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The Don

This Is The Best Way To Develop Consciousness

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Right after you embark on the self-actualization journey, feelings of hopelessness and discouragement start to bubble up. It's like a non-ending stream of negative emotions. If you don't manage those emotions, you give up and live in a state of misery for the rest of your life. If you find a way to manage them, you blindly continue the work until you get a glimpse of progress, reaching a point where you no longer give up.

That's how I got here.

In the past month, I've been able to identify how the mind works. Before that, I didn't fully understand how deceptive the mind can be. Many people fall into the trap of thinking that they know how their mind works, without actually knowing the deceptive mechanisms of the mind. I was tricked by the mind for a long time...

With that being said, you get to understand the mind only by observing it on a daily basis. I did that even when I was working.

Just by looking at a simple object, the mind can start ruminating about it and link that object with old and uncontrolled thoughts.

Just by seeing a person you don't like, the mind can autonomously trigger an episode of rumination, without you being aware of it.

Just by being aware that you are aware, the mind can seduce you into thinking without being able to stay conscious of that deceptive process.

It's mindboggling and amazing at the same time.

It takes you at least six months of mindfulness and observation just to get a glimpse of understanding of the deceptive nature of the mind.

Observation alone is the best tool to develop your consciousness. Don't depreciate its power.

Edited by The Don
To add a new sentence.

Me on the road less traveled.

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