
Life at LOC800 (RASA, levels of consciousness, free will)

52 posts in this topic

12 hours ago, Proserpina said:

Intellectual prowess does not necessarily mean enlightenment.  Emotional reactions don't necessarily mean unenlightenment.

I agree. It's all the play of Leela. I would go further and say unenlightenment does not necessarily mean unenlightenment and Enlightenment does not necessarily mean Enlightenment.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

Ofcourse. That itself is something I'm constructing.   You construct that  there is a house and a theif... . You construct that he is trying to steal you.. You construct that that's bad.. You construct it all.  If you stop constructing it. It appears as nothing...happens as nothing.. And dissappears as nothing. 

I dont know be careful with that type of enlightened arrogance that comes from the greater seeing. Do not engage in this sort of "daring" the higher Self, because your life can become a hellish nightmare. That's why humility is very important to be practiced... As a waking character you do not want to experience a nightmare, you want to have a pleasant dream. That's what I want :) 

What Im saying is the relative is here, borrowing reality from the Absolute, so while borrowing that reality, it appears so real that it is, for the waking character at least. So you really dont want to be in Gods face as a character saying that you are constructing all this. Pay your respect and Love to the Absolute and surrender to the Absolute self, pray and love! 

Do not take hold of the Truth (which I am seeing you are ready to start integrating) as some personal truth that your waking character has any sort of control over. The whole character is completely dependent on the Absolute, so the only thing left is to connect deeply with this One reality and pray as waking illusory characters.

Really you cannot construct and deconstruct anything. Only the One reality can. Humility and surrender are so so important, without those having a deep clarity like yours can turn into something destructive as the waking self tries to take hold of the Truth as if the waking self has any power whatsoever...

The Humility and surrender to what is are the things that keep the fire from burning the entire house. You want to use the fire to cook your meal, not to burn the house. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 9/23/2020 at 4:42 AM, beastcookie said:

I was moved to write a small report after seeing posts here about enlightenment and free will. It's a popular opinion to claim that there's no free will but there's multiple dimesions and timelines operating at the same time and we can switch between these. With higher levels of consciousness I think this becomes pretty obvious as the self returns as a much more powerful self, a universal self. The little ego I might be powerless to a large degree, but the universal self is an amazing creator. 

My experience is increased doing-power as the "non-doer" and also a signficant effect on other people. My presence has effect and people find me a lot more attractive, but I just radiate more love and acceptance their way and they pick up on that. I don't feel much peace and love otherwise but I feel that I'm getting there.

Sounds like you’re doing really well, and the sessions are working for you. Always great to hear. On the free will subject, just a ‘two cents’ here, the free will vs not, and the multiple dimensions or timelines, is really about expanding the finite mind to the breakthrough point that it is realized the ‘substance’ of reality ‘itself’ and of the ‘finite mind’ is pure spontaneous infinite being, and that there is no such ‘thing’ as separation in any actual way. That a “physical ‘real’ universe” is not actually possible. That ineffable magic is fundamental to “physical reality”, that you are fundamental to their being an apparent “physical universe”. This realization usually happens in regard to ‘physical separation’, and then ‘your’ mind ‘itself’, as appearance of infinite mind. Contemplations, or maybe perhaps lightheartedly just  ‘noticing the obvious’, things like that you have no actual direct experience of being born, nor of “death”, and some lighter videos on quantum mechanics, along with some trips can really ‘blow the doors’ off the place realizations wise. 

I have a hunch something that might ‘click’ for you might be to watch and feel into the body, noticing the “doing” or “movements”, ordinary day to day stuff is occurring rather magically / spontaneously, without there being any actual possibility of finding a ‘separation’ or ‘connection’ between body & mind. That is, ‘body’, ‘mind’, and ‘will’ are words which point to something but don’t actually describe any actuality as they indication causation, or mechanics. In a way they’re just beliefs indicative of an intellectual science jargon biased society.  They infer separation where there isn’t any. You could walk, or wiggle the fingers, and even while talking or listening, just ponder and notice ‘how am I actually, literally, doing that right now’? This brings fourth the realizations that it’s all a play of infinite mind, all for the experience (and imo the fun of it) pure ineffable love and breathtakingly beautiful, total absolute not-knowing-ness. I think realization of meta majestic magical beauty of you, if you will, your inherent eternal un-lose-able, no-need-of-justification or external validation or even stimulation is naturally in order for you. Just this magical mystery of you, of being. 

Side note, with attention to you, this song is present as if I’m in a enormous amphitheater or something. Just fun, curious if anything comes to mind on that making any sense at all. ???‍♂️. Idk, maybe lost ‘my’ mind. 



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Maybe your free will is controlled by me, and my free will is controlled by you?

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Maybe your free will is controlled by me, and my free will is controlled by you?

In other words free will is controlled by One which is the same as You and Me ?

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@AwakenedSoul444 I think one reason people find it hard to believe you're almost at peak LOC is that, from what you've written on this forum, you're still attached to beliefs.

Generally speaking, the ambiguity of deciding what number someone is from 1 to 1000, usually only through online interactions, is huge. And they give out these obscure figures without details of how they arrived at "672" rather than "678" LOC. It presents an opportunity for devilry.

Ramaji is awake from what i've read, and enlightened people cant be expected to do everything right. Maybe its fair to say there's a gap in the model.

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

I dont know be careful with that type of enlightened arrogance that comes from the greater seeing. Do not engage in this sort of "daring" the higher Self, because your life can become a hellish nightmare. That's why humility is very important to be practiced... As a waking character you do not want to experience a nightmare, you want to have a pleasant dream. That's what I want :) 

What Im saying is the relative is here, borrowing reality from the Absolute, so while borrowing that reality, it appears so real that it is, for the waking character at least. So you really dont want to be in Gods face as a character saying that you are constructing all this. Pay your respect and Love to the Absolute and surrender to the Absolute self, pray and love! 

Do not take hold of the Truth (which I am seeing you are ready to start integrating) as some personal truth that your waking character has any sort of control over. The whole character is completely dependent on the Absolute, so the only thing left is to connect deeply with this One reality and pray as waking illusory characters.

Really you cannot construct and deconstruct anything. Only the One reality can. Humility and surrender are so so important, without those having a deep clarity like yours can turn into something destructive as the waking self tries to take hold of the Truth as if the waking self has any power whatsoever...

The Humility and surrender to what is are the things that keep the fire from burning the entire house. You want to use the fire to cook your meal, not to burn the house. 

You are constructing this. :)

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50 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You are constructing this. :)

yes boss !

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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10 hours ago, Dodo said:

I dont know be careful with that type of enlightened arrogance that comes from the greater seeing. Do not engage in this sort of "daring" the higher Self, because your life can become a hellish nightmare. That's why humility is very important to be practiced... As a waking character you do not want to experience a nightmare, you want to have a pleasant dream. That's what I want :) 

What Im saying is the relative is here, borrowing reality from the Absolute, so while borrowing that reality, it appears so real that it is, for the waking character at least. So you really dont want to be in Gods face as a character saying that you are constructing all this. Pay your respect and Love to the Absolute and surrender to the Absolute self, pray and love! 

Do not take hold of the Truth (which I am seeing you are ready to start integrating) as some personal truth that your waking character has any sort of control over. The whole character is completely dependent on the Absolute, so the only thing left is to connect deeply with this One reality and pray as waking illusory characters.

Really you cannot construct and deconstruct anything. Only the One reality can. Humility and surrender are so so important, without those having a deep clarity like yours can turn into something destructive as the waking self tries to take hold of the Truth as if the waking self has any power whatsoever...

The Humility and surrender to what is are the things that keep the fire from burning the entire house. You want to use the fire to cook your meal, not to burn the house. 

The irony is that by "surrendering to the One" you just created Duality. You (the dream character) and the One reality.

So actually all of these things you are doing:  surrender, fear, pray... they are ego in disguise 9_9

Edited by Javfly33

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

The irony is that by "surrendering to the One" you just created Duality. You (the dream character) and the One reality.

So actually all of these things you are doing:  surrender, fear, pray... they are ego in disguise 9_9

Thats the thing, there really is no waking character, nobody is praying to anybody etc etc. 

But it appears to be happening.  I did not create anything here. 

Notice if your dream character gets bitten by a tiger in your dream at night, that doesn't mean there really was a tiger and that there was a dream character that got bitten... 

And if that dream character had the option to pray and then maybe his chance of not getting bitten is higher, why shouldn't that character do it?  

It doesn't exist,  yes, but during the dream it is still going to prefer to have a pleasant experience. 

(rolling eyes smiley)

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

The irony is that by "surrendering to the One" you just created Duality. You (the dream character) and the One reality.

So actually all of these things you are doing:  surrender, fear, pray... they are ego in disguise 9_9

Woah woah, why you putting fear together with surrender and prayer xD 

I'll tell you what ego is... Ego is this identification with the waking state character. You also have dream ego too, which you are only identifying with during dreams. And now you are in waking, you identify with waking character... It's normal.  But all states are happening to you, so you cannot be in any of the states, you must be there in all states, so you cannot be any of the characters. The different characters/egos cancel each other out and you remain as the awareness that knows those. 

If you really grasp nonduality in direct experience you can see that it is not about removing all apparent dualities such as "Praying to the absolute" .

When there is true nonduality and not egoic one, you see that what appears as duality is actually not. So there was never anything to dissolve and there was never an ego. 

Again, if you put your attention on the dream ego at night... That one never really existed... Only during the ignorance of the dream state did you think you were it, but even then it was not you. So whether it prays or doesn't pray really is not creating any sort of duality, because the entire state in which these doings appear is only imaginary. 


Your very post does not follow the principle you are trying to convey. You are writing a post to another human, "creating a duality". So if you do not pass your own critique, why should I listen to hypocrites? :D  That's the thing, you seem to be confused about what nonduality is, and you appear to equate nonduality as a form of vegetative state where you can't do anything, because you would be creating duality. xD 

No no no its the other way around. No matter what you do and how hard you try you cannot create duality. You cannot create something that doesn't exist.





Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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