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Is there a world out there? - Resolved.

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So I thought I would share this.. I know a lot of people have this solipsism dilemma.. I know I have.. But recently I've come to realize what is actually the case about the "world out there" . Is there a world out there?.  To frame the question appropriately.. Is there a deeper independent reality to what you see out there outside of your perception of it?  When you don't perceive the world... Is the world still there?. 

Plain and simple.. No.  There is no world out there.. Not only when you don't perceive it. But right now as you "think" that you are perceiving it.  

Because what you think is the world out there is actually you. The problem is you think there is me here and a world there and me is looking at the world. That's duality. The observer is the observed. And this is meant literally. What you think is a screen right now that is being perceived by you via a medium of perception system (eyes) is actually what you are. You are not looking at the screen right now. You are the screen. And this is the case for any other duality. You and your thoughts are actually one thing. You and your feelings are actually one thing. Meaning there is no you that is feeling feelings.. The feelings are what you are. Evident by when there are no feelings there are no feeler as well. Similarly when there is no perceiver there are no perceptions.  And since there is in fact no duality between the perceiver and the perceived.. There is neither a you nor a world out there.. There is one unbroken actuality. And this is it. In this actuality there is actually no "you" and no "other". If you try to pin point where or what exactly is" you" in direct experience and what is or where exactly is "other" you will fail miserably. Because this boundary is completely imaginary. It's all one thing. There is no you right here perceiving a world out there. It's all here. Here is there. You is the world.  So what you call other people are literally you. The entire actuality of what's showing up in consciousness right now is you. Not just what you are  identified with as your body. The entire field of consciousness is you. From this place there is neither  you nor a world as two separate things. There is only what is. And what is.. Is one unbroken actuality with no divisions. If you lose that awareness of clarity and revert back to thinking that I am me right here looking at the world out there.. Then a question might arise about the nature of the relationship between me and the world.. Am I projecting the world? Imagining it like a dream that has no reality outside my own experience? Or is it just there and I m merely perceiving it..?. But the whole question is based on a false sense of self that is separate from the whole. In order to resolve this dilemma  you must sit down and kill yourself. Kill this illusory sense of I'm me here somewhere  inside this body. There is no self separate from the world. It's just a sense of self. Just a sense. It comes and goes. Like all other senses. There is actually some centers in the brain responsible for the sense of the self .. If we shut down those centers in the brain you will go poof. You will be gone as a self. You were never real to begin with. But sure as hell you appear to be real. But if you sit down and try to draw the boundary between you and the world. You will discover you are literally the entire world. You are the totality of what is. 

So to summarize.. There is no you or other people or a world out there. But if looked at them from the view point of separation. Then a question arises about the relationship between the me and the world. But that whole separation is illusory. Therefore there is no place for the question about the relationship between nonexistent things. 

So.. Other people don't exist as other people. They exist as you. 

Edited by Someone here

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Everyone talks about the negatives of solipsism, but what about the positives? 

You can live for yourself and love yourself.

Solipsism means you are alone as god, no purpose no soulmates, no destiny you can do what you want, go where you want.

So basically, even if this is true you might benefit from it.

Others are you but you don't know if they are conscious and the choice to believe is yours.

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14 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Others are you but you don't know if they are conscious and the choice to believe is yours.

No one is conscious. This is the most absurd duality of them all. People don't have consciousness. Consciousness have people (not even). 

Edited by Someone here

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Solipsism is weird. "I'm all alone". But surely to be alone, you need to be alone away from everyone else? Except there is no "everyone else". Solipsism still has separation built into it. @Someone here is not talking about solipsism but about non-duality.

57% paranoid

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I know, the topic is called is there a world out there.

Basically, I wanted to add this argument from beginner spiritual seekers and show them even solipsism isn't a big deal.

What is actually happening is as you said, a multidimensional being(god) is always creating and embodying new selves, dividing itself through imagination. Nothing is separate, nothing outside god's mind and imagination.

And by nothing i mean the void literally 

Also adding solipsism to threads seems to make good discussions happen xD

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Soul searching. Feeling lost. New Age. Identification. Religion. Disconnection. Space. Time.


Stop slicing the identification.

Dice the religion.

Boil the New Age for five years.

Mix in the other ingredients.

Slow cook in the pot of non-duality for an infinite time.

You can substitute other things for Space and Time if ingredients are not available in your country.

If you're feeling adventurous add a dash of Solipsism (taste preferences may vary).

57% paranoid

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Sorry forgot to include the name of the dish:


Best served to no-one.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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46 minutes ago, LastThursday said:



Soul searching. Feeling lost. New Age. Identification. Religion. Disconnection. Space. Time.


Stop slicing the identification.

Dice the religion.

Boil the New Age for five years.

Mix in the other ingredients.

Slow cook in the pot of non-duality for an infinite time.

You can substitute other things for Space and Time if ingredients are not available in your country.

If you're feeling adventurous add a dash of Solipsism (taste preferences may vary).

Very true :D

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@Someone here inspiring text. There is truth there. about solipsism, it is an egoic construction that happens when you realized that it's only one being and after you come back to the ego again. The infinity is not alone. 

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3 hours ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Everyone talks about the negatives of solipsism, but what about the positives? 

You can live for yourself and love yourself.

Solipsism means you are alone as god, no purpose no soulmates, no destiny you can do what you want, go where you want.

So basically, even if this is true you might benefit from it.

Others are you but you don't know if they are conscious and the choice to believe is yours.

I don't think I don't think Solipsism is bad per se as long as you aren't thinking you are better than the people you assume are really just you and allow for the possibility that on some other level/timeline whatever you might experience their point of view. The left eye isn't better than the right eye but can't see what it sees but together they assemble the 3d view the mind interprets.

A brain cell can't go around thinking its better than a heart cell just because it thinks it's stupid and irrational. The hardest part is the temptation to label all those background ppl on autopilot, NPCs when you're almost always the smartest person in the room.. I've learned to counter it be realizing that most ppl are better than I am in some way and all have inherent value merely be the sheer logic of their unique point of view and my processing power is better unlisted in looking for a way to serve them or empower them.

Incidentally my definition for "Stupid" when people call others that is this:


A label I ascribe to that which I am too dumb, lazy or close-minded to try to understand because I'm always right, stupid.

Aren't I clever? Imma sig that that sucker methinks..

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5 hours ago, latch said:

don't think I don't think Solipsism is bad per se as long as you aren't thinking you are better than the people

There is not solipsism because it is a egoic idea , and the ego have many others egos around to have company

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Great great post. I think you explained it in a detailed and brilliant wat yet so simple!

Just a personal question, are there other Conscioussness/Infinities experiencing THIS creation from other imaginary bodies?

That's the million dollar question.

And of course one that I never won't be able to answer. Since whatever people will reply to me I'll just project my own authority / belief on to them.


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Completely conceptual. My humble question: are you still suffering? If so, maybe concepts aren't all they're cracked up to be :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

No one is conscious. This is the most absurd duality of them all. People don't have consciousness. Consciousness have people (not even). 

Consciousness have people in the same way consciousness have a rock?



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@Someone here If you'll indulge me for a second...

Is there depth to the visual field? In other words, when I "look" at a scene, is there just nothingness behind the colors and perceptions I am seeing? Or is three-dimensionality actually real?

If I look at a tree, is there something behind the tree? Or am I just looking at a flat rendering/projection emanating from myself?

That is the part that gives me pause. 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

are there other Conscioussness/Infinities

Only can be one infinity...because it is infinity! 

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Great great post. I think you explained it in a detailed and brilliant wat yet so simple!

Just a personal question, are there other Conscioussness/Infinities experiencing THIS creation from other imaginary bodies?

That's the million dollar question.

And of course one that I never won't be able to answer. Since whatever people will reply to me I'll just project my own authority / belief on to them.


That's Duality. There is no " experience "going on here. As in a separate experiencer experiencing stuff outside of itself. These are three separate things : the experiencer +the experience +the process of experiencing
Nonduality means there is only one unbroken actuality. The experiencer and the experienced are one diffused thing. Look at a piece of paper. You're it. You're not experiencing it. There is no boundaries between you and your experience. You are the experience. You are the entire world. Everything that exists is you. You are omnipresent.
From this perspective.. No one is there. Neither you nor other people. Because these are flimsy imaginary boundaries your mind impose on boundless consciousness.  

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2 hours ago, Moksha said:

Completely conceptual. My humble question: are you still suffering? If so, maybe concepts aren't all they're cracked up to be :)

Ofcourse these are words. To write anything it gotta be concepts. Duh lol. But you gotta stop looking at the finger and raise your head up to the moon. All I can do is point. 

Ofcourse I'm still suffering generally speaking. If I'm experiencing a tooth ache I will be in pain. Awakening doesn't turn you into a super human. It just makes you see everything as it is.

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1 hour ago, RedLine said:

Consciousness have people in the same way consciousness have a rock?



Yes. But not even. 

Consciousness IS the rock IS the people. 

It's not that  people carry away a conciousness like how they carry away a bag and a rock doesn't Carry it away.. The people and the rocks are "made of" consciousness. 

You think you are a human body with consciousness. Actually you are pure conciousness misidentifying itself with a limited appearance inside itself. 

Edited by Someone here

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