
The Stuck Addict

29 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Beam said:

Of course you won't take my advice will you , you have a bent mission to share your nasty personality with people trying to better themselves.

Thanks for sharing your hateful attitude , what a maroon !

If you are into Leo's videos, you can start with this one.

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Isnt it absurd though , you were looking at yourself threw others eyes when you read that, it was shocking for you I bet.

Edited by Beam

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16 minutes ago, Beam said:

Isnt it absurd though , you were looking at yourself threw others eyes when you read that, it was shocking for you I bet.


I'm not sure what to say.  Except I recognize these things you are saying, and they look to me like victim butt hurt and manipulation to get me to adjust to you and your ego.

As far as I can see there is no value in you keep coming at me with this nonsense.  

You need to be aware that not everybody in life is like you, likes you, or is going to be what you want.  Keep banging your head against the brick wall.  I'm just glad it's your head and not mine lolxD:P

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1 hour ago, Beam said:

The precious vandanta you speak of has made you nothing but obnoxious and off balanced.

You need to start working on yourself and throw that idiotic vandanta theory in the trash , its not helping you its hurting you.

This is quite insidious.  

Ok, let me play into your fantasy here and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Just say I am acting like a prick.

Why do you come down hard with this nonsense here?  Suggesting I quit my path and that?

Youre speaking like you know me.  Like you have been observing me for a while and maybe after a few years of banging my head against the Vedantic brick wall you can see how I have turned sour with this path.

That I might accept.

But you have not oberved me at all.  You see postings I have made over a week or two.

How about I suggest a new thought patter for you?

"Oh, he's a prick.  He might just be on his path and suffering a bit right now,  it must be hard dismantling the ego.  Oh well, each to their own, Im sure he will change just like everything else does.  In the mean time I think I'll give him a wide birth".

How about that?

Feel better?

More sane?

Less intrusive?

Less aggressive?

More mature and self actualized?

More in touch with the options?

Its upto you what you make of your experience.  Its none of my business what is going on in your head, so its none of your business what is going on in mine.

Learn some respect and objectivity, or dont.  I dont care.  Its your life, but please, dont tell me what to do with my life, its none of your business my friend.

Got it?

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You Don't think I read your Posts do you ?  


Fuk no , I gave up on that after you posted to me your insight is God , what did you tell me again ... oh take 2 steps toward God and he'll take ten towards you , which is nothing but brain washing dribble.

My god man give your head a shake

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8 hours ago, Beam said:

You Don't think I read your Posts do you ?  


Fuk no , I gave up on that after you posted to me your insight is God , what did you tell me again ... oh take 2 steps toward God and he'll take ten towards you , which is nothing but brain washing dribble.

My god man give your head a shake

Im not sure what else I can say, except youre wasting your energy, and just hurting yourself in the process.

The God thing is something Ramana said, and it's true, when you make an effort then things find you, start to work for you.  When you dont bother, then life does not bother with you.  It is a quote, but also a way of making you work for knowledge.  Nobody is going to hand it on a silver plate to you, you need to lear some lessons about the spiritual path, the real tradition is designed in a way to keep chancers out, so we have these sayings.  Its nothing to do with me. 

If you have low self esteem you will be offended, if you are happy and ok with yourself you might laugh.  Its a double sided coin, however it lands with you is upto your state of consciousness .

More great free advice lol

Edited by Matthew Lamot

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9 hours ago, Beam said:

You Don't think I read your Posts do you ?  


Fuk no , I gave up on that after you posted to me your insight is God , what did you tell me again ... oh take 2 steps toward God and he'll take ten towards you , which is nothing but brain washing dribble.

My god man give your head a shake

These little victim outbursts, these indicate to me that this is more about your need to feel better, get power because you are empty.  You dont feel great, you dont know that you are non dual limitless love, so you adopt all these half baked morals (not as a way to practice your spiritual pursuits) but because you parrot them and dont understand what they really mean, and also so you can feel a sense of superiority and indignation and anger when people dont play the same mind games.

This is just obvious to me, because if you believed in your ideas they would be making you independent and tollerent rather than making you angry and drain energy on hating somebody else and trying to change them.

I advise you look into a practice called karma yoga to gain some independednce from your environment and lower your unrealistic expectations.  Secondly inquire on the objects you seek, like power, superiority, and your attempts to control others if it is really worth getting the things you lack from people on the outside so you can feel better about yourself.

If you look at those two to begin with, you will go a long way, not be so upset and angry all the time, and will be able to just say prasad to all the events that happen in your life.  This will make you more sattvic, less interested in others and how offended you become, and more ready to look at the ego (provided you know what the ego is in the first place).  For this I recommend the correct teachings of Vedanta.

It will help.

Im not sure I can give any more advise than that my friend.

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9 hours ago, Beam said:

which is nothing but brain washing dribble.

What is brain washing about Vedanta?  If you had tried it out for a while then I might be inclined to sit and have a discussion about this.  But alas, you dont really know what you are saying and are just making assumptions based on believing your thoughts.

You are not informed.  I have been a seeker all my life, I am Self Actualized, I have been involved with this New Age process for years.  I know it does not work, I can tell you that now, because it's not accurate.  It is more confusing than anything and a lot of the "practices" meant  to cure discomfort along the way actually sabotage the process.  This is because people are too interested in personal experience and are too dismissive of trained and enlightened teachers who know the path.  People in this day and age want to do it themselves.  So they think they are growing, but there are not.

So this is what I know.  You look like a newbie to me to be quite honest, which says to me that you have not much ground to stand on except your feelings and uninformed opinions and projections, which I personally dont consider worth anything in this path.

Vedanta is a 100% correct analysis of reality, its is not some spiritual mumbo jumbo.  It opens your eyes because every verse in the teaching (correct teaching) can be verified in your own experience.  This is in itself enlightening and opens your eyes to all of the ego's mindgames.

It heals the mind and makes it sattvic through a practice called karma yoga, and prepares the mind for doing the work.  Its not just looking at a video on youtube that might seem all spiritual and psychological and then spreading the nonsesne around like a parrot while making beliefs out of them that keep you a parrot and locked in your head and in your ego games.

Not sure what else to write here.  Im sure I'll think of something lol

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Someones action brought a reaction that they disliked which is straight up  Vendanta in action.

Maybe there is something to it after all , I don't think so but thee might be.


Its been said the  Vendanta is the ramblings of a aging guy trying to make sense of life

I would like to turn the page now , lets move on to more fertile subjects.


Please , accept my apologies If I bummed anyone out




Edited by Beam

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