
What is the point of saying you are God?

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This doesn't apply in a muslim's worldview. 

For we are given free will. 

And need not to think of ourselves as God to be given the freedom to act as we wishes. 

At your own consequences. Complete responsibilities. With a guide. (That is the Quran). A way of safety. 


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Two, it is only to claim a power over the other. 

God, is something that someone worship. Submitted to.

It is different than respect. 

But since, God is unseen, you apply it in the manifested world. 


And another way of looking at this is the opposite. Everything comes from God and you are only receiving. You can accept it or deny it. 

(This is closer to respect).


Edited by Ibgdrgnxxv

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In an absolute sense, you're not separate from God. It may seem that you are separate right now, but that is only a relative separation. When you identify with your relative self, you will feel separate. Find your way back to your absolute self and reclaim yourself as God.

All distinctions, all separations, all "others" are made up by your own imagination. You're God imagining it all. Free will is a made-up concept. What is it that is truly not made up? It's God.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Enter therein; then be patient or impatient - it is all the same for you. You are only being recompensed [for] what you used to do."

[They will be told], "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do."




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When you received something, it is for something that you have done in the past. 


Edited by Ibgdrgnxxv

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Now I remember something. 

َ81:29 وَ مَا تَشَاءُونَ إِلَّا أَن يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ العَالَمِين .

And (you) wouldn't will except when it is willed (by) Allah Lord of all the world(/realms). 


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The word God/Allah (same thing) can be quite dangerous, as people come up with mental images/ideas/beliefs about it and then get into arguments with others. The tragedy is that in attempting to connect with the Divine through these mental ideas, many people wind up behaving in ways that are tribal, primitive and even violent.

The word Islam translates to 'surrender'. Correctly understood, surrender involves giving up the need to possess or understand God as an individual/person and letting go of all that is false.

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@Ibgdrgnxxv Precisely because you are in denial about it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, Ibgdrgnxxv said:

This doesn't apply in a muslim's worldview

Actually, sufi mystics acknowledge it openly.

Like this one of the early sufis who proclaimed "Ana 'l-Ḥaqq" - I am God. And got killed of course, not because he wasn't right, but because most Muslims are ignorant of the deeper spiritual truths. The same applies to Christians.

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I feel like I get where you’re coming from, and it’s much like Santa Clause. Kids need parents, and parents can realize need is a belief. 

Also, consider the linguistic short comings of it. One who verbalizes “I am God” to another, is already missing it. It’s a tough message to get across indeed. 

More practically and fundamentally, if you can grasp there is no such ‘thing’ as separation, in any way, that really illuminates  experience and understanding of it. 



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2 hours ago, No Self said:

The word God/Allah (same thing) can be quite dangerous, as people come up with mental images/ideas/beliefs about it and then get into arguments with others. The tragedy is that in attempting to connect with the Divine through these mental ideas, many people wind up behaving in ways that are tribal, primitive and even violent.

The word Islam translates to 'surrender'. Correctly understood, surrender involves giving up the need to possess or understand God as an individual/person and letting go of all that is false.

I connect with Allah through prayers and dzikr (remembrance/thinking). 

When I didn't, I was with God's creations. 

The way I determine falsehood is by the Quran. It is the only source that I could base my judgement on. Applied to the muslims. To the non muslim, basic universal laws. 


@Leo Gura denying what? 


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You do realize, you’re making judgement up, right? Dogma too?

If not...do your diligence, find out exactly, precisely, how there are ‘separate objects’ (in any way). 

Kinda hard to hold that belief without ‘something’ or ‘someone’ separate to judge.



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9 hours ago, Ibgdrgnxxv said:

With a guide. (That is the Quran). A way of safety. 


A way of safety from what? God? Or yourself?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nahm Allah is a God Who's in control of everything. Of every creations. 

6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

A way of safety from what? God? Or yourself?

A way of safety from the evil of His creations. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


Women, obviously. 

1 hour ago, Ibgdrgnxxv said:

A way of safety from the evil of His creations. 

Eve ill. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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