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How do you deal when several people are talking to you at the same time?

16 posts in this topic

I never know what to do in this situations

Lately Its happening on my job and I never know what to do. 

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Recognize what's happening. And instead of jumping to how to deal with it- Forfeit dealing with it, and just absorb what you can.

When they are finished do this

"Wait, what did you guys say again?"

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3 hours ago, TripleFly said:


"Wait, what did you guys say again?"

Lol what?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Same here... Sometimes I can have like three employees asking me the same thing right after another and I get flustered.

Just breathe, don't react with anger, and ask each one separately to repeat what they said. 

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What you need is options:

  • Walk off and do something else.
  • Ok ok. How about holding your hand up until they all shut up and then point to one of them to begin?
  • Alternatively, do everything through email. Don't accept any other means of communication. This is the one I employ.
  • Or you could be downright rude, get out your mobile and start playing a game. Or put your headphones on/in.
  • Always look very busy and flustered and suggest they schedule an appointment with you.
  • Just look at one of them as they talk, ignore the others completely, until the first has finished speaking, then say "ok" and move on to the next one.
  • Don't say anything at all, until they've all run out of steam. Then say "ok".
  • If it's in a scheduled meeting, then for the love of god don't ever have more than three people in it, preferably just two. And if you can get away with it just one (yourself).
  • Let them talk for 1 minute (count in your head), then say "Oh s**t, sorry guys I have another meeting/hairdressing appointment scheduled."
  • Get a colleague to phone you in the middle of it, to give you a good excuse.
  • If there a multiple people talking to you, then make them feel as uncomfortable as possible: never sit, stand with arms crossed, look glum or off into the distance, breath heavily and deliberately, fidget a lot, shuffle your feet a lot or pace around a bit (so they have to follow), laugh mockingly or snicker at their suggestions.
  • Last but not least, feign sudden illness (to be used in emergencies only).

Good luck.


57% paranoid

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3 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

What you need is options:

  • Walk off and do something else.
  • Ok ok. How about holding your hand up until they all shut up and then point to one of them to begin?
  • Alternatively, do everything through email. Don't accept any other means of communication. This is the one I employ.
  • Or you could be downright rude, get out your mobile and start playing a game. Or put your headphones on/in.
  • Always look very busy and flustered and suggest they schedule an appointment with you.
  • Just look at one of them as they talk, ignore the others completely, until the first has finished speaking, then say "ok" and move on to the next one.
  • Don't say anything at all, until they've all run out of steam. Then say "ok".
  • If it's in a scheduled meeting, then for the love of god don't ever have more than three people in it, preferably just two. And if you can get away with it just one (yourself).
  • Let them talk for 1 minute (count in your head), then say "Oh s**t, sorry guys I have another meeting/hairdressing appointment scheduled."
  • Get a colleague to phone you in the middle of it, to give you a good excuse.
  • If there a multiple people talking to you, then make them feel as uncomfortable as possible: never sit, stand with arms crossed, look glum or off into the distance, breath heavily and deliberately, fidget a lot, shuffle your feet a lot or pace around a bit (so they have to follow), laugh mockingly or snicker at their suggestions.
  • Last but not least, feign sudden illness (to be used in emergencies only).

Good luck.


Those are very good advices thank you! 

I liked a lot "Don't say anything at all, until they've all run out of steam. Then say "ok"."

@Nahm They are saying "I can talk to this guy he will listen even if other is speaking to him too" it seems Lol

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Nahm that's great! I must use that with my bosses. Constantly talking over each other like naughty schoolchildren.

57% paranoid

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Also, you can just stand up, and while maintaining full attention on them, verrry slowly take baby steps walking backwards until you’re out of the room. I like that one because it’s so funny there’s no apparent rude factor. 




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33 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Just hold up your finger and say “wait!”...and after they all pause, say “.....nobody cares”. 


I must say All of those advices are quite risky in a job scenario if one of those people are usually your boss?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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9 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I never know what to do in this situations

Lately Its happening on my job and I never know what to do. 

Do what the moderator at the presidential debate did :D

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I just tell them directly that they are speaking at the same time and to whom i should listen first. Then one of them speaks, actually the one who was speaking first, i just look at him/her and don't look at the other person intentionally. And when i finish with the first one i ask what were you saying or it's your turn to the other person.


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Tell them stop being stupid i obviously can't concentrate or hear anything.. Don't you see you guys are talking at the same time idiots? How am I supposed to hear what you say ffs? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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18 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I never know what to do in this situations

Lately Its happening on my job and I never know what to do. 

Jack Nicholson strat. ;)Few would understand. 


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