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Male looks obsession in Western society

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I never understood why in today society looks are considered so important for males. In reality girls will be attracted to guys based mostly on personality but if you ask people and even the media it is made a lot about looks. This is the case especially in developed countries, western countries. It creates this toxic atmosphere where guys believe that it is their looks which are stopping them from getting what they want, Leo in the past  and the incel community being prime examples. Why doesn't our society say things how they actually are instead of giving so much importance to a guy's looks. It seems like most people are brainwashed these days and i was stuck in that frame too. Every time i am out i only hear people talk about this guy is ugly he cant get a girl or this guy is handsome so he gets pussy easily. Even girls will say they care so much about looks until they fall for an average that pushes their buttons. I would understand this for online dating since there you are basically mostly judged by looks. However, even in normal daily interactions people tend to say looks are so important for guys.  Personally i am not insecure about my looks anymore because i realized it' all bullshit but i would like to understand why our society operates this way. I am asking this from a point of view of wanting to learn and to understand society. I personally feel like i recently escaped a toxic illusion that causes pain and low self esteem to modern men today. Just google the incel community, some of the stuff there is scary. Thank you  

Edited by ColeMC01
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@Meta-Man However in developing countries this is less the trend. There people are more aware about this stuff and their judgments about what is and not important in a men is more accurate. I feel like feminism is to blame since it removes the differences between male and female and therefore they are treated the same in terms of "value and worth in the dating market", basically just on looks

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@ColeMC01 Isn't that because women are starting to finally say what's on their mind more? Since there is less pressure for them to not be superficial

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@ColeMC01 They say they care about looks, but do they really? Or does this talk vanish when they find someone they just like spending time with?

We have been brainwashed to care about looks by our culture. This is not to say that we don't actually care about looks and that it's all conditioning, but the brainwashing is real. Here's why:

Movies and mainstream culture will sell to us the most attention-grabbing, passionate, glam-and-glitzy sexual content because it sells. This involves beauty standards/standards for big muscles and six-packs. This is the most attention-grabbing form of sexuality, but it isn't necessarily the healthiest or the most natural. This is why we get brainwashed with these 'mainstream standards for looks' or 'mainstream standards for game' or 'mainstream standards for what dating should look like'.

Edited by Parththakkar12

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Lol what?!  It's actually quite the opposite.  In real life, women will say personality matters and it's the most important aspect and it trumps all.  But that is not reality.... the men who fuck the majority of the women are good looking and it's a small percentage.  It's a breeze and the women will tell him to his face that it's because they found them attractive/hot or because they perceive them as confident, "alpha", bad boy, etc as a personality trait.  In reality, it's because of his looks--it's like an unspoken language--a halo effect.

If an ugly or average man tries to be nice, caring, needy, etc--he'll get friend zoned so fast it'll make their head spin.  But if they try Red Pill shit like being "alpha" or go with dark triad traits; all the that will happen is that he'll end up being thrown in jail for being a misogynistic creep.  People who refute this observation will cherry-pick outliers to prove you wrong or post some fake PUA video with paid actresses. 9_9 

Meanwhile, the majority of average men are working their asses off trying to make millions, doing PUA, soaking in Red Pill bullshit, working on their "self purpose", dressing like a peacock, being flashy, dancing like a monkey, etc - alllll done to get transactional pussy with no real lust from her behind it.  It's a farce and it always ends up bad (but good for her because hey free dinner!)

It's nature, it's biology.  Nature wants us to procreate, that's why sex feels incredible and everyone is driven to fuck and multiply--it is written in our genetic code physically--so women can look and choose who gets to fuck them or who gets to take her out to dinner 5 times in a row before she says no.  That being said, you cannot just be a complete fucking idiot wether you're ugly or hot--because women do like to have lots of fun.  If they can get both worlds of hot and fun it's a no brainer for them.  Jackpot!

I will say this though:  slowly the veil is unraveling in Western society as to women are having less of a issue of being adamant about having a good looking man by their side.  They're finally able to speak their mind because they're becoming more socially "free" in a sense--thus they don't have to put up dating some ugly schmuck anymore with money when they can fuck the cool hot guy if given the chance.  Obviously, this is fair and women should be able to say whatever they want but currently the majority of men cannot swallow this dark pill, it's brutal.  Which is why you have such an uptick of incel forums, red pill, MGTOW, manosphere stuff in general.

Edited by hoodrow trillson

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