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Where would you put Gary Vaynerchuk on spiral dynamics?

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roughly like 70% orange, 30% green, probably some sprinkle of other stages in there as well

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Almost fully orange. 

Check out Ed Mylett, he's certified yellow. 

Edited by fridjonk

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@FeelSpaghetti Yeah, he's pretty cool. 

@dflores321 I watch Spencer and he has his limited thinking too since he's mostly orange/green. When Ed had Dr. Joe Dispenza on, and Jay Shetty, you could easily tell that he's mostly a yellow thinker. Even if he made his fortune in the past in a sketchy way, he really has good intentions now I believe. 

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I agree with the others. Basically a full embodiment of orange, but he's a very healthy version of it.

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I cannot think of someone more SD orange than him lol

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The guy definitely has some yellow things in him

You peg him in orange that much because his main audience is orange and he is a show person who is serious about his show and its branding


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1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

You peg him in orange that much because his main audience is orange and he is a show person who is serious about his show and its branding

Not at all. 

I've watched him a whole bunch and can confidently say he's almost fully orange with little green, and there is pretty much no yellow in him.

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@dflores321 100% agree. I love Spencer's videos and he's really good at digging deep into fake gurus and exposing them for what they are. My personal favorite was his video on Dan Lok. :D

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I'd say peak orange, a lot of green and some yellow. He's definitely one of the highest consciousness business leader of today. 

His focus on being nice, authentic, and transparent is unmatched. I've rarely seen someone mainstream talk about such high character things and actually back them up.

Watching his discussion with Jessica Alba where he breaks out into general life stuff and philosophy was super cool too. He has a lot of deep thoughts that don't come out in his regular content which is 99% business based. 


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

 Instagram is @Kylegfall

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2 hours ago, herghly said:

@fridjonk Why do you think he is yellow?

Watch his videos with Jay Shetty or Dr. Joe Dispenza and it becomes evident. 

He's fascinated with consciousness and spirituality as well. 

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I know this post is late and I don't really know about spiral dynamics but Gary Vaynerchuk talks and lives by the same rules as yogis/gurus does. 

He is perhaps enlightened, at least experiencially and to some degree intellectually as well. That is why he talks about awareness so much, because in living without fear you need awareness to make good decisions. 

Gary Vaynerchuk is truly an inspiration. And he sometimes talks about how he has and is constantly trying to figure out how to enlighten or bring people to liberation. 

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Ver fishy the Ed guy. Scammers love consiousness and spirituality. Best ROI. Btw he is peak steoroids.

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Most people here really dont get Spiral Dynamics deeply enough, Gary is definitely not Yellow, Gary is peak hustle culture Orange. Period. I get an aneurysm just from hearing him talk.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, Epikur said:

Ver fishy the Ed guy. Scammers love consiousness and spirituality. Best ROI. Btw he is peak steoroids.

Yeah, I'm not talking of his mentoring program. But from watching his podcasts from time to time, you can easily tell he has a good heart and good intentions. I've gotten some great tips from his podcast. 

And I've never heard of scammers loving consciousness and spirituality. You can spot a fake spiritual person from a mile away. It's also a 100 times smaller market than something like Vaynerchuk targets. Ed could be way bigger if he targeted stage orange. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

I know this post is late and I don't really know about spiral dynamics but Gary Vaynerchuk talks and lives by the same rules as yogis/gurus does. 

He is perhaps enlightened, at least experiencially and to some degree intellectually as well. That is why he talks about awareness so much, because in living without fear you need awareness to make good decisions. 

He couldn't be further from a yogi/guru. He has a hard time not talking for more than 2 seconds and keeps interrupting people to the point where people complain about it in the comments. Peak stage orange really, and nowhere near enlightened. 

But that's not to say you can't learn from his hustle mentality.


Edited by fridjonk

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