Leo Gura

Conspiracy Nutcases Mega-Thread

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3 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

I just came across this on my Twitter feed, cool graphic


Looks interesting from what I can read.

The problem is that the nature of social media algorithms is to keep people engaged by progressively feeding them more and more hardcore content. Hence anyone who is anywhere on that pyramid will be on a slippery slope to anti-Semitism. It's a very profitable field day for the nutcases like David Icke whose job is to divorce millions from reality.

Hence, the problem is more to do with social media than being open-minded to these ideas. Either hold social media accountable, or educate people with critical thinking skills, so they can be conscious of when posts are radicalising them.

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18 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

I just came across this on my Twitter feed, cool graphic


Soy boys are a conspiracy? This is news xD

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Sure. That's selfishness and survival and devilry in action. It's been that way since the dawn of civilization. It is important to study and understand how selfishness and survival and devilry work.

But there is no cabal of evil elites running the world.

I have thought about this from afar, during the French Revolution, all manner of falsehoods and conspiracy theories were peddled about the French Royal Family. 

Yet, they were grossly corrupt, and repressive (from the point of view of the peasant).  Might these myths serve a greater purpose? It wasn't enough to kick the King of his throne, to say hey we aren't getting a fair deal after all, he was appointed by god, so a peasant should know his place. 

No, they needed something more outrageous to take action.

The replacements were no better, (sightly) but still corrupt.   As the same forces inside the elites, sprang to life, inside their replacements.  Corruption is inside everyone. 

As for a cabal of evil elites running the world. Do they do business together, and get involved in power, probably.

But many conspiracy theories are suggesting a full co ordained group effort. It's likely they would fight amongst themselves, it's a bit too Legion of Doom for my taste. Where they cartoonishly collaborate together with leader around a round table, and then all cackle out loud at the same time.  

Things like population control is a lot to ask, and pretty hard to pull off,  What about bringing a Chinese style social credit system to the west, because it would be more profitable for elites if people had less freedom... 

Possible, hard to pull off, perhaps such a big country like China actually needs such a system, like a purple stage country needs a dictator.

Nobody actually knows... 

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9 minutes ago, wpw said:

Might these myths serve a greater purpose?

Survival is the purpose. No mystery there.

There will always be some degree of selfish elites running things. Because all creatures are selfish and "elite" is anyone who is in a leadership position that people follow.

Again, these are deep systemic dynamics of human civilization. Not conspiracies.

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Leo what do you think about the future of the western nations? Do you think this will get worse or better over time? What are potential solutions to this that we can actually enact before some sort of critical mass is reached?


Sometimes it seems to me like this could grow to become an actual threat to western societies if it continues the way it does. People live in such foreign realities that it's becoming less and less possible to actually have any kind of conversation that's based on common understanding.

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12 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Leo what do you think about the future of the western nations? Do you think this will get worse or better over time? What are potential solutions to this that we can actually enact before some sort of critical mass is reached?


Sometimes it seems to me like this could grow to become an actual threat to western societies if it continues the way it does. People live in such foreign realities that it's becoming less and less possible to actually have any kind of conversation that's based on common understanding.

I think the craziness has to play itself out so that people can suffer from the consequences and learn to let go of unworkable and painful ideas.

Humans basically learn through suffering. Excess leads to chaos and suffering, suffering leads to a desire for re-balancing, sanity, and peace. And so it goes in cycles. It's the Hegelian dialectic. We have had 80 years of relative peace since WWII. This peace has made us complacent and spoiled. Now this peace is starting to crack as the old system which got us here will not be enough to get us to the next level, but people are not willing to evolve consciously. So there will be suffering. This is what the Orange >> Green transition looks like. It has begun, but only just, so there is much backlash.

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1 minute ago, Applegarden said:

So far out there that it can't even be posted on yt. :D

Well, he's been banned from YT.

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3 minutes ago, Applegarden said:

Sponsored by skillshare. ;)

Man, it would have been so cool if I could sponsor his video.

That would really fuck with people's minds :D

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I think the craziness has to play itself out so that people can suffer from the consequences and learn to let go of unworkable and painful ideas.

Humans basically learn through suffering. Excess leads to chaos and suffering, suffering leads to a desire for re-balancing, sanity, and peace. And so it goes in cycles. It's the Hegelian dialectic.

What I worry about, and what seems to be relatively unique today, is that we are so protected from consequences that we don't experience them until the entire system basically fails. I mean what happens if you believe in flat earth or that elites are here to enslave us? People don't seem to have shame anymore, because they are growing away from stage blue, which means the primary way by which we have kept people in check is completely useless.

What I also worry about is the way people handle consequences. I know people who I am very certain that if they got Covid19 and were literally dying from it, they would instead of admitting their fault, keep blaming the elites and tell me that they are being poisoned by the doctors.


And most important, where will the sanity come from? Information is decentralized. In the past things might have been re-balanaced because the only major flow of information came from the established institutions. People can just keep reinforcing the idea that the suffering they are experiencing is not a consequence of their ignorance, but the consequence of the fact that they are awakening from the dream. That the elites are now doing everything in their power to stop the revolution.


What I worry about is that the suffering will instead of leading to peace actually lead to more violence. Because once people suffer, they might be willing to go to war.

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17 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@Leo Gura in your face Cult Leader!!:ph34r::ph34r:

Lol. This is basically just advertisementxD

People who'd rather follow this dude are the only people who will miss out on this treasure - everybody who recognizes the value will stay, so nothing's lost.

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16 minutes ago, Scholar said:

What I worry about, and what seems to be relatively unique today, is that we are so protected from consequences that we don't experience them until the entire system basically fails.

Oh, I think plenty of people are feeling the last 4 years of Trump and this pandemic and this economic depression. People feel it.


I mean what happens if you believe in flat earth or that elites are here to enslave us?

Look, this is still a small percentage of the population that believes this crap.

We have to remember that crazies on YT do not represent average Americans. Those crazies at Trump rallies are NOT average Americans. Americans are better than that.


What I also worry about is the way people handle consequences. I know people who I am very certain that if they got Covid19 and were literally dying from it, they would instead of admitting their fault, keep blaming the elites and tell me that they are being poisoned by the doctors.

Sure, some will always be deluded like that.


And most important, where will the sanity come from? Information is decentralized. In the past things might have been re-balanaced because the only major flow of information came from the established institutions.

New institutions are being built as we speak. Just over the last year companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have started cracking down on conspiracy theories and toxic right-wing ideologies. And that will only get better going forward. It's far from perfect, but these platforms need time to properly flesh out their moderation teams and guidelines, and to code better AIs.

Sanity will come from the center. The function of centrists is to ground both extremes of the left and right. Majority of the country is centrist, and that's not as terrible as some lefties would have you believe.

People like us are the sanity, if we ground ourselves in Consciousness, Truth, and Love. We must serve as the conscious leaders of the next generation.

Remember, all this chaos is an opportunity for you to rise up to your full Godly potential and to guide mankind towards the light. The devils that lurk around you are there to test your divinity. Will you stand for Love, or succumb to the fear? That is the only game in town.


What I worry about is that the suffering will instead of leading to peace actually lead to more violence. Because once people suffer, they might be willing to go to war.

Yes, chaos and suffering increases violence which increases suffering until the fever breaks. Increased violence seems very likely. It's hard to tell how bad it will get before the fever breaks.

Your job is to meet the situation head-on with Consciousness and Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Don't become politically correct and boring just to please the masses..

That would be a bit like censoring yourself. It would become watered down and mainstream and then there would be no reason to watch your videos anymore. Just more sheep herd stuff. (I'm of course exaggerating a bit to make my point.)

It's not about being boring. It's about being more welcoming and loving of low consciousness people.

In the end, even the most ignorant people need our understanding and compassion because they cannot help themselves.

I will model that better in the future. I'm sorta getting the edginess out of my system now so I can be more solid as I get older and more mature.

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Man, it would have been so cool if I could sponsor his video.

That would really fuck with people's minds :D

you should comment and ask if his has a Patreon that you'd like to donate :D 

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1 minute ago, Michael569 said:

you should comment and ask if his has a Patreon that you'd like to donate :D 

Too late. I needed to be in that video itself.

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2 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

The anti-semitic point of no return ?

I didn't realize Jews faked the moon landing.

It's all starting to make sense now...

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