
Your Most Powerful Spiritual Experience

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Please describe your most powerful spiritual experience. How has it affected your life?

Extra credit: Have you read The Doors of Perception?


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It's ongoing. I keep realizing I'm death, then I revolt in fear. My life has become a tightrope walk between no-mind and fear-mind. It has made my life both easier and harder in some aspects. Things that used to be problematic aren't so anymore, but I have new problems to deal with (or so I'm willing to delude myself into believing).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Dissolving in Infinite Love.

Realizing that there is nothing inside this body.

Weeping with ecstasy.

Surrendering to Unity.

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Seeing God in the Grand Canyon. Will never ever witness that much beauty again.


My kundalini and heart center awakenings were also very powerful.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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Bare feet, in the middle of my hometown forest. My eyes are blindfolded and my senses are heightened. I could hear the wind humming a song through the trees. My toes slipped through the leaves on the ground. The trees' subtile cracks as they are pushed by the wind.


I became one with the forest.

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@latch this is a good one as I know that as I speak about it I transmit the energy of it so others can benefit as well.



Eversince I was a child I’ve had this vision in my head of this ‘snowey/foresty landscape in my mind’.


Fastforward to my 4th year at university December 2019 where I am 4+years into my kundalini awakening. I was lying in my bed listening to The newest Matt Kahn’s Angel Academy call live. It was about angels and ascended masters. The distinction he had made was that angels are the beings of the highest purity, while ascended masters are the beings of the highest wisdom. I heard the word ‘purity’ and it was as if something had woken up inside of me. I’ve always had an attitude of purity within me that I haven’t learned from anyone in my life, it was just there. No matter how I’ve ever behaved in my life, the attitude has always been completely pure. And it was as if this call had given me the opportunity to own it.


the energy I was feeling in that moment became so thick around me that I suddenly felt as if I was surrounded in this field of white glimmering light, that it looked like white snow. I realised that this white snow is the ‘snowy’ landscape I’ve been aware of since my childhood. It is the fabric of my soul. It is one and the same as the kundalini life force coursing through me.


in that moment it was the most sobering and definitive moment of surrender. I had tears pouring down my eyes, completely in awe of what I was feeling and seeing in my mind’s eye. I realised that I all ever want to do is to give my life over to that. There is nothing I am not willing to sacrifice for -that. Because it was the ultimate definition of what it means to be ‘holy, what it means to be ‘sacred’ and what it means to be ‘pure’. And that is what I am. Me and that sacred space are one. I am also aware that when I channel healing energy and insights for people, it is that sacred space that I now know myself to be speaking through me, making itself known in the world of form and spreading its vibration on earth as a way of assisting humanity to ascend into the highest timelines of earth’s ascension.


that experience has come and gone several more times after that. Like right now, the energy is here. It’s so pure, so perfect and so holy...


can you feel it too? Because I sure as hell can, and I want everyone to have a taste of it.


may you too find the angelic holy and sacred purity that you are.


love and light ❤️

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Excuse my language, but I recently watched through Leo's 9 stages of development series.

I had two experiences that I consider so profound that I don't know if I will ever be able to integrate them.
The first one was peeking into the Magician from the Achiever stage. I'm still picking up the pieces and gluing them together and it happened 6 years ago. The second experience that happened a year ago was peeking into the Unitive stage. I don't even know how to wrap my head around this. Maybe I do, but I won't be talking about it.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Going from laying in my bed to stepping into an alternate reality, pushing leaves and branches away which are slowly forming into hd crystal clearness before my eyes. Turns out I was in someone's backyard and they were just getting into a truck to leave.  I explored their house in their absence, slowly losing lucidity and memories of this 'truer' realm.   And no, there were no psychedelics involved. This is an inherent ability anyone can learn. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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23 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Seeing God in the Grand Canyon. Will never ever witness that much beauty again.

Don’t sell yourself short :)

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So many dualities experienced in such a short time that they collapsed, but didn’t, at the exact same “time.” Words not applicable. There’s a type of infinity beyond understanding.

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It might have happened to me just a few hours ago weirdly enough.

I ended up finding this seminar for out of body experiences and how to make them happen and I feel like I was very close.

See here:


I only watched the first one but the weird part was is that I have this mat next to me I -sometimes- sleep on.  I hadn't used it in a month and then for some reason after I had a nap today (I hardly get enough sleep so I figured it was the perfect opportunity since I was tired and woke up too early again) I had 3 times wheres I literally woke up on that mat, in the house I'm at and tried to "roll out of my body."  

Each time it happened I managed to roll off the mat with my eyes closed and then got up.  The first time I didn't see my sleeping body so I just went back to bed thinking "oh I failed" but I was actually dreaming.  Second time this happened I actually felt like there was a little string attached to my leg and then it snapped and I felt like I was zapped with electricity or something (similar to what some people tend to say).  It was very similar to a lucid dream in that I was under the impression "something was happening" but I wasn't sure what it was.  

Unfortunately the house upstairs was not the same and I didn't see my sleeping body so it didn't entirely work but I saw a few friends of mine and said "im obeing I think."  Really weird that what I watched directly influenced what I dreamt about because that doesn't usually happen.  Usually I dream about something random and remember it later.  Not even the lucid dreams I've had took place inside my house.

The weirdest part was waking up on that specific mat inside the house I am at literally 3 times in one night, although I had one dream at first where I was in an entirely different location.


Makes me wonder if it was partially real or not.  That's never happened to me before.  :| I'll have to try again later tonight or tomorrow 




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During meditation session.  Realized that I don't exist and never existed. No one is behind the apparent body-mind. Just empty awareness that you can zoom back into it forever. Similarly everybody else.  Thus solved my obsession with solipsism. I always had the feeling that I'm the only one that really exists. Now I am conscious that I myself don't exist as anyone. Neither any other person. There are no "persons" in the universe. Now I walk Down the streets fully conscious that no one exists or ever existed. 

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Realizing, that I was always looking in the wrong "direction", when I was looking for myself. Nothing is hidden, yet it seems so and slips away.

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On 28/09/2020 at 6:39 AM, nistake said:

Haven't had any so far.

You just don't remember.  It might be so out of context with your personal time-story that you simply forget about it. Just like you forget dreams... Like merging/becoming a mountain range or being the entire playground (just stuff I can mildly remember from childhood) 

To be honest all experience is a spiritual experience. Because there is no experience in time, only it appears like that sometimes.

My most powerful spiritual experience is being here now. 



Ps: just remembered of some experiences not from childhood where I wss able to observe and direct visual imagery and create worlds inside my mind, changing colours at will etc and saw the most beautiful paintings that I couldn't have just imagined. 

Also I've had the same with sound, I was like the director and the voice singing,  but neither at the same time. 

Was singing this and I could hear it so vividly as if it was really happening. The song was this 

But the version  I sang was soooo divine. It was like angels singing. @Martin123 might be that innet child you talk about. Still shiver when I hear this song. (the song itself is about friendship, singing and how the song can make the person good.) 


PSS: Top spiritual experiences from my dreams:

Eckhart Tolle "physically" touched my heart after a talk.

Leo "literally" showed me I am the entire dream after a chat on the dream skype. By literally I mean that I actually got pointed to the fact I am the entire dream and then I started moving as the entire dream rather than just the character. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 9/28/2020 at 1:55 AM, Martin123 said:

@latch an you feel it too?

love and light ❤️

In a sense, I can though I dunno if I felt it at the moment you sent it but I do appreciate it. :) I would say my experience is most of the time peppered with a kind of experiential tinnitus(and my tinnitus blares) like a noise of every kind in all densities I receive in. If this character I call latch is a complex lens viewing portions of the All then his perception is clouded by a distortion paradigm which is difficult to 'see' through for all the emotions, bias, unrecalled truth, etc.  The cliche of being a spiritual being having a physical experience is apt if not overused.

See what my mother wrote about me:

My game of life is a puzzle and I like puzzles but cripe I seemed to have chosen the Hard setting. Some of the pieces are missing and others are bent and some are covered with mucus like my family tree has few branches but some are broken, some are on the ground and some are on fire! One can see some examples of my puzzle pieces in my synchronicities thread. There are a bunch of things I didn't mention- I was afraid of looking like I was bragging and had all my shit together so follow me! I been walking around a brier patch with night vision binoculars taped to my head sure I can see a ways and even it the dark if the batteries are charged but the next step is not guaranteed to not hurt.. nor the next one.. ad infinitum.. Oh and I think I just dropped the battery too! Fricken funderful!

And as far a "Love and Light" goes, I was shocked with recognition when I saw it in the Law of One as one of my other names has the initials LL and my TF also coincidentally has the moniker initials LL or ll and ll, so you can imagine the effect it has on me and this person every time we see it's 11:11 twice a day- are the two dots separating us 'time and space' which are both illusions?

I can't even say truly I would go around saying I'm awakened because I haven't studied much in that vein but I'm pretty sure I've seen the Source wall and assume I didn't pass it as I currently believe I'm this thing typing out this sentence which is indicative of the possibility that I made it back.  The closest thing I've seen about me is described in the book Ancient Flower of Life Vol 2 in the third paragraph of page 318:  FOL Vol2

Read the page prior for context and other experiences involving pushing past the half step out of the lower three chakras.

It is assumed(by me) that everything is a clue that ties all of this together and I'm building a picture. The latch lens doesn't see things like normal folk.. I think there is a crack in it.. a butt crack

Sorry, my sense of humour is weird.. and this is all part of the trip.

Edited by latch

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When i underestood that death is the greatest blessing and is in fact inevitable. Nobody can trap you in any situation all your powerlesness is impermenent, accept this notion as much as you can and this is your last unsoncsious life or last life, depending upon what you choose.

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Blue Pearls (bindu) ushered me into Turiya. At first I thought it was two Blue Pearls, but as my mind expanded I became hyper-lucid and saw that each them them was actually comprised of a multitude of Blue Pearls, arranged in concentric circles. Like two large mandalas.

They began to shine in patterns that were fast and complex, very deep and somehow meaningful patterns that somehow communicated with me. Shifting, intricate patterns that seemed to literally shape me. It was as if I was being communicated into being right before my eyes as my mind expanded into the silence and depth of Brahman.

So there I was, in the infinite silent depth of Brahman and it was incomprehensible. It was so deep, so deep. My mind seemed to expand, expand, expand. It was timeless, and the Blue Pearls continued producing amazing patterns one after the other. The word 'pattern' seems insufficient.

Eventually the Blue Pearls told me (without words) to move my arm. I did so, and I looked at my arm. It seemed to move in suspended animation, I can't really describe it. Moving without moving. I looked at it, and it was made out of some kind of energy. Inside it were lights, like stars. Then the Blue Pearls put me back into normal consciousness. It was like being sucked back down a wormhole that connected me to normal consciousness.

When I regained a waking state, I was shocked. I felt like I had been crammed into a tiny little box that could in no way hold my expanded consciousness. It felt like I was stuffed back into an unreal dream. This waking state is no where near as real as Brahman. This is a flimsy illusion compared to that.

The human body is way, way too small for my consciousness. It took me a long time to adjust. It wasn't easy. But some part of me is still connected to Turiya, and the Blue Pearls are always near.



Extra credit: Have you read The Doors of Perception?

Yup, years ago.

Edited by Observore

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