John Mitchell

Moving Back in with parents?

21 posts in this topic

56 minutes ago, vvv2k12 said:

why is everyone against him moving in with his parents? what would be the problem with that

If you live under someone else's roof, then you'll have to abide by their rules. So you would have to give up some of your freedom to do whatever you want. And it can be especially hard to say "no" to family.

But it has its benefits too. Parents can give you love and attention (and help with the loneliness) and the cost of living will be cheaper.

However, it's a lot harder to have any new friends come round and to have privacy or intimacy if needed.

Swings and roundabouts.


But in my opinion I think moving back in with his parents is just a distraction. @John Mitchell needs to get at the root cause of his loneliness and inexperience of love life: his social anxiety.

In my experience there's a strong correlation between being a software developer and social difficulties. I know because I'm a software developer myself and have suffered socially and have seen it in colleagues. I would go so far as to say that some of the social anxiety and difficulties is caused by being on the autistic spectrum (not saying it is in this case though - but there's definitely a link).

Software development is also a male heavy industry and meeting women through work is pretty difficult.

57% paranoid

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