By Thestarguitarist14
in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
I have just noticed a lot of thirsty guys here. I suppose that is the norm. But let me ask you guys who are dying to have sex dying for a girlfriend:
What do you think it will give you?
Unconditional love? Nope. First off, unconditional love is a state of being, not a state of mind. Secondly, there is no one on this earth who is constantly emanating unconditional love. If you were, then you would have no problems. And I have never met anyone who does not have e a problem. Even hardcore Buddhist monks have problems.
Fulfillment? I remember when I was a pick up artist for a few years. A year and a half of those were in Los Angeles. While it was not during the heyday of pick up, I was able to go out to different venues in Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica and Downtown L.A and have a few one night stands. If I had not watched Leo’s rant on pick up artists I would have probably continued on that path.
I look back now and those days make me few empty. Even my post pick up days pre pandemic when I was still using those skills. Yeah, I met some cool, fun women. But all I was looking for was sex. There were women who wanted a relationship with me, but I was so closed off to anything exclusive. In a way that is good as I got to learn more. But all the chasing amounted to not much outside of social skills.
A life partner? You probably would act in a way where if you got her into a relationship, she would leave you.
Security? You are barking up the wrong tree.
Happiness? That’s like looking for drugs to give you happiness. No one can make you happy.
A spiritual og once told me how self love used to be considered a mystical experience. What happened to that? Now all I see are a ton of co dependent men and women who cannot stand to be alone.
I am not saying that you cannot be in a relationship. All I am saying is that sex and a relationships will not solve any of your issues. It will only put a mask over your feelings of lack. Your lack of self love.