Leo Nordin

Going homeless to become enlightened unitive

100 posts in this topic

I am 17 years of age, and I don't want to stay in school. I don't have any way for an income. Taking care of pets might give me some money to live on. The amount of suffering following the school system is too much, it's not worth it. I will probably give up my good grades, my family will become my "enemies" and it will be a little difficult. 

I've spend a couple hundreds of hours on phycology and spirituality. In the last 5 years. I am ready to let go of suffering, I've explored to meager ways of living for a very long time now. I am at the last stage of fitting in to society. I don't need anything, I dont need anyone, as long as my body lives I have confidence in my ecstasy. 

I won't explain the unexplainable to those who haven't experienced it. It is a good idea for survival and one day reaching enlightenment to become homeless, right? 

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No. You it will actually end up strengthening your ego.

If you really want to you should become an actual monk.

But that might catch up with you later too.

Maybe learn magick to help you earn money if you don't want to become a monk. But don't go homeless.

Read Alesteir Crowley.

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Terrible idea. High school is temporary. Life ain’t easy bro at all. It only gets harder. I think dropping out of high school is the worst thing anyone could do because then you LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO FALL BACK ON. 0

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44 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

No. You it will actually end up strengthening your ego.

If you really want to you should become an actual monk.

But that might catch up with you later too.

Maybe learn magick to help you earn money if you don't want to become a monk. But don't go homeless.

Read Alesteir Crowley.


17 minutes ago, Chumbimba said:

Terrible idea. High school is temporary. Life ain’t easy bro at all. It only gets harder. I think dropping out of high school is the worst thing anyone could do because then you LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO FALL BACK ON. 0

You can't become a monk in Sweden... Also I will certainly not strengening my ego I believe, how would I do that? I 

Homeless you can atleast survive, like a monk... The systyem will make sure I don't die even if I don't work. Also I will become very knowledge in certaint areas from all my free time. I don't need anything, just survival. So nothing will become "hard" as long as I get food and stay clean. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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6 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

I won't explain the unexplainable to those who haven't experienced it. It is a good idea for survival and one day reaching enlightenment to become homeless, right? 

You have no idea what it means to be homeless. It means getting beaten up on the street by teenagers, fighting with other homeless people, diseases, freezing and so much more. You'll have to live in stage red 24/7 just to survive or people will step over you. 

6 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

I am ready to let go of suffering,

Then why not do it now? 

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3 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

You can't become a monk in Sweden... 

There are also Christian monasteries you could join

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1 minute ago, Godhead said:

You have no idea what it means to be homeless. It means getting beaten up on the street by teenagers, fighting with other homeless people, diseases, freezing and so much more. You'll have to live in stage red 24/7 just to survive or people will step over you. 

Then why not do it now? 

I live in Sweden... We have no homeless Swedish people because we get money from the country... 

I could very well do it now right here, as quickly as I have some way of survival for a while. I now how to. 

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4 minutes ago, Godhead said:

There are also Christian monasteries you could join

In our monasteries there are loads of things preventing you from being in high states of consciousness, I think. I just googled it.. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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There's no reason why you couldn't do consciousnesses work in your current situation. There's always walking meditation. If you do 1hr of sitting meditation and do "walking"/other-forms-of-waking-meditation for the whole day your consciousnesses will grow WAYY faster than you think. Also try asking "why?" whenever you do something, that automatically raises your consciousnesses too.

There's no doubt you will regret going homeless. If you decide to do it.

Also if you are having problems with school you aren't ready for hardcore practice.

Edited by Michal__

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1 hour ago, Michal__ said:

There's no reason why you couldn't do consciousnesses work in your current situation. There's always walking meditation. If you do 1hr of sitting meditation and do "walking"/other-forms-of-waking-meditation for the whole day your consciousnesses will grow WAYY faster than you think. Also try asking "why?" whenever you do something, that automatically raises your consciousnesses too.

There's no doubt you will regret going homeless. If you decide to do it.

Also if you are having problems with school you aren't ready for hardcore practice.

I don't have any special problem with school. It just hinders me from being myself. It's quite sad that I consciously restrain myself from ecstasy all the time in school. 

One or two hours a day isn't enough. I am probably ready for what you call "hardcore" practice where I live unreasonably joyfull all the time. 

I awakened not long ago. Please give me perspectives from the awakened mind. 


Edited by Leo Nordin

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29 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

I don't have any special problem with school. It just hinders me from being myself. It's quite sad that I consciously restrain myself from ecstasy all the time in school. 

One or two hours a day isn't enough. I am probably ready for what you call "hardcore" practice where I live unreasonably joyfull all the time. 

I awakened not long ago. Please give me perspectives from the awakened mind. 


Describe your awakening.


Yeah it is possible that you are ready for hardcore practice (which is 5+ hours a day, if the only kind of practice you know about is meditation) but highly unlikely. 


There is way more to it than meditation though, fasting for example helps tremendously, or even general all day mindfulness techniques work way better than you can imagine. 

You will achieve way more if you just do one 10+ day retreat every year and incorporate what I said into your daily life than if you become homeless at 17 years old and go meditate 10+ hours under a bridge.

The main reason for that is that you will experience ego backlash.


What you are planning would theoretically work, but there is more to life, you know.

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3 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

Describe your awakening.


Yeah it is possible that you are ready for hardcore practice (which is 5+ hours a day, if the only kind of practice you know about is meditation) but highly unlikely. 


There is way more to it than meditation though, fasting for example helps tremendously, or even general all day mindfulness techniques work way better than you can imagine. 

You will achieve way more if you just do one 10+ day retreat every year and incorporate what I said into your daily life than if you become homeless at 17 years old and go meditate 10+ hours under a bridge.

The main reason for that is that you will experience ego backlash.


What you are planning would theoretically work, but there is more to life, you know.

How do I explain my awakening. I can't, you let go of ego, there is no fear within you. You are the most ecstatic you have ever been in your life. Your mind doesn't work the same and thoughts won't talk to me, they will be me. Also you laugh a lot and the experience of joy is profound. Bodily sensations become something else, there is no attachment only life. 

It doesn't matter if my body feels pain or I have a strong headache. I will still be in the same joy if I remember right. Also every experience comes and goes all the time and thoughts etc is forgotten instantly, I just made sure to put awareness of the experience so that I could use it now so that I can experience it at any time when I'm free. If I would skipp that awareness I might have lost time completely and gotten into enlightenment who knows. 

I hope that's enough. I can reach this any time if I just let go lf ego but I need it to write to you - for survival. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. 

I don't need to just meditate, I've let go of ego in the most joyfull times with people and it was the same. It's just that I only allow myself for such bliss when its appropriate. And it's  "never" appropriate in the school system. 

I would do many things in my life because when you are really happy then I can share that joy and help the world evolve. I would explore the world and do many things. Kinda like Sadhguru does but in my own way. 

I dont think I will experience much ego backlash because then ego is needed. Then I would just have to overcome that obstacle I would be experiencing and continue. 

Do you get me now? 

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If you are serious, you should join a monastery. A Christian one in Sweden should do the trick. If you want a Buddhist or Hindu one, there is one of each in Belgium (not aware of other countries, Google away, my friend).

Having being homeless for a little while, I can say it is not a preferable situation and it did not help me grow spiritualy.

Join some small congregation on a far away place for a few years. Silence, working/helping/bakti, meditation and sleep. You'll do the same things as if you were homeless, but in a more fertile environment for that cause. You say you live in Sweden, aren't there monasteries high up in the north? Imagine the beauty of the mountains every morning when you wake up. I wanna join you now. :D

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On 10/3/2020 at 9:42 AM, Leo Nordin said:

Taking care of pets might give me some money to live on.

Who is going to trust a homeless guy with their pets?

On 10/3/2020 at 9:42 AM, Leo Nordin said:

I've spend a couple hundreds of hours on phycology and spirituality. In the last 5 years.

That's nothing. 200 hours in 5 years is 40 hours a year. So you've spent the equivalent of one full work-week pursuing those topics in 5 years. Literally I think you could watch a 1.5 hour Actualized.org video per week and double that.

On 10/3/2020 at 4:03 PM, Leo Nordin said:

You can't become a monk in Sweden...

Like have you even looked into this, or are you just talking out your ass? A quick Google search for "Buddhist monastery Sweden" shows at least 14 temples. Plus 2 Hindu ones. Have you even tried reaching out to them? If that's not good enough, get a part-time job at minimum wage and work 100 hours, that's less than 3 weeks full-time, and you can buy a ticket to a "real" monastery in Thailand or Nepal.

On 10/3/2020 at 4:03 PM, Leo Nordin said:

Also I will become very knowledge in certaint areas from all my free time.

Where are you going to get all of this knowledge while you're homeless? You won't be able to afford books, they probably won't even let someone homeless-looking into the library to use the free internet. They'll call the cops on you.

On 10/3/2020 at 4:08 PM, Leo Nordin said:

I live in Sweden... We have no homeless Swedish people because we get money from the country... 

So it sounds to me like you aren't actually interested in becoming homeless, but going on some sort of unemployment/welfare system. Have you done any basic research into what the requirements are to get this? Do people under 18 who have never had a job and dropped out of school even qualify?

On 10/4/2020 at 10:03 AM, Leo Nordin said:

One or two hours a day isn't enough. I am probably ready for what you call "hardcore" practice where I live unreasonably joyfull all the time. 

How many times in the past month have you meditated for more than 2 hours per day? How do you know you're capable of "hardcore" practice?

On 10/4/2020 at 10:03 AM, Leo Nordin said:

I awakened not long ago. Please give me perspectives from the awakened mind. 

This is the devil talking

Look dude, I remember what it's like to be 17 and thinking that you have all the answers, but you don't. This is going to seem ridiculous when you look back in a decade or two. And I agree with the sentiment of some other posters here that dropping out of school to become homeless with no backup plan would be a really bad choice.

Honestly I don't think you could even survive life in a monastery. You don't seem able to adhere to rules or discipline. Life in a monastery is way more regimented than going to school. They decide when you wake up, when you meditate, when you eat, what chores you have to do, when you can sleep.

I don't feel like you are pursuing this for noble or positive reasons. You just want to escape things in life that are boring or uninteresting to you. You'll learn that sometimes even an enlightened person has to suck it up and do things they don't want to. (If you are truly enlightened, would there even be a feeling of resistance to school, etc?)

If you truly are enlightened, it's unlikely that you'll be able to maintain it while being homeless. Higher states of consciousness are only really possible for someone who has their food, water, warmth, rest, security, safety, friends, feelings of accomplishment, etc sorted out. If you're constantly getting into arguments and fights with other bums, hiding from store owners and the cops, starving and wondering where your next meal is going to come from, trying not to lose your toes and fingers to frostbite in winter, etc you're going to go back into a state of survival pretty fast.

Before enlightenment - Chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - Chop wood, carry water.

Edited by Yarco

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@Persipnei No monesteries for me, never. I am not after persuit of spiritual development. More allowing myself enlightenment, that only I will do when survival is taken care of. @Yarco Omg no no no your assumptions about me are wrong. You need to be able to read between the lines. I told you that I have fucking awakened. This is not a small thing. Please at least assume that I might have awakened. 

Here is how I will have basic needs taken care off: I will live in a van and work very minimal 20-50h/month. That's it, the system will give me free/cheap education or put me in a get work program if I remain homeless and want help. Thats the back up plan, more or less. 

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48 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

@Persipnei No monesteries for me, never. I am not after persuit of spiritual development. More allowing myself enlightenment, that only I will do when survival is taken care of. @Yarco Omg no no no your assumptions about me are wrong. You need to be able to read between the lines. I told you that I have fucking awakened. This is not a small thing. Please at least assume that I might have awakened. 

Here is how I will have basic needs taken care off: I will live in a van and work very minimal 20-50h/month. That's it, the system will give me free/cheap education or put me in a get work program if I remain homeless and want help. Thats the back up plan, more or less. 

I don't want to belittle your awakening, just know there are infinite versions of waking up and every single one them feels like you hit the jackpot :D

In case you had a realization of the futility of school, society, life, ... you might want to hold your horses and just make a plan of what you want and don't want in your life and try to realize those. In your last post I see a plan to live in a van. It is actually viable, quite a lot of people do it. Do know it doesn't make life easier than in school. If you are running from something you will run right into it.

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On 10/3/2020 at 9:42 AM, Leo Nordin said:

I am 17 years of age, and I don't want to stay in school. I don't have any way for an income. Taking care of pets might give me some money to live on. The amount of suffering following the school system is too much, it's not worth it. I will probably give up my good grades, my family will become my "enemies" and it will be a little difficult. 

I've spend a couple hundreds of hours on phycology and spirituality. In the last 5 years. I am ready to let go of suffering, I've explored to meager ways of living for a very long time now. I am at the last stage of fitting in to society. I don't need anything, I dont need anyone, as long as my body lives I have confidence in my ecstasy. 

I won't explain the unexplainable to those who haven't experienced it. It is a good idea for survival and one day reaching enlightenment to become homeless, right? 

My friend Andrew had this idea back when he was 20. He wanted to live homeless to become more enlightened. Then, he was around actual homeless people who were really depressed and shooting up heroine. It was a really low consciousness group to be around because they were dealing with so much trauma and mental illness holding them back from being a more conscious version of themselves.

Then, a homeless woman he was talking to, had gotten stabbed under the bridge the night before. 

And that's what made him realize that he made an error of judgment. It wasn't an easier place to become enlightened. The pop culture image of the enlightened vagabond he had aspired to was false. 

I fear you may be stepping into this same mistake. 



Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald Thanks but homelessness is different in Sweden. Instead of homelessness I mean quitting school to get some part time work to live van life. We don't have homeless Swedish people here because we get rent for free if we are workless. 

I don't know why I didn't write this before. 

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27 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

@Emerald Thanks but homelessness is different in Sweden. Instead of homelessness I mean quitting school to get some part time work to live van life. We don't have homeless Swedish people here because we get rent for free if we are workless. 

I don't know why I didn't write this before. 

Damn, I guess that North America (except for maybe Canada ) is just that cutthroat.

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