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Financial independence through work disability

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In my country, when you have a physical or mental impairment, you can get monthly money that allows you to fulfill your basic survival needs. I'm looking for different factors that I can bring together to help the doctor, responsible for determining if in my case I would be eligible for this monthly money, conclude that in fact I have enough factors in my advantage so I can get the money. 

I want to do this because I'm trying to master different subjects relating to my life purpose, and I am held back by a lot of different things that can't be worked out without money. I had recently let my adhd get diagnosed officially, and I can present a history of anxiety related psychological issues. I want to build a stronger case to present to the doctor so he has no other option to give me the paper saying I can have the money. I have tried getting a job, but I always end up getting fired or quitting because my mind is so onfucussed, disorientated and chronically fatigued. It tends to jump around from subject to subject, not really mastering anything. The history of having lots of different jobs and always getting fired will be in my advantage as well. I have already worked out a lot of diet related issues, but because of some circumstancial factors, I can't keep up and a lot of healthy eating habits are not realistic to keep up anymore mostly because of financial reasons. All these factors make it difficult to focus on my life purpose and therefore I want the money so I can just breath, relax and focus on what's going to help me long term. Paradoxically I'm very focused on my vision but my mind and circumstances hold me back. I suspect I have heavy metal toxicity as well although this is speculation and I will experiment with chelation (if I have the money). 

What I have now:

- adhd diagnoses

-proof of inability to keep jobs

-multiple doctors that can confirm my symptoms 

-history of anxiety, ocd and other issues

So what can I add to this? Would this be enough? Should I fake more serious mental illness or would they put me in a mental hospital? All insights are welcomed 

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3 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

So what can I add to this? Would this be enough? Should I fake more serious mental illness or would they put me in a mental hospital? All insights are welcomed 

Instead of thinking about what you should get from the system, try to think about what you can give to the system. 

Happiness comes from giving, not from taking. 

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8 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

Instead of thinking about what you should get from the system, try to think about what you can give to the system. 

Happiness comes from giving, not from taking.

That's a nice philosophy, but it won't do me any good and it is a bit simplistic for someone in my situation. I have to take first in order to help myself heal my body and become more healthy. There's cognitive issues I have I don't even know the source of. I have to find out first and then my priorities can shift to giving. 

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