Leo Nordin

Going homeless to become enlightened unitive

100 posts in this topic

If you are serious about the monk thing, you could listen to Björn Natthiko Lindeblad who went to Thailand to be a Bhuddist monk. He has lectures and there are also YouTube interviews with him, for example the brilliant Navid Modiri on the "Hur kan vi" ("How can we") YouTube channel is a friend if his and they have a great episode together. If not for any other reason than him being an interesting person to listen to (Navid as well). 

It sounds like you are looking for escape from suffering rather than letting go of suffering through acceptance. We can only run for so long, what we are running from will catch up sooner or later.

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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8 hours ago, Eph75 said:

If you are serious about the monk thing, you could listen to Björn Natthiko Lindeblad who went to Thailand to be a Bhuddist monk. He has lectures and there are also YouTube interviews with him, for example the brilliant Navid Modiri on the "Hur kan vi" ("How can we") YouTube channel is a friend if his and they have a great episode together. If not for any other reason than him being an interesting person to listen to (Navid as well). 

It sounds like you are looking for escape from suffering rather than letting go of suffering through acceptance. We can only run for so long, what we are running from will catch up sooner or later.

Thank you, I will take a look on them. 

The am looking for more opportunities to let go of suffering, there is nothing to escape. Because how I live right now is always my choice. When you have awakened you are in control of suffering, not the other way around, because you crated it. And it takes will to create suffering. 

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If you wish to, you don't need anyone's approval. 

It's your life. 

That kind of life is certainly not for me. 

But, if it's for you, try it out? It may also give you time to decide how you wish to spend the rest of your life, the career / business / teaching you want to do etc.

But you defo don't need to.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I will start a new thread to get advice on how I may be able to make money as a 17 year old without an education. 


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1 hour ago, SgtPepper said:

Disciplining yourself is way more rewarding and enlightening, in my experience.

Have you decided on a Life purpose?

I haven't ever been in states of consciousness more rewarding than that of letting go of suffering! And I can do it at any time! Maybe you're letting go of suffering only after the ego has a sense of accomplishment or similar. When you're living as blissfully as an awakened by realising how you create joy/energy and how you supress yourself from your full potential. Then it doesn't matter what you do with your mind or body because you won't be able to experience higher states of being. You just do what is needed for your survival and for the world, that's the most selfless way of living. 

No I don't have any life purpose yet. Will probably be to share my joy and do what's needed for the society, whatever that will be. I know the general direction of whats suits me as my life purpuse. 

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Go to the library and just try to survive this period and learn what you can from school, and keep reading outside school. Knowledge is power. In the summer break, you can go to the vipassana center in Sweden. Things will not always seem this difficult, and if you go to school you will have more opportunities - for example one day you might be a part of changing the school system, who knows. 

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On 2020.10.5. at 6:25 PM, Leo Nordin said:

@Persipnei No monesteries for me, never. I am not after persuit of spiritual development. More allowing myself enlightenment, that only I will do when survival is taken care of. @Yarco Omg no no no your assumptions about me are wrong. You need to be able to read between the lines. I told you that I have fucking awakened. This is not a small thing. Please at least assume that I might have awakened. 

Here is how I will have basic needs taken care off: I will live in a van and work very minimal 20-50h/month. That's it, the system will give me free/cheap education or put me in a get work program if I remain homeless and want help. Thats the back up plan, more or less. 

How will you survive winter?

What if your van gets ambushed or a traffic accident with your van happens? What if you get really sick and have no work insurance?

Techincally with alot of free time, yes you really can, however. Working, saving up and then either qutting working for long periods would be slower and much safer way. But with mindfulness and more experience, anyway you are going to grow. But there will be more potential for distractions for sure. I admire wanting to act upon that fire which burns within you. I almost want to do that too...

Edited by Applegarden

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@Leo Nordinbro. If you can just finish high school. You have what? Like 1 or 2 years left? 

It will give you so many options that you might regret not having later.


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On 10/3/2020 at 6:42 AM, Leo Nordin said:

I am 17 years of age, and I don't want to stay in school. I don't have any way for an income. Taking care of pets might give me some money to live on. The amount of suffering following the school system is too much, it's not worth it. I will probably give up my good grades, my family will become my "enemies" and it will be a little difficult. 

I've spend a couple hundreds of hours on phycology and spirituality. In the last 5 years. I am ready to let go of suffering, I've explored to meager ways of living for a very long time now. I am at the last stage of fitting in to society. I don't need anything, I dont need anyone, as long as my body lives I have confidence in my ecstasy. 

I won't explain the unexplainable to those who haven't experienced it. It is a good idea for survival and one day reaching enlightenment to become homeless, right? 

If you know you got this, do it, I know a homeless dude that does pickup,

Joined a mastermind and now he has a house because of the mastermind and he is happier than ever.


If your current  environment  is toxic, do it, it's better to live on the streets than to live with people who will try to put you down,


Good luck.

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Yes, you could do it.

But notice that you could surrender your life while you .

See I've seen this attitude a lot of times and it just more ego.

You don't need to go homeless or live at the mountains for the "total surrender", because you can surrender totally right now wherever you are in your life.

And the question is, if you can't surrender your life right now, why do you think you will be able to do it when you are homeless? Can't you see it doesn't make sense?

Stop projecting out to the system, culture...etc the only reason why you are not in "joyfully bliss" is because you cant surrender your life right now. Too much devilry. And the devil loves to project and self decept that when he goes homeless it would be able to surrender..lol. why not now?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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The problem is thinking that I have to surrender in the first place.  Look up the word surrender and ask yourself if that is what you truly desire to do.  What you desire to do is to allow.

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Yes, you could do it.

But notice that you could surrender your life while you .

See I've seen this attitude a lot of times and it just more ego.

You don't need to go homeless or live at the mountains for the "total surrender", because you can surrender totally right now wherever you are in your life.

And the question is, if you can't surrender your life right now, why do you think you will be able to do it when you are homeless? Can't you see it doesn't make sense?

Stop projecting out to the system, culture...etc the only reason why you are not in "joyfully bliss" is because you cant surrender your life right now. Too much devilry. And the devil loves to project and self decept that when he goes homeless it would be able to surrender..lol. why not now?

So you think I should allow myself to surrender right now during school lessons? That's the only time when I can't surrender, with people I can, but in school lessons it wouldn't be a good idea. Though when I'm about or close to quit school I'll surrender in school too. There's no need to hold myself back when I'm sure of the path that I'll take. 


3 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

The problem is thinking that I have to surrender in the first place.  Look up the word surrender and ask yourself if that is what you truly desire to do.  What you desire to do is to allow.

Yes I experience that for a majority of my waken time. I just have to allow myself to, if t's easy. But not always suitable for the situations you're in. For example right now I am doing all I can for survival, trying to learn ways to make a living. That's ego but it was my choice because I need it. 

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@Leo Nordin

Sorry, I have to say it real.

You want an easy Exit without realizing this will be the hard way. Talk to some People who are 40+ without a School Degree and ask if they can recommend it. Look at their life. You are VERY likely to get a miserable life out of that. You make it way harder you yourself if you quit now even if it is you goal to meditate all day long.

See these Posts for further Advice, they are good:

On 10/7/2020 at 8:45 PM, Applegarden said:

How will you survive winter?

What if your van gets ambushed or a traffic accident with your van happens? What if you get really sick and have no work insurance?

Techincally with alot of free time, yes you really can, however. Working, saving up and then either qutting working for long periods would be slower and much safer way. But with mindfulness and more experience, anyway you are going to grow. But there will be more potential for distractions for sure. I admire wanting to act upon that fire which burns within you. I almost want to do that too...


On 10/8/2020 at 0:47 AM, Byun Sean said:

@Leo Nordinbro. If you can just finish high school. You have what? Like 1 or 2 years left? 

It will give you so many options that you might regret not having later.



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@Leo Nordin See you are asking me if you "should" surrender.

It´s obvious you are not ready to surrender.


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Nordin See you are asking me if you "should" surrender.

It´s obvious you are not ready to surrender.


No I am not. "So you think I should allow myself to surrender right now during school lessons?" Was just a question towards what you think about it. Because if you said yes I probably wouldn't agree with you of you didn't have any good input. I have actually awakened rather recently so for me it's obvious that I am ready to surrender lol, hahaha

@supremeyingyang It's a risk. If it will be a good choice or not I don't know, noone does. I can't look at other people and what their experience have been because they are not me. I have my own plans. Input from those who haven't awakened rarely help I have realised. I only know of 1-2 people who has awakened online. I thought thrre maybe were many here, I have another thread on this when I first awakened and the responses about quitting school were mostly, go for it. Though that didn't mean much of anything to me. 

I am only 17 years old, if I'll be ready to quit half way to 18 there's the choice of continuing to 18 to get my drivers licence. Then at the age of 18 there would only be 1 year more school and I would be able to get work about 2900$/month and save for stocks dividends and live of that if I choose to continue. This makes the choice rather difficult. Very much in the favor of staying. But I probably won't anyways. 

In 2 years is the last year I could reapply for school again for free if livibg by myself didn't go my way. That's my back up plan and I could easily support myself almost entirely with money for studying, which we get in Sweden 125$ and if apprentice and luck+free food 100$ extra. Plus family must I think by law support you while studying. So if everything with homelessness goes to hell I have an easy way back. 

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@Leo Nordin

Sorry, mostly we are just normal People here:D

I can nothing else positive contribute than that: I can't recommend you to leave.



Edited by supremeyingyang

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@Leo Nordin Hey i was in a similar situation to you while i was in law school. I didn't really enjoy it, and in my mind there were so many great options with dropping out that it didn't really matter whether i stay or go.

I ended up dropping out, and i regret not staying and finishing the program. Even if you don't like it, finishing something you started is important I think, and especially with education. You will not look back in a few years and regret staying and finishing highschool, but there's a good chance you'll look back and regret dropping out.

I was a lot like you tbh. I only wanted to listen to the opinions of "awakened" people, and i was so sure that what i was doing would work because it was all in the name of enlightenment and spirituality.

I didn't listen to any of the warnings haha so if you're deadset on doing it then you probably won't listen either but I had to give my 2 cents given i just went through a similar situation.

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@Raptorsin7 Ik quitting is extreme and regret is very much possible. Yet it is "impossible" to be "enlightened" in school. I will spend some time with my ego and see how much I can surrender to my highest self in school until it becomes it's too much for the system. And if I'm not able to keep my ego up for too long then I'll quit. Maintaining ego I've realised is much easier the more into it you are. So I wonder what will happen when I use the least ego in school. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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