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What is the relationship between awareness on the stomach/belly and Enlightement?

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When I surrender to the present moment it seems automatically my awareness goes to where I think the second chakra is located (correct me if I'm wrong).

It seems I can surrender all of my life from the belly, but not from my hand, my arm or a leg LOL.

Like I said, when this state appears An awareness into the stomach instantaneously becomes very noticeable.

What is the relationship between the breath , the stomach , and Enlightement?

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34 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

When I surrender to the present moment it seems automatically my awareness goes to where I think the second chakra is located (correct me if I'm wrong).

It seems I can surrender all of my life from the belly, but not from my hand, my arm or a leg LOL.

Like I said, when this state appears An awareness into the stomach instantaneously becomes very noticeable.

What is the relationship between the breath , the stomach , and Enlightement?

Let me experience it right now and I'll continue my sentences. 1min thanks. Wait I need to surrender myself more give me 5min.

With the breath you laugh, with your body you laugh. Your arms laugh, your tears laugh, your legs laugh, your chest and belly laughts. The more the joy is the greater it is felt. 

Give me 1 more min to go even deeper.

My focus isn't on any area of the body, it is on releasing all friction within. My focus it is everywhere in different places all the time. I am not focusing on any body part only in something that doesn't exist which I can't explain. 

I'll take some more minutes to experience it again. my mind, its difficult to go in and out of it too quickly but I'm a speedrunner haha. 

Tears of joy came again, for a while some attention was on my mouth because I was smiling for long and at my eyes because tears came. When everything calmed down I felt almost my entire body as one peice. 

Thoughts were not much present from what I remember. They become a moment to moment thing and are forgotten instantly, same with the experience of attention/feelings in body parts. The experience is pretty profound and is not limited to any body part or thought. 

Enlightenment I believe you're so into the "energy" that who knows what will happen. Do you lose your body? Does your body and mind start doing things of its own? I don't know... 

Try experimenting with your body, mind fantasy... Surrendering yourself, trying to create energy, feeling something to the maximum your body for example letting go of everything even life energy and you will become like an old dead sleepy boring man... Letting your life energy flourish might lead you to enlightenment or unreasonable amounts of unexplainable joy. (contact me in the future if you may, I'll be there) 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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None. Don't think,  don't project expectations, just experience what you experience. 

Its meaningless. 

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Usually when i become deeply present i cannot locate where the awareness is in my body, unless i focus on a part of my body (stomach) but that kinda diminishes it. I cannot describe where this awareness arises or ends, it's like its everywhere and nowhere. All i know is that it gives me deep peace but it doesn't last long lol

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Many Shamans, Eastern healers and Energy Masters have been aware of the stomach energy center for thousands of years.  It is the gateway between the physical reality and the dream reality.  It is the center of your energy and your beingness that connects with all other beings. It is the invisible communication center, known as intuition.  It takes years of focus and awareness to really grasp the multidimensional and psychic importance this center has with this reality and the infinite Earth realities that are layered within this dream scape.

Food for thought.

This is just one of many links. Explore reality, leave no stone unturned!

Note: I am in no way promoting the web page services, I am only pointing you towards the concept of the Dantian in this Link...


Edited by DLH

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17 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

I have had similar experiences with the heart. Whenever I surrender to the present moment my awareness automatically goes to the heart. It also went to the belly once, but usually it's the heart.

It then stays there until it creates a shift in the sense of "I". It starts to feel like the heart (or the belly in that one instance) becomes the center of "I" and simultaneously the center of everything. 

But I couldn't explain you the meaning of it as I myself don't know.

Interesting. I haven't had the experience from the heart yet. Thanks for sharing!

@DLH Very interesting! Just what I was looking for!

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14 minutes ago, DLH said:


Many Shamans, Eastern healers and Energy Masters have been aware of the stomach energy center for thousands of years.  It is the gateway between the physical reality and the dream reality.  It is the center of your energy and your beingness that connects with all other beings, it is the invisible communication center, known as intuition.  It takes years of focus and awareness to really grasp the multidimensional and psychic importance this center has with this reality and the infinite Earth realities that are layered within this dream scape.

Food for thought, explore reality, leave no stone unturned!


Agreed, probably. It's after the stomach you can go even deeper into consciousness. You may be close to realising lifes largest realization about how to live the most profound life. 

Also it may vary from if your standing up, sitting down or laying down. I always lay down for these kinds of things because I can't sit in lotus. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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37 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

Also it may vary from if your standing up, sitting down or laying down. I always lay down for these kinds of things because I can't sit in lotus

Focusing on the Dantian is a 24/7 life long commitment.  It is a waking meditation of Energy!  This is where you become aware of your own energies within, and aware of the energies beyond the Self.  It is the center where you feel and sense the textures of this reality and the people you come in contact, including the chaotic emotions and feelings of the collective, such as Trumpism for example!   

Just sharing thoughts, ideas and beliefs!

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19 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

What is the relationship between the breath , the stomach , Enlightement Awareness and ‘me’?




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