By Globalcollective
in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
Ive seen so much struggling young men on here and with Leo's thread on this being locked I thought I would jump in and help. It really is a pain to see this as I know it can be changed.
So bit about me, I use to be sooo bad with women its not even funny, I even have learning difficulties and have bad trouble socialising. I was a virgin up until I was 21 and use to just get rejection after rejection. Eventually I said to myself I would change this once and for all and started to take massive action to improve this. I approached around 5000 plus girls and dated at least 200 of them I can't quite remember now so I have the actual experience to know how a man can go from hero to zero. Overall it took around 4 years to really sort it out.
First thing I will say is we have to end the red pill, black pill and incel beliefs once and for all. They are just so toxic and only represent half of the truth. I'm not the best looking guy, Im average tbf but I could still get lots of results even if I dressed as a tramp.
So if you have a problem or want advice or want me to elaborate more let me know.