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Guest Bazooka Jesus

Tripping when you're feeling good vs tripping when you're feeling down

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Hey all, two days ago I had a spectacular awakening experience on 300 mcg of LSD which made all of my previous ego death trips look like mere foreplay in comparison. At its peak, it really did feel like full "Enlightenment", like a complete falling away of the veil --- like I just solved the riddle of existence and there's nothing left to do or achieve after this!

Now, the thing is that I have been feeling pretty low and agitated lately; just two weeks ago, the person who I used to regard as my very best friend and - to use a somewhat sappy expression - spiritual companion in this current phase of my life told me in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want anything to do with me from now on. Needless to say, this left me feeling crushed. However, I feel like this "unfortunate" event and the resulting inner turmoil has been the very thing that gave my LSD trip such an intensely transcendent quality; it truly made me aware of the powerful emotional undercurrents that run my entire life and keep me perpetually stuck in ego mode -- and it also showed me that all of this personal pain and turmoil is just a stream of karma that's running along like a river through eternity and will eventually flow back into the sea of infinite consciousness; there is really nothing else to do but to let it run its course!

To be clear, I would advise everyone who is starting out with psychedelics to only trip whenever they're feeling halfway secure and good about themselves; "better safe than sorry" is certainly a good guide line if you're a psychedelic newbie. But now that I do have a couple of acid trips under my belt, it seems to me that tripping when you're in a comparatively "bad state" can actually have the potential to supercharge your trip and give it that certain edge that might be necessary for you to truly transcend the ego.

What do others think about this? Are there any fellow psychonauts here who have made similar experiences?

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Yep, in the past, the only reason why I tripped was to have a very challenging time and face my fears. If the trip didnt do that for me, i would consider it a failure even if i got amazing insights. I dont have that desire anymore though a good chunk, if not most of my fears are basically gone. Im now at a stage where i do everything to feel the wonder and glory of the universe.

Here is a very powerful trip report: 


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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

and it also showed me that all of this personal pain and turmoil is just a stream of karma that's running along like a river through eternity and will eventually flow back into the sea of infinite consciousness; there is really nothing else to do but to let it run its course!


Beatiful. Truly touched my heart. 9_9

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6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Yep, in the past, the only reason why I tripped was to have a very challenging time and face my fears. If the trip didnt do that for me, i would consider it a failure even if i got amazing insights. I dont have that desire anymore though a good chunk, if not most of my fears are basically gone. Im now at a stage where i do everything to feel the wonder and glory of the universe.

Here is a very powerful trip report: 


Holy hell, what a report! This really is some exorcism type stuff that you describe there... wow.

Have you actually been able to intergrate these amazing insights into your everyday life?

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Beatiful. Truly touched my heart. 9_9

Thanks, it touched my heart too... lol. - Even though I have to say that the peak moment of "enlightenment" during the trip wasn't so much an instance of blissful and ecstatic rapture but rather of "What the f... - Seriously? This is it? Everything is already perfect as it is and that's it?! Ooooohhh my god, you gotta be kidding me!!" ^_^

As I said earlier: It is kind of like having a magic trick explained to you that you've been racking your brain about forever in order to figure out how it works... and then the explanation is so fucking simple that a part of you almost wishes that you had never asked. Heh!

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This is something I wrestle with. Being in an emotionally charged place when you trip definitely amps up your experience. But of course that makes things more risky too. When I first discovered psychedelics I had several life-changing trips in a relatively short span of time, this period coincided with a time in my life where many significant personal events had me emotionally heightened. But since then, I've tended to only trip when I feel like I'm in a good place for it, and my trips have been a less intense (at equivalent doses). this holds me back a bit though since I'll often use that as an excuse not to trip. Like "oh coronavirus and the US election have me super bummed out, so I guess I wont trip today" but of course, I know in the back of my mind that if I did trip that day I'd probably feel a lot better about the current situation!

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


Have you actually been able to intergrate these amazing insights into your everyday life?

I'm 90% sure it was the main cause of a sober ego death experience about 4 days later so I'd say yes lol. 

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11 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Yep, in the past, the only reason why I tripped was to have a very challenging time and face my fears. If the trip didnt do that for me, i would consider it a failure even if i got amazing insights. I dont have that desire anymore though a good chunk, if not most of my fears are basically gone. Im now at a stage where i do everything to feel the wonder and glory of the universe.

Here is a very powerful trip report: 


You are banned because of your fixation with "hero dosing".

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Trip when you feel good or better, when you feel great! so your trip will reach highs you never reached before, and then bring up things that make you feel down so you see them through a more god-like perspective and 'poof', they dissolve into the illusions they are, because now that you are operating at a higher state of consciousness, you see all these things, as they are, illusions.. thoughts, beliefs, suppressed emotions, triggers, mind plays and things you hold onto consciously or unconsciously ect.. This is how you perform energetic surgery on yourself.

This is the shamans way and how you truly grow and heal from things, using these tools and teachers to your advantage.

I personally find distortions in the consciousness structure of most synthetics, and find natural teachers of the land far more potent and permanent realignment tools, but at the end of the day, you do what feels and works best for you :)

Just A Perspective ~




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9 minutes ago, Quantum Toad said:

Trip when you feel good or better, when you feel great! so your trip will reach highs you never reached before, and then bring up things that make you feel down so you see them through a more god-like perspective and 'poof', they dissolve into the illusions they are, because now that you are operating at a higher state of consciousness, you see all these things, as they are, illusions.. thoughts, beliefs, suppressed emotions, triggers, mind plays and things you hold onto consciously or unconsciously ect.. This is how you perform energetic surgery on yourself.

This is the shamans way and how you truly grow and heal from things, using these tools and teachers to your advantage.

I personally find distortions in the consciousness structure of most synthetics, and find natural teachers of the land far more potent and permanent realignment tools, but at the end of the day, you do what feels and works best for you :)

Just A Perspective ~




You can also decide what the illusion IS. You don't have to be at the mercy of reality.  And when you have Being it won't matter what the illusion is or how you react, you'll always be fulfilled deep down. 


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17 hours ago, cetus said:

You are banned because of your fixation with "hero dosing".

Seriously? electroBeam is banned from now on because he happens to need to take more extreme measures in order to have psychedelic breakthroughs than your average guy? Wow.

This is a bit excessive, don't you think?

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6 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

This is a bit excessive, don't you think?

Yes. As great as this place is, if more of this kind of unwarranted kind of banning takes place, i'll be too sickened by the level of hypocrisy to want to come back. Hoping we don't see more committed members with valuable insights be tossed away for such trivial matters. 


To answer your original question. I've hit a place where I'm fairly certain I'm gonna have a challenging ride despite dose or how i'm feeling about my life. So even taking those into consideration is kind of pointless. I realize this isnt the case with everyone though. So for noobs especially, I would consider playing it safe dose, set and setting wise. 

Edited by RickyBalboa

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11 hours ago, RickyBalboa said:

Hoping we don't see more committed members with valuable insights be tossed away for such trivial matters.

Yeah, I second that.

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Your inner state effects the quality of the trip since the trip is nothing more than a reflection of your mind and if you have emotional blockages this will stop the light of consciousness from illuminating the ego and various aspects of yourself

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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