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Focus Shift

What is Buddhism? What is Reincarnation?

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What are the philosophical and metaphysical ramifications of Buddhism and Reincarnation? What is the self? Are we separate from what we experience? I hope you enjoy my introduction to Buddhism, along with my smart ass remarks ;) 

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Yeah...I prefer to go to a Buddhist monk for that answer.  Too bad there aren’t any on YouTube.  Oh...wait...



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Before I realized you were posting one of your video I thought this was legit questions and was like:

«Oh boy, you're on for a mighty ride» ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Thestarguitarist14 Judging content before seeing any of the arguments presented, that's real enlightened and open minded. Since we're going to appeal to authority, you clearly didn't see any of my sources, so here you go: 

The Way of Zen (Alan Watts) The Divine Within (Aldous Huxley) Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (Compiled by Paul Reps) Zen Guitar (Philip Tosho Sudo) Zen in The Art of Archery (Eugen Herrigel) Tibetan Book of the Dead (W.Y Evans Wentz) Three Pillars of Zen (Philip Kapleau Roshi) 

Edited by Focus Shift

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On 10/4/2020 at 5:56 PM, Shin said:

Before I realized you were posting one of your video I thought this was legit questions and was like:

«Oh boy, you're on for a mighty ride» ?

How about this, I suggest you spend a thousand dollars on gear and software, and make your own videos, bro ;)  

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7 hours ago, Focus Shift said:


How about this, I suggest you spend a thousand dollars on gear and software, and make your own videos, bro ;)  

I first need to know what I'm talking about, that would help ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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