JC Bailey

Conscious Video Games ?

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I consider myself an independent game developer and am always studying video games more and more deeply as a medium, so I thought I'd share what I think highly conscious game design looks like.

I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that video games are fully capable of everything that books, movies, music, ect. are and more. Even without VR, video games are more capable than any other medium of expanding peoples' perspectives and making them more conscious, especially since they are interactive. Sadly, the medium is still very young and mainstream gaming has a looooong ways to go. That said, there are still plenty of developers who are dedicated to making more conscious games and helping to advance the industry towards that end. Some of the common themes I've noticed with conscious games is that they tend to focus on using the medium of video games as a form of communication rather than simply trying to be fun, they also tend to go meta and are often indifferent to the player. The primary design goal of a conscious game is to create situations conducive to triggering insights in players about the nature of truth & reality, thereby expanding their capacity to be conscious. Below are a few especially interesting games I've come across that might add more to your life than just simple entertainment. Also, please share your own finds if you happen to know of any notable conscious games!

The Witness (& Jonathan Blow)

This game is all about perspective & going meta, and is essentially a metaphor for enlightenment. It's FAR from a traditionally "fun" game, yet has more depth than most other game's usually do. The video below will explain what I mean if you don't mind spoilers, I do recommend playing the game yourself first though. I also recommend watching some of  Jonathan Blow's talks on Youtube if you want to have your mind blown at how deep game design can be taken, though some of his ideas may fly over your head if you aren't intimately familiar with game design.

(Great hands-on talk by Jonathan Blow)



Another game about perspective, as well as a 3D fractal simulation. Not released yet, but looks very interesting.


Starseed Pilgrim

This is a very unique game about figuring out the rules of its universe by playing intuitively and getting a feel for how things work. Practically nothing is explained, there are no tutorials, and the game is seemingly completely indifferent to the player. YOU are solely responsible for figuring out the rules of the game world, and I find that amazing. You don't just make progress, you also have to figure out how and what you are progressing towards. Because of this, you will likely either really hate it or really like it depending on your mindset as a player.


Baba Is You

This game is VERY meta, it's so meta that at one point you end up literally playing as an entire level.


Edited by JC Bailey

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No mention of Undertale? Shame on you good sir ;)

Undertale : A deconstruction of Role Playing video games that asks you to empathise with the monsters you come across, and encourages you to find non-violent resolutions to conflict.

It's a game that asks you to take a deep look at the morality of your actions, and explores the topic of forgiveness. It also has positive representation for LGBT characters in a medium that still struggles with inclusivity.

It's a deeply empathetic work of art with an incredibly life affirming and positive message. It's also incredibly playful and filled to the brim with lighthearted humour.

Playing Undertale fills you with determination.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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It’s a visual novel, but song of Saya is amazing.  Probably the most fucked up visual novel/video game ever.  But the characters are very sympathetic and it really shows how people use love for evil: 


Another visual novel, Steins Gate.  Probably one of the best anime shows that I have ever seen as well.  This visual novel deals with free will versus determinism, different world lines existing all at once and time travel  all the while being very entertaining and have great character development: 


Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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I believe art that is trying to be "conscious" for the sake of being conscious is more than often pretentious. And there is a lot of that going around. "Consciousness" should never be muttered when it comes to art. 

I would say though that there is good art, and not so good art. The good art is made with the heart of the auteur and it doesn't necessarily has to have some profound message or innovative ideas. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Fun thread.

Every faction is full of douchebags, good example of idealism and dogma leading to idiocy.

EVO: Search For Eden:
Pretty obscure SNES game where you start off as a fish and evolve into other creatures as the game progresses. Really underrated.

Basic moral of the entire story is that you're a dumbass if you think you can abuse the shit out of mother earth and get away with it.

The Sims:
Modernity is tedious and boring. Also humans will always torture those they perceive as weaker than them if given the opportunity.

Ace Attorney series:
Teaches that deception is pointless and self-defeating.

Just off the top of my head. Video games are great!

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As an FPS player I've been enjoying Left 4 Dead 2 recently as they just released a new update. It's a refreshing break from PvP games to work together towards a common goal.

Looking forward to the next CoD Zombies as well, haven't kept up with the franchise at all but that looks like it's shaping up nicely.

As far as single player games go, Nier: Automata was gorgeous. The music and art style make it. Story wasn't bad but the art was the main draw for me.

Edited by smurf88

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