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LSA more powerful than shrooms and lsd- a trip report

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Having extreme  suicidal thoughts for past couple of months due to my chronic illness  I decided to try psychedelics. I have tried shrooms and lsd couple of times. 

I hiked through forest in kodai, I surprisingly found shrooms. The climate is too cold. I thought I should  try   shrooms.  But something within me told me try lsa 

I took 7 hbwr seeds. Had nausea, but not that bad as people says. After 30 mins my consciousness expanded and expanded. 

I asked God why me, why this suffering.. Booom... 

WHO IS SUFFERING, the character is suffering, the character lacks love. 

For the first time in my life I had hope that I can be healed. Healing is love. Physical may tell its chronic incurable but its nonsense... I'm inventing these reasons in my dream.. There is no biology, physiology, pathology. There is only love... Only love heals.. Moments later I become infinite(god), I become conscious of my  involuntary functions in my body I can stop my heart at my will, I can control my pulse, I watched how my lungs breath involuntarily. God told me only truth will save you, otherwise the drama(human life) will go on. Are you willing to admit the truth why you had chronic illness to your parents? Are u willing to admit the fact they won't live happily after that? Are u willing to admit the fact it wont make others happy? Are u willing to give up this life? Do u want drama or me? 

I gave up everything... No resistance... I become infinite. I became aware of everything that happens... This happens for 1 hour. and then slowly ego starts to come in... 

After 7 hours I returned to normal state. But the afterglow is incredible... For the first time I stepped out started taking to strangers next to my room we become close friends... We had camp fire.. Song... Such a wonderful night... 

Lsa is God send. Its a pure consciousness. It doesnt produce any visuals, hallucinations. And afterglow is still with me... But it has vasoconstriction property, so people with heart disease, severe gastric issues shouldn't try this... But it's no bad as people says... The nausea is a part of healing process. I become conscious of  how my sexual energy converted to divine energy. Learning to transmute sexual thoughts is key to hugher consciousness. 

Overall its a beautiful experience... My chronic illness doesn't bother me anymore... BECAUSE I KNOW EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT AT THE END... 

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I had full blown open eye hallucinations, as if being transported to different places... One of which was down inside Trump's eyebrow, while experiencing a dull blown delusion (realization? ?‍♂️) that I was in fact trump himself, and that we were in fact a bratty little boy playing video games in our jail cell somewhere outside of time. This was four years ago when he was still running. 

I may have taken too much ??


I was also no longer suicidal afterwards.  I agree LSA is very underrated.  Marijuana brought back many of the trip's insights and third eye visuals (closed-eye ) for many months afterwards. It also opened up a clairaudient channel for me that has since closed again.  

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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You are beautiful, love and fortune I send you. Allow yourself to forgive and love yourself too, you deserve this! 

Infinite consciousness, your true self,  accepting and loving /forgiving the limited human self,  is enlightenment. 

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Very nice. I wish LSA was available in pure synthetic form.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Edogowa Conan said:

@Leo Gura Aren’t you worried about getting caught with psychedelics?

I don't keep any psychedelics.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I imagine they wouldn't last long in leo-ville ?

The nausea was very very mild for me... I think I ate like 12 seeds

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't keep any psychedelics.

What about when they are being delivered to you?

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6 minutes ago, Edogowa Conan said:

What about when they are being delivered to you?

Nothing is delivered to me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing is delivered to me.

Do you leave the country to take them?

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48 minutes ago, Edogowa Conan said:

Do you leave the country to take them?

C'mon man you gotta realize what your doing lol

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Hes not gonna say because of the stigma surrounding them. But once it gets fully legalized hes gonna hold shamanic psychedelic gatherings. And everyone on the forum is going to get together. 

Edited by diamondpenguin

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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LOL could just imagine Leo with a shamanic dealer on a street corner , "pssst kid you want to experience god, I got the stuff u need"

Edited by Chives99

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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