
The World Is Going To Shit Vs. Spiral Dynamics

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I know many people who believe that the world is going to shit and that the human race is "de-evolving." I've been trying to explain to them that if they look through history with an anthropological lens, that human societies have been oscillating back and forth, and getting less chaotic over time. Sometimes I get discouraged and filled with doubt and think that human society is not stabilizing over time but instead getting more and more chaotic.

I'm living a paradox here, because on one hand I know that it doesn't matter whether we're stabilizing or going towards chaos/destruction. But on the other hand, I still choose to have a stake in society at this point, so I am rooting for us as the human race, and I don't want us to descend into chaos/destruction because that could mean millennia of learning undone. And I like learning. It's exciting to see how we can evolve as the human race, much as it's exciting to evolve along the self-actualization path. 

And ya it's my ego talking here (hi!), but I want the iteration of the universe that I participated in, to succeed. But then I remember that I am the universe, and for a moment I can hold the paradox, but then it all dissolves again.

tl;dr: I see a lot of discouragement and defeatism from people who believe that the human race is "de-evolving." I so badly want to share the Spiral Dynamics video with them, but I don't think they will be able to handle it. Their egos will be triggered, and they won't even realize it. They'll think I'm judging them etc etc... So, I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think I'll just go watch Leo's "radical open-mindedness" video and just continue on my own path. Others are on their own paths and they might not be ready for this anyway. But then I think, some of them are friends! I don't know if I can keep being friends with them because their mindsets are keeping them jailed and that frustrates me because they're limiting themselves. Conflicted on this one.

What I am reading now: Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa

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  The way I understand our human world is that we follow the same laws as the animals and the environment , although at an accelerated pace do to our drive.

Moving into the future by changing the present which can appear to be moving backwards but its an illusion , its the precursor to change that's needed for the change to take place.

We will change our society to match our technological advances 

I believe deep down most of us know that change is needed to set our society / world onto a safer path.

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I'm about 3/4 of the way through the book Nonzero. I think you might enjoy it. It makes a very convincing case for our constant upward evolution as a species. Well, until we have a mass extinction event and the reset button gets hit anyway. Then we start the whole thing all over again. 

Edited by ChimpBrain

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The solution is (obviously) Vedanta.

Ramana Maharishi liberated a cow, so anything is possible!

Stay tuned!

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Those who believe the world is devolving should study some history.

Study the ancient Romans.

Study the Mongol invasions that razed cities and slaughtered people by the millions.

Study the extermination of the Native and South Americans.

Study the Spanish Inquisition.

Study slavery.

The barbarism of those times would make modern day dictators looks like saints.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, ChimpBrain said:

I'm about 3/4 of the way through the book Nonzero. I think you might enjoy it. It makes a very convincing case for our constant upward evolution as a species. We'll, until we have a mass extinction event and the reset button gets hit anyway. Then we start the whole thing all over again. 

mmm, speaking SD, you might want to consult that book, because it's basically saying that most of the worlds pop are still at this tribal mentality, and tribal leaders with world class weapons don't mix well.

I don't think we are evolving at all, only about 0,1 percent maybe are where they need to be in terms of having let go of trying to do anything.  This is a very sobering thought because even those who are developed enough to see the issues are still part of the problem space.

I dont even think about this stuff anymore, very interesting, but its like reading a novel.

We're just an experiment anyway, and if it's God's will to destroy this aspect of himself then so be it.  God is bigger than I am 

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