
Does the universe communicate with us?

22 posts in this topic

Hello everyone,

I am brand new here. I have no idea if this topic falls under this category or the "Relationships" one. If I posted wrong, I apologize. I'm just going to lay it all out step by step in words to get to the point and hopefully make sense. I'm not looking for "the right answer", I guess I'm just trying to word this out to myself and see if anyone has had any similar experiences and maybe we can discuss this. 2020 has been a weird year for everyone but it's been deep and emotional for me. I won't hide the fact that I am afraid to talk about this. I've read a bunch of Leo's threads and they make sense to me. When you read this you'll probably realize I haven't awakened yet.

Growing up I was on my own. Not in a bad, depressing way. I was conscious that I was different from others and was okay with that. My parents raised me Catholic but I ditched the religion at a young age. The teachings of religion made me see various entities of the universe and I believed I felt the flow of energy through meditation. I always felt a strong connexion with nature, we lived in the woods and I would play outside bare feet so I wouldn't miss any sensation. Surprisingly for a kid, every sound, every smell, the tiniest bit of detail of how nature wakes up and falls asleep was important to me. I believed in the concept that my body and soul were aligned. I believed the universe lends us the energy to "exist" only for us to give it back when the time comes. At the age of 14 I severed that connexion. There was no traumatic event, we just moved to another town and I didn't realize what I did. One day I noticed my inner soul was feeling lost and confused but I never addressed it. I've been experiencing blockage in sacral and root chakra.

Anyway. My life in solitude gave me a small circle of friends which was enough. To this day it is difficult for me to be intimate and form a connexion with "that" someone special and thus being in a relationship. Long story short, I met this dude last summer. Well "officially" met. We've known each other for 10 years, just never spoken to each other. At some point, we had the same circle of friends, we lived on the same street, he was a regular customer at a video game store, etc. He pursued me, we started dating very briefly. Even after 10 years, our timing was completely off. He wasn't ready. That's not the point.

No connexion or spiritual links are the same. No soulmates crap. With him it was very similar connexion. We have so much in common it was scary at the time. I saw quickly that there was no point even though our feelings were there and completely cut ties with him. When I made the decision, something weird happened. I felt a huge "stabbing" sensation on my stomach, under the belly button. The pain spread to my legs. I've had cramps before but nothing like this! The "stab" happened a few times throughout the evening, to the point where I even threw up.

A lot of theories:

- I ate something bad and it's an odd coincidence

- Stress

- Allergies (?)

- Someone, or something, was trying to communicate

- I'm a woman, maybe I was about to hit my period


The universe is neutral. It doesn't decide for us. I do believe it can try to communicate. Could this be it? Who knows. Again, not trying to find "the answer", or the obvious thing that happened. Let's talk about similar experiences :) 


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The universe says Hi ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I already know how you are and how this forum works.  One of my partners were on here and you humiliated him and tore him to shreads.

Even if that were to happen to me,  I'm irrelevant. I know what I experienced. I know that I helped. If I am the biggest devil on the planet, so what? I can heal and become self aware. 


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Ehmmm... God or consciousness... The higher self is also you. You are in constant communication. It knows everything about you, because it is you. Dreams intuition, fate, the people that come and go.. Where do you think they come from and why them not someone else... You are god so you play this game forever asking funny questions.

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44 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

@Leo Gura I already know how you are and how this forum works.  One of my partners were on here and you humiliated him and tore him to shreads.

Even if that were to happen to me,  I'm irrelevant. I know what I experienced. I know that I helped. If I am the biggest devil on the planet, so what? I can heal and become self aware. 

I'll be keeping an extra close eye on you. I smell a devil.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Ehmmm... God or consciousness... The higher self is also you. You are in constant communication. It knows everything about you, because it is you. Dreams intuition, fate, the people that come and go.. Where do you think they come from and why them not someone else... You are god so you play this game forever asking funny questions.

Indeed. At the end of the day it all comes back to myself.


Oh the childhood days of just going with the flow!

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Leo, you talk about devils a lot, and I'm not sure what you mean by that term. You also say god is everything and loves everything god a devil/the devil? If not does god love the devil?

Edited by josh jones

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@josh jones There's a video on this topic called "What is the Devil" or something like that on the Leo's channel.

In my understanding, it's a technical term meaning people who act accordingly to their selfish desires and needs instead of catering to the will of higher-self, usually resulting in doing evil in the name of good. They pose as saints while acting utterly selfishly

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3 hours ago, Sorwyn said:

When you read this you'll probably realize I haven't awakened yet.

Haha, relax... 

3 hours ago, Sorwyn said:


I would guess this one.


I didn’t really get why you cut ties with him. Being very similar to each other was a bad thing? Or did you broke up out of fear?

one day this will all be memories

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55 minutes ago, kag101 said:

Haha, relax... 

I would guess this one.


I didn’t really get why you cut ties with him. Being very similar to each other was a bad thing? Or did you broke up out of fear?

Like I mentioned the timing was off and he wasn't ready. I didn't add more cause I thought it wasn't making a point. I'll answer your question and hope I don't sidetrack from the main subject:


Overall he chased me, asked me out on a few dates, then ghosted me. I was pissed sure but didn't think much of it. He reached out a week later, apologized, we start things up again, then ghosted again. He did this once or twice more until I was fed up and confronted him. I let him ghost me, chase me again and I started to feel more attached when I shouldn't. He finally confessed that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship because he was afraid of commitment. I didn't want to start a serious relationship right off the bat so he understood and wanted to try again. That's when I cut things off because I realized he'll just do the same things again. 


I do have a strong feeling about this guy, but maybe it wasn't meant to be for now. I need to protect myself and not be dragged by an on-and-off thing.

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5 hours ago, Girzo said:

@josh jones There's a video on this topic called "What is the Devil" or something like that on the Leo's channel.

In my understanding, it's a technical term meaning people who act accordingly to their selfish desires and needs instead of catering to the will of higher-self, usually resulting in doing evil in the name of good. They pose as saints while acting utterly selfishly

Adding to this, he points out that god is everything including the devil, but watch it for yourself and then discover it for yourself instead of taking it by word or belief

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The separate self that doesn't care about others, steals and hurt others, can be considered the devil.

Even the bible says falling from heaven. Devils are delusional pieces of god consciousness, who in their amnesia lack love and understanding towards the world.

The world is material! Why was i born here! Omg we are going to die :D

The devil is a game god plays with itself, when the devil realizes god and oneness, it is in heaven.

Thats how i see it. There could be realms there in infinity of devils, angels etc, however.

In the dmt realm, which i sometimes visit in my dreams i have seen angels, but they are nothing like we are told.

Shapeshifting beings which create with the power of the mind and are full of love and understanding.

They are pretty cool :)

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I'll be keeping an extra close eye on you. I smell a devil.

POV: Leo smelling the devils:

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You might say the love bubbles up in the body and is known and felt as such. When we forge relationships and feeling, thinking, and planning are involved, sometimes the mind dualizes the feeling and we hold perspectives that the feeling is coming from someone else, or is produced by the relationship. The feeling is reality, you might say the universe, I would say simply you. When a relationship ends, in a way the extent to which the mind melded the knowing & understanding of the feeling as attributed to the other person, there can be a visceral feeling (with interpretation) of loss.

But the love is always ‘within’ you. ‘Love & learn’, uncovering the love within yourself as you go, realize it is ‘there’ in you to be given and experienced for all people, and all things as after all, it is / you are and there are unlimited manifesting expressions. There’s something to be said for the ‘bond’ felt within for someone more specifically on your ‘wavelength’, or a ‘vibrational match’ which can be experienced in matters of love as more intense, more ‘all consuming’ of the whole experience. It appears even more convincing that there is love produced by that relationship. Yet, what can be experienced as ‘loss’ (with focusing on certain perspectives) can also be a very strong pointing of clarity to just where the love, reality, is emanating from, and insight via ‘dialing into’ the feeling can reveal the falsity of the ‘loss’ narrative of thought / duality. It could be said such experiences point to a truth, in that love can never really be created or destroyed. 

It would not be uncommon for plans to have been thought about in repetition, say, relative to finances, a potential life together, etc, and for the ‘loss of the love’ to be specifically felt in corresponding areas of the body, reflected in models like the chakra’s (the stomach pain). I would make a dreamboard, take note of what was uplifting, what the experience helped you to more clearly know you are wanting, and write on your board and focus on that, which can bring a gratitude and appreciation to the hindsight perspective of the experience. In ‘the universe’ sense, the same love perhaps thought to be produced by the ‘connection’ with another, is ever present ‘for you’ without any reason or condition, and is always at the ready to infuse into your creating of the life you most desire to create. I would go so far as to say that such experiences serve your ‘opening’ up to the notion that you are quite literally being showered with love in every moment, and this can not only be felt and known, but flip reality itself, the universe and you, ‘inside out’. 

There is also something to be said for the ‘role’ of understanding in such a close frequency connection. It feels very good to be understood, and to really ‘get’ or understand someone in a deep meaningful way. As such, there can be a thin veneer of thought & perspective which covers this relationship between understanding and or being understood, and the wonderful feelings associated with the experience. If you take a few deep breathes, and essentially ‘ask’ feeling, or perhaps ‘ask the body’, so to speak, you can fill ‘it’ be contemplating / feeling the unity within which is love-understanding, or understanding-love. To be a bit blunt for the sake of clarity...that the mind added layers of thought to the feeling ‘itself’ can be healed and seen through, via the contemplating in feeling. Understanding & love can be known ‘within’, as one. This can have a profound effect in terms of going forward in life in matters of relationships & love, as the love ‘itself’ known within you is no longer thought to be in potential jeopardy. You might still get your heart broken, etc, but love more deeply ‘known’ arises in response to such thoughts as, you might say the real relationship - the one between ‘you & your, is clearer and more realize, and felt, and there is much certainty where there was uncertainty, much inspiration and understanding where perhaps there was worry and a certain misinterpretation of ‘risking’ the heart, as in a ‘loss’ of this love that always, forever, eternally, is, and as such is inseparable from ‘you’.

So maybe the universe is always communicating with you, and maybe it’s not in thinking or talking, yet, a ‘commune’ of One, a ‘communion’... a “communication”...which is always known and present nonetheless. You might even go so far as to say the heartbreak, and any soreness of it, recontextualizes itself into a win, on the plain of a profound insight into the actuality of reality. I’m not sure what one would call that, but it seems to be. 



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18 hours ago, Sorwyn said:

A lot of theories:

- I ate something bad and it's an odd coincidence

- Stress

- Allergies (?)

- Someone, or something, was trying to communicate

- I'm a woman, maybe I was about to hit my period

I have no idea if it's related to this guy, but everything does happen for a reason. There is intelligence and connection in all things.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Always. The entire Creation is a grand communication, a grand dance of sorts, with itself. If you find more stillness in your being, you will notice everything is always, always communicating with you in every possible way. All of this you see and experience is Your Universe. Your reflection.

You are Creator playing the illusory game of being a Co-creator. Ultimately, there are no others.

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On 28/09/2020 at 0:06 AM, Sorwyn said:

Overall he chased me, asked me out on a few dates, then ghosted me. I was pissed sure but didn't think much of it. He reached out a week later, apologized, we start things up again, then ghosted again.

What an asshole.

On 28/09/2020 at 0:06 AM, Sorwyn said:

I cut things off because I realized he'll just do the same things again. 


“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. Don't be a damn fool about it.” ― W.C. Fields

On 28/09/2020 at 0:06 AM, Sorwyn said:

I do have a strong feeling about this guy, but maybe it wasn't meant to be for now. I need to protect myself and not be dragged by an on-and-off thing.

You deserve someone better!

That said, letting someone go is definitely not an easy thing to do. But you'll survive! ;)

Edited by kag101

one day this will all be memories

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On 29.09.2020 г. at 1:20 PM, Quantum Toad said:

Always. The entire Creation is a grand communication, a grand dance of sorts, with itself. If you find more stillness in your being, you will notice everything is always, always communicating with you in every possible way. All of this you see and experience is Your Universe. Your reflection.

You are Creator playing the illusory game of being a Co-creator. Ultimately, there are no others.

To beginners this sounds like solipsism.

It is either one god and multiple egos or soul perspectives, or god solipsism.


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