Matt Skinner

Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19

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4 hours ago, Opo said:

Trump was once an innocent child and if you grew up in the same environment you would be the same. 

Genetics plays a role as well. 

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14 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Politically, I imagine the Trump campaign will try to portray it as mild symptoms, even if the symptoms are relatively severe. Anything less that a ventilator, they could probably frame as mild symptoms and how strong the president is. They could then use that to strengthen the frame that it's just "a bad flu" and the economy needs to re-open. Yet they would need to be careful not to be too callous. There are a lot of people that have been impacted by the virus - healthwise and financially. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Whether there has been an over-reaction is difficult to conclude, since we don't know what a lesser-reaction would have been. We don't know what would have happened if there weren't shutdowns, social distancing and efforts for mask wearing. For all we know, a billion people could have been infected with 10s of millions of deaths and people saying "Maybe the governments of the world grossly under-reacted to a severe virus, which has created massive damage and suffering for billions of people".

Keep in mind he just recently started showing mild symptoms so it might get more severe later on. 

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1 minute ago, Free Mind said:

Keep in mind he just recently started showing mild symptoms so it might get more severe later on. 

We don't know if he has just recently started showing mild symptoms. The point I'm making is that anything less than hospitalization and a ventilator can be portrayed as "mild symptoms". For all we know, Trump has bad symptoms, yet not bad enough for a critical care hospital bed. 

I don't understand why people are believing the statements that come out from the Trump campaign. Statistically, the majority of their statements are false, partially false and misleading. 

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A stark contrast between Biden and Trump. 

How Biden responded to Trump's coronavirus illness during the election campaign on Oct. 2nd 2020:

How Trump responded to Hilary's pneumonia illness during the election campaign on Oct. 2nd 2016:


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@Forestluv  haha, that was a good one. The president acting like a clown. 




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46 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Genetics plays a role as well. 

I don't understand genetics. 

Do you have any sources where I could learn more? 

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2 minutes ago, Opo said:

I don't understand genetics. 

Do you have any sources where I could learn more? 

What he meant is that certain traits are not merely because of childhood influence or environment but also genetically inherited from parents. 

In this case it implies that since Trump is a narcissist, this might have been inherited from his narcissistic father because his father was known to be very narcissistic and controlling with his children. 

This is in Trumps bio by his niece Mary Trump in her book where she says her Uncle aka Fred Trump was a very narcissistic parent. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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10 minutes ago, Opo said:

I don't understand genetics. 

Do you have any sources where I could learn more? 

It's an enormous field of study. It depends what area you are interested in. For basic background on genetics, a foundational college textbook. Videos by Bozeman science and Khan academy are good. They are generally at an introductory Uni level. 

In the context of what I wrote, one's genetic makeup interacts with one's environment - there is an interplay between the two. 


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@Matt Skinner

15 hours ago, Matt Skinner said:

Things will be interesting moving forward...

   Either he's on damage control, or actually ill. I hope he'll be fine for the next debate.

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54 minutes ago, Opo said:

I don't understand genetics. 

Do you have any sources where I could learn more? 

My sort of half ass understanding of it that is able to put it simply like this :P

bodily sensation is a deep emotional compass for us so to speak. It’s what forms emotions for us and let’s us communicate and act in certain ways. 

if you do something as a child, for example play with fire or pull the dogs tail, and are scolded you form different emotions and beliefs that help you function later on as an adult. I think some people just have a different sensation experience that affects how they act especially if they were neglected. They numb it out and given a person genetics Of their body which sensation is felt through it can be easier to do this for some or they may not even have to at all cause their sensations were muted in the first place.

Edited by Lyubov

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He's on the way to the hospital.... Has been taking experimental antibody treatment 

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We live in interesting times. What is often overlooked is what is meant by "testing positive" for the virus and this has not been clarified in Trumps case. If the diagnosis has been made on a RT-PCR test of a nasopharyngeal swab this means viral RNA has been detected but doesn't tell us if this  simply means fragments of RNA are present, or if he has whole virus present which would confirm active infection. The assumption made is if symptoms are present along with a positive test then covid-19 virus is the cause which may or may not be the case but the clinical behaviour will reveal if the assumption is valid. Culturing the virus is the acid test but this takes time to perform, and antibodies which are also confirmatory do not develop until 1-2 weeks after infection begins.   

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10 minutes ago, Corpus said:

We live in interesting times. What is often overlooked is what is meant by "testing positive" for the virus and this has not been clarified in Trumps case. If the diagnosis has been made on a RT-PCR test of a nasopharyngeal swab this means viral RNA has been detected but doesn't tell us if this  simply means fragments of RNA are present, or if he has whole virus present which would confirm active infection. 

If there are coronavirus RNA molecules present, how did they get there without a viral infection? 

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@Corpus he's on the way to the hospital ?‍♂️

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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   Or, another possibility, is that after the debate, he had so much testosterones and cortisol flowing in his system that he had to have more sex than usual to offset the aggression, and is experiencing P.O.I.S. for the first time, and confusing those symptoms for having the virus.

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The real question here is "Would it be better if Trump dies or not?" 

My opinion is that its better if he doesn't die. Otherwise there will be even more division and chaos. 

Anyone here have a case for why it would be better if he died from this? 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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4 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

Good point.  If Trump really gets sick, the election could become even more uncertain.  What if Pence had to take over?   I don’t see why progressives are celebrating this.  As of yesterday, Biden was going to win.  Now there is an October surprise with the possibility of changing the dynamics.

There is no way Pence is beating Biden. If Trump is out of commission, Biden wins.

I don't see this helping Trump at all. He will not score sympathy points, just ridicule for acting like an arrogant fool.

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Just now, lmfao said:

The real question here is "Would it be better if Trump dies or not?" 

My opinion is that its better if he doesn't die. Otherwise there will be even more division and chaos. 

Anyone here have a case for why it would be better if he died from this? 

You want anyone but him in power. He is probably one of the worst people to have as president. I'd rather have a literal chimp as US president than him!

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7 minutes ago, lmfao said:

Anyone here have a case for why it would be better if he died from this? 

Not saying I wish for this, but if he dies, his admin will finally be over. The cult of Trump will be beheaded like a viper.

Think about how many people will suffer and die if Trump gets relected for 4 more years. Also think of the damage done to the country if Trump loses but refuses to conceed. Which basically gauranteed now.

It is rather absurd to place so much importance on Trump's life when he has total disregard for the lives of his fellow citizens.

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