
Neither Monism, Nor Duality

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9 hours ago, Shin said:

Dodo, are you sure you've not constructed a spiritual ego so vast and grandiose that you can't admit yourself that you have no idea what you're talking about ?

As in just parroting knowledge about enlightenment that rings true because you've read so much about it that you can't distinguish the concept of enlightenment to actually really experientially right now being conscious of what you truly are ?

Are you sure you're not deceiving yourself ?

I have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyone who claims they do do not understand what a mystery is. 

I'm talking from direct experience. I've never experienced the lack of awareness/awakeness. I am not talking about a glorified state of superconciousness, but the knowing of any experience - even most ordinary ones like right now. If you can call any experience ordinary. 

You guys are so funny with this super special thing that someone must reach to be awake/aware. It is everyone's true nature / common truth to be awake /aware. As what? That is a different question. 

I am not saying the bodymind Dodo is always awake or aware, you are projecting this truth on Dodo and then telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't lol. But cool thing is Dodo doesn't exist, I, awareness exist and express through Dodo. 

Awakeness/Awareness is the simplest thing, too simple for the Dodos, the Shins and especially the Leos. 

A simple truth is best received by a simple mind. I just let flow man and if Leo says there's deeper stuff I trust him. 

But when you talk about something that I literally am... I might not know What that awakeness is, as it's not an object to me as it is the subject- but I know I am it. "It" is even too much of a word to describe the empty knower(Awareness). 

I AM awakeness. Pure simple, not as a character. The character is asleep. The awakeness is That which knows the dreaming character and world. 

The awakeness I talk about is also there in dreams at night, so it can't be anything from the waking state - waking and dream cancel each other out. How can I be the waking Dodo if I took myself to be the dream Dodo at night just as easily?

And I know for a fact I was there in the dream state, as the dream happened to Me. If we want a picture of what Awareness looks like, then we should look at deep sleep: There no objects appear, but deep sleep happens to Me, awareness is still present.

We are talking about something that is also nothing and everything and is us, very rather mysterious, from the waking character point of view. All states appear to you, though, not just waking. So I is beyond the 3 states. We are having a discourse in one of those states. 

The very light by which we know we are having this discussion, is the self that we are. That light will always be a mystery. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Only YOU can be enlightened. There is only YOU. Nothing else. If YOU do not wake up, nothing is awake.


Has a good understanding imo.

9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't even know what awakeness is yet.

@Leo Gura what is awakening? From your perspective. 

Edited by Someone here

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Just now, Someone here said:


@Leo Gura what is awakening? 


Nice try.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura nah Leo I'm really curious.  Dodo gave a certain perspective of Awakening that Is common in some spiritual he's not pulling it out of his *** but you clearly disagree and have a different perspective ... I wonder what is awakening in your book? Can you give me a specific definition please. 

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Leo Gura nah Leo I'm really curious.  Dodo gave a certain perspective of Awakening that Is common in some spiritual he's not pulling it out of his *** but you clearly disagree and have a different perspective ... I wonder what is awakening in your book? Can you give me a specific definition please. 

Direct experience of yourself as God imagining yourself into existence.

And even that is just the beginning.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Direct experience of yourself as God imagining yourself into existence.

And even that is just the beginning.

OK thanks. 

So I want to understand something... Is my mundane experience right now of eating cheetos and watching Netflix not the absolute truth?  Is it not God? Or an aspect of God?  If not how so if God is all that there is?  I mean This experience is not here by chance.. It is here because it has to be here.. It's part of the inevitable infinite truth.... So which view is more wide?  Awakening as a single rare event within infinite reality? Or awakening as the process of infinte reality manifesting?  Or awakening as infinte reality itself? 

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8 hours ago, Proserpina said:

Okie.  I guess you have a point.  

Doesn't excuse the insensitive part of the Strategist thinking he is above everyone though 9_9

Don't worry he is acutely aware of this, it's literally untenable in his mind xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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41 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So I want to understand something... Is my mundane experience right now of eating cheetos and watching Netflix not the absolute truth?

It is, but you aren't aware that.


Is it not God?

It is, but you aren't aware of that.


I mean This experience is not here by chance.. It is here because it has to be here.. It's part of the inevitable infinite truth....

Yes, of course. This moment is Infinity. But you are not infinitely conscious right now.


So which view is more wide?  Awakening as a single rare event within infinite reality? Or awakening as the process of infinte reality manifesting?  Or awakening as infinte reality itself? 

Look, to be awake you must be conscious that you are God. I don't know any simpler way to put it. It's almost impossible to explain to someone who has never experienced themselves as God.

It is not good enough to believe that you are God. You must feel it so profoundly that it is totally obvious beyond any possible doubt or question. When you reach this point, you will understand why everything exists as it does.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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31 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Can we have Joseph back? 

31 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Can we have Joseph back? 

Yes please. 

Non judgemental work. ✔️

Allowance work. ✔️

Acceptance work. ✔️

Don't react to BS. ✔️

Compassion work. ✔️

Etc. Real blessing. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Look, to be awake you must be conscious that you are God. I don't know any simpler way to put it. It's almost impossible to explain to someone who has never experienced themselves as God.

It is not good enough to believe that you are God. You must feel it so profoundly that it is totally obvious beyond any possible doubt or question. When you reach this point, you will understand why everything exists as it does.

I'm conscious that I'm God.  

And I know why everything exists as it does.

Thats said.. It's not purely intellectual although that's part.. And not an experience either although that's part.. It's highly intuitive. 

Edited by Someone here

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Just now, Nahm said:

Care to elaborate? 


Love. I really hate to say it. 

God damn ?️. This is cool ?. 

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When you guys ( @Leo Gura and @Someone here) become conscious that you're God... how do you know that this feeling isn't still an illusion? How do you know that, even though you're convinced that you are God / the floor of consciousness, that there isn't something behind that still?


I'm not challenging you guys btw - I'm just genuinely curious. Have done a little 5meo and doing more soon. Just want to know the truth :)

Edited by communitybuilder

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Care to elaborate? 


If something exists.. Everything exists. Infinity is the only possibility. Which is all possibilities. 

Infinity is happening. Just like that boom boom boom.

Ofcourse this is a conceptualized answer.. So don't annoy me with analysis lol.. The intuition grasps it in no time. 

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@Someone here Listen to Jed. He is cool. Also hate to say it. 

Pidgeon from now on. Just.... 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Someone here

Can’t really analyze nonsense. 

It's only nonsense because you don't understand it. Just like how 99% of what you say is nonsense.. Because I don't understand it. It's all relative baby.

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