
Electro-magnetic field of the Heart (Torus)

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To me it looks like the Torus is the shadow of a 4d sphere. I've recently been interested in 3d shadows of 4d objects, so let's look at the sphere which is a more natural shape, unlike the cube. 

Clifford-torus.gif 8-cell-simple.gif 

The surface volume of a Torus is the area of a circle timed by the distance of rotation to get the Torus shape, so it is pi(r^2) * 2pi(r) = 2(pi^2)(r^3) 

This is the same formula we have for the surface volume of a 4d sphere (hypersphere), taken from the internet here: 


A 4 dimensional sphere has two ‘volumes’. An interior volume, which is 4 dimensional, and a surface volume which is 3 dimensional. The formula for its interior volume is V = (1/2)(pi^2)(r^4). The formula for its surface volume is 2(pi^2)(r^3).

I find this fascinating, since we are talking about here the shape of the electromagnetic field of the Heart and it is shaped like a shadow of a 4d sphere?? HANG ON just one second!! Let's contemplate this further. 

If anyone has anything to add from their own research/experience that would be absolutely amazing. I feel like there is something important hidden here to be found and perhaps it can't be seen just by the left logical brain, nor can it be seen by just right-brain feeling/spirituality, but rather when these two work together (the middle way) something might be revealed. 


@Lucas Kehr I saw you wrote about the torus in relation to hidden alien technologies and stuff (which is what brought me back to the torus shape so thanks), but perhaps it's better to focus that research on something that is more actual for us and can be of benefit to our consciousness expansion rather than some conspiracy that might or might not be true and has no relevance to the truth of our being. Whether an alien spaceship is using a Torus field does not matter as much as the torus field already "generated" by your heart. :P 


PS: Some relevant material:



Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I am going to try integrating the torus shape in some way in a meditation. Perhaps moving chi in a toroidal shape and will report if I find anything interesting there. 


PS: Wow I am watching this documentary right now with an open mouth. This really shows some deep stuff here, this man was pretty "woke". 

At minute 30:00 you can see that this is no ordinary "scientist", this man talks about how consciousness is not a product of matter, but is there prior to it. Check this out, highly recommend 

36:25 Woah, self inquiry described by a physician and brain researcher! 

It's like watching a nonduality documentary that is not using any nonduality terminology. Very good. :) 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Not sure if you've heard of it but there is also this concept of a light body or Merkabah that can be activated to transcend this physical dimension. It is a spiritual vehicle similar to our physical body except that it is more subtle. I hope that someone here is more knowledgeable on these topics because I'm not so familiar with all these mystical/esoteric concepts... maybe it would help us connecting the dots better ?



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23 minutes ago, Member said:

Not sure if you've heard of it but there is also this concept of a light body or Merkabah that can be activated to transcend this physical dimension. It is a spiritual vehicle similar to our physical body except that it is more subtle. I hope that someone here is more knowledgeable on these topics because I'm not so familiar with all these mystical/esoteric concepts and maybe it would help us connecting the dots better ?


Fascinating! Thanks for posting this 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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