
Thc For Self Actualizing.

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Heeeeeey whats up guys, this is Elton..and I would like to share one of my experience.

After more than 120 days of abstinence from weed I had very little yesterday, i felt a total shift in energy levels and got a glimpse of being.

I realised that how small I was in the universe, a grain in the sand.

I felt one with many people I've connected to on here and even apart from here..

The state of being was also something I felt...  

I regret not journalling the whole trip, I was feeling guilty before but I said that I would totally surrender to this experience and I really enjoyed it. 

Maybe it was pleasure, lust or being and knowing I'm not sure. 

Please leave your comments down below and let me know what you think. 

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Maybe the realizations that you had on the trip was something that was inside you from the start? Maybe basically every drug is based on what is inside you? So maybe the drug is just a trigger? Maybe it is time to have all the experiences without even thinking about consuming drugs?

Take the responsibility for yourself that you don't need an external substance to have the greatest of all emotions that you can think of. I will be honest with you, that usually I had great experiences with weed. But the way it works is always the same. I get tired, relaxed, funny and hungry. Had my philosophical moments as well. But that doesn't get me any further. So I prefer focusing on other things. I will remember a few experiences I had. I will wait for weed become legal in my country someday, so that I will consume it like once a year probably.

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I realized how fear and guilt blocks the flows of positive energy.

The new way of marketing apart from the news papers with were only visual is now changed to sound this concept of napoleon hill hit me like a light bulb.

I am a part of something bigger than me i had micro glimpses of this.

And i also felt a lot of pleasure. 

I enjoyed it.

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Yes because today there is a ego relapse, I have been smoking cigarettes since morning, 

However I did get the titillation and excitement and the funny bodily sensations along with a few insights.

I'm looking forward for a vipassna retreat but I am finding it difficult to position myself to go. 

Now I feel anything can get you to understand being cause all you've got to do is be.


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For me cannabis causes a simple mindedness such as my recall diminishes and my conversations begin to have pauses as I search for words I want to say instead of it being right there , like when I'm sober/ straight.

Thankfully the memory comes back when sober ...

When high on cannabis it turns off the concern for the current situation I'm in , leaving me distracted from all perceived problems.
Much like being temporary enlightened , but not fully alike , its more of a peek into serenity for me.

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After I did it again it was like a normal high it should be done very rarely is the lesson I learnt or even not at all would do..

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@Elton Yes, I agree! I think that our consciousness then expects to reach that new "high" every time, so that the high becomes our new "baseline." And so on. I don't think this discounts what experience you had during that first high though. You can still journal the whole trip after the fact. You might be surprised how much you can recall from it by sitting with no distractions and focusing on the memory. And then you can examine your realizations and sit with them again, which can reinforce them if you still agree, or you can throw some of them out if you no longer think they're helping you.

What I am reading now: Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa

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