higher levels of truth, using more energy/information, relatively speaking. Didn't "you" get the memo? ;) 

Why would i prefer to use the "dogmatic" Buddhist ideologies, maybe because i have respect for what offered me guidance on my path. As a reincarnated soul, i may no longer value those ideologies from past lives. 

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I find that most spiritual people do not take epistemic issues seriously. They couldn't even tell you what epistemology is. Go ask on of Sadhguru's followers about epistemology. You will see they are clueless

it helps to learn our own biases/weaknesses. but then there's still choice to favor what comes naturally. Many don't require "learning how to break down a belief" to see through them, and there's great value in beliefs. Take the corona virus for example, it's literally a thought, built upon a theory of science that has everyone wearing silly masks to try not to "catch" a cold/flu. Learn from the health nuts,  How sneaky can the appearances in this reality truly be? See if you can debunk the germ theory. Taking health beyond the words means into the fabric/substance of reality, aka energy, and no theory in materialistic world views will ever get to the root, but there's definitely "more truth/answers" in the terrain theory. mainstream media is probably the biggest conspiracy theory out there xD 

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@electroBeam Sure, Sadhguru might embody more spirituality than Leo (arguable but okay), but does he understand politics and his biases? I would say his political understanding is bad. 

Are his followers genuine truth seekers or are they mostly dogmatic Hindu religious nuts? Do his followers actually understand anything when he says magical stuff or do they just accept it without questioning? If we are being honest his followers mostly follow him because of religious dogma and other reasons, not really for truth.

And don't forget just because someone is "enlightened" doesn't mean they know how politics works or how to perform surgery. We can't even be sure they know the limits of their mind imo. 



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41 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:

@electroBeam Sure, Sadhguru might embody more spirituality than Leo (arguable but okay), but does he understand politics and his biases? I would say his political understanding is bad. 

And don't forget just because someone is "enlightened" doesn't mean they know how politics works or how to perform surgery. We can't even be sure they know the limits of their mind imo. 



Spiritual work != politics. If I wanted to know how politics works I wouldn't say "yeah Barack Obama might have more experience with politics than Elon Musk, but does he know how to make money off rockets? No! Therefore because he doesn't know how to make money off rockets, he knows more about politics then Barack Obama"

Spiritual work is what politics is made of, not meddling around at the surface, arguing over the seemingly existent patterns(that aren't actually there) and being good at arguing over what patters are better then others.

41 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:


Are his followers genuine truth seekers or are they mostly dogmatic Hindu religious nuts? Do his followers actually understand anything when he says magical stuff or do they just accept it without questioning? If we are being honest his followers mostly follow him because of religious dogma and other reasons, not really for truth.

I've met a significant number of his followers over the years as I've done a few of his courses and went to his weekly programs for a while. 

All this "just accept it without questioning" business is a narrow angle at tackling spirituality called jnana yoga or in the west called scepticism or Pyrrhonism. You can get enlightened as fuck, way more then 99% of people on this site, without questioning reality and just doing kriya yoga, or bhakti yoga or karma yoga. Shamans out in the Amazon are absolutely shit at thinking, yet their level of enlightenment is massive. The idea that jnana is superior to the other types of yoga, or that somehow questioning reality and thinking properly is necessary for enlightenment is your bias because you're a thinking based person and because you've surrounded yourself around thinking based people. You're no different to those hindu supporting spiritual people who advocate for their way of tackling spirituality. They say sadhguru and his practices are the best, you say questioning reality is the best. So what.

Actually the most advanced spiritual people don't question reality at all. They just have a natural intuitive feeling for what's right. Its us the thinkers that are the handicapped ones. 

And yes they do understand it, but just because they don't show it in the way you (a jnana type) shows it, doesn't mean they don't understand it. They aren't gonna rave over endless philosophical debates about it, they will just embody it and live their life by it, like a lot of shamans. If you question them, they will switch off, because they can't see the connection between the embodiment they are feeling, and talking about it. Some of them don't even realize talking about it is a thing. They feel it, know it, but keep to the scriptures because that's what works for them. You would then mistakenly think they don't know shit when they may know way more then you. 


Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam I am not questioning the validity of Bhatki yoga. I am saying that we should know it's limitations.

What happens when your spiritual guru starts supporting a political party that you don't agree with? OR  What if he tells you to murder someone or do some crazy stuff like that? OR has unscientific or racist beliefs?

Most people don't have the capability to intuitively feel what's right, they can get into various traps if they do Bhakti Yoga, and such people are very common in India. I think there was some post here about a person's experience with Sadhguru's courses, and how they found many stage blue followers in his ashram. 

I think we agree that in the relative sense spirituality doesn't mean political understanding. 

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@Akemrelax what is your astrological sign? You’re seemingly stuck in the same dichotomy as Leo 

@electroBeam I like what I see coming from you. I’m a Taurus moon so I relate with the emotions behind Leo’s words/actions, as Pisces sun, I’m emotionally mutable often all over the place 9_9

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2 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@DrewNows I'm a gemini moon. 


You’ll probably like this ?

havent seen it, let me know what you think! 

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5 hours ago, electroBeam said:

But they don't talk about epistemology because they think talk is cheap.


No, they are just clueless about it.

They embody their lack of epistemic understanding by being dogmatic and ideological.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

You can get enlightened as fuck, way more then 99% of people on this site, without questioning reality and just doing kriya yoga, or bhakti yoga or karma yoga.

And that is a huge problem.

There is a lot more to this work than enlightenment alone. And there is no such thing as one singular enlightenment. There are many grades and qualities of it. Low grades are easy to attain. High grades are extremely rare.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Moment of silence for the love/unity conspirers in Berlin and around the world ?? “creating a better normal” aka creating a new new

Peace love and uh tekkers ;) 


Edited by DrewNows

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16 minutes ago, mavelezm said:



This is the map of flat Earth. 


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@Lyubov Of course!


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1 hour ago, Yog said:

Just a graph, just a meme.


So that unicorn is a pedophile?

That would explain the horn.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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