
Life at LOC800 (RASA, levels of consciousness, free will)

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RASA = energy transmission from an already enlightened being
RAMAJI = popular advaita spiritual teacher, author of Ramaji1000 (basic concep is that there are levels to enlightenment and enlightenment=maximum clarity not transcending humanity and being unaffected by life) 

So I was first assessed as LOC734 and now my latest session I was assessed to LOC804. This is my report of this LOC-level: 

First concept to be encountered in meditation is the absence of a self. I am "here" and thoughts and feelings are "there", feelings of being the observer. Naturally this leads to more happiness as identification with troublesome thoughts becomes less. It doesn't eradicate emotional pain but it's more manageable. As I was going in to the 800s emotional pain intensified as more psychic trash was floating up to be dealt with. Some people even experience trash from previous lifetimes but most have enough from this one. My best tool to move forward atm is breath meditation. 

I was moved to write a small report after seeing posts here about enlightenment and free will. It's a popular opinion to claim that there's no free will but there's multiple dimesions and timelines operating at the same time and we can switch between these. With higher levels of consciousness I think this becomes pretty obvious as the self returns as a much more powerful self, a universal self. The little ego I might be powerless to a large degree, but the universal self is an amazing creator. 

My experience is increased doing-power as the "non-doer" and also a signficant effect on other people. My presence has effect and people find me a lot more attractive, but I just radiate more love and acceptance their way and they pick up on that. I don't feel much peace and love otherwise but I feel that I'm getting there. 

End of report :)  


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God cannot be anything but whatever it is.

Whatever occurs is what God is. God cannot be anything other than Love. It has no free will in this matter. Or, you could say, God has given all of its will to Love.

But the human mind does not have enough consciousness and perspective to understand this.

The duality of controller vs controlled must collapse.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God cannot be anything but whatever it is.

Whatever occurs is what God is. God cannot be anything other than Love. It has no free will in this matter. Or, you could say, God has given all of its will to Love.

But the human mind does not have enough consciousness and perspective to understand this.

The duality of controller vs controlled must collapse.

Yes, seen from the absolute/highest perspective but this is not accessible for most people. Even as an "enlightened" being, there is still duality operating and intentions that leads to actions and results. 

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@beastcookie I am LOC999 and what I want to say is nothing.

Edited by Dodo

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The best way of putting it I have found is this. 

If someone isn't awakened, has little interested in spirituality etc, it is much easier to suggest they have Free Will, because telling them they don't leads to things like Nihilism and destructive behavior, imagine telling a Psychopath they have no free will, that would be abused. 

When you awaken, the question almost dissolves itself, as there is no separate self to have free will or not. 

Ramaji & Ananda had a satsang a few months back on this and one of the students put it perfectly, that you eventually drop this notion of Free Will or Not, all that matters is the actual action, which is always spontaneous, and where the action is coming from which will be on behalf of love & understanding. 

All that matters is the action itself, it is always spontaneous and it is always now. 

If you're asking if you have free will or not, you're missing the mark. 

'To know and not to do, is not to know.' - Famous Zen proverb, that explains this perfectly. 

Act on behalf of the Self always, and that also applies to your 'personal' life! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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6 minutes ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

Well I'm at 952 and I still believe there is free will. Obviously after 645 you experience the non doer state all the time but it's so subtle that I can barely feel a difference between my new state and my old one.

May I have a question? Are people able to keep a straight face when saying things like "i am at XXX stage"...? What is the difference between 952 and 951 and 953? How do you know you are not 955 and you got confused? Why 952? 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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27 minutes ago, Dodo said:

May I have a question? Are people able to keep a straight face when saying things like "i am at XXX stage"...? What is the difference between 952 and 951 and 953? How do you know you are not 955 and you got confused? Why 952?



Tbh, I actually agree with you regarding the Tens & Units, it’s more the 100s and the differences there that matter, although the “500s” have subtle differences in the 10s. 

I would recommend reading the book, all it is, is a model, it’s not perfect & it can’t truly define reality as it’s a model. In my experience it is very accurate & helpful, but like anything needs to be let go of eventually. 

Reading the book will clear a lot up for you I think, and if you don’t resonate, no big deal. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:



Tbh, I actually agree with you regarding the Tens & Units, it’s more the 100s and the differences there that matter, although the “500s” have subtle differences in the 10s. 

I would recommend reading the book, all it is, is a model, it’s not perfect & it can’t truly define reality as it’s a model. In my experience it is very accurate & helpful, but like anything needs to be let go of eventually. 

Reading the book will clear a lot up for you I think, and if you don’t resonate, no big deal. 

Yeah you speak some sense. 

But I see many who are very into this model, so much so as they believe it is the territory. 


I've timestamped what is relevant to our discussion here, and I urge anyone who is using that point system and any other tool on the "path" to Enlightenment/Nonduality to get this. (Not necessarily posting for you @LfcCharlie4 since you basically said it, but check it out also cause its really true what this guy says - well the entire discussion is very interesting and fresh :) )


Edited by Dodo

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10 minutes ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

The loc is given at the start of the session. Lol but no I probably just get confused that's it you got me.... 

My rasa giver checks it twice to be sure

Ok then, it must be correct then. Lol! The rasa giver... ? I can also repeat to you a number twice, that doesn't mean anything... 

Sounds ludicrous that you believe some Rasa giver about some number concerning your very own consciousness. Heheh that's a funny concept. 

Maybe that's what you're missing to reach 1000 and later over 9000. Only have to realise there are no gurus, no students, no rasa giver and no rasa receiver. 

Whatever happened to introspection?  

Edited by Dodo

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12 minutes ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:



Dude the rasa giver knows how to check the loc, you don't. Lol do I really have to explain this? 

Yeah I know the loc map is just a concept. A useful one though. 

Yeah maybe it sounds ludicrous to you but who takes you seriously anyways? Who cares? 

You are showing a low consciousness response my ddude. Check with your rasa giver ????

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3 minutes ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

@Dodo yeah I will check with my rasa giver because it's someone who I actually get valuable information from. I don't even believe in the low and high conciousness description. I'm just serious not "low conciousness" You don't seem to think about what you say you just get into everyone's face for almost no reason. 

Why do you waste your time arguing with people on forums and pissing them off just focus on working on yourself and maybe you'll lose the need to live on here. 


I am here with a specific role to play. 

I know you're serious, pudding. That's why I'm pushing your low consciousness buttons. 

If you are serious about enlightenment you really DONT GET IT. 



-1/12 is Infinity 

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4 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I am here with a specific role to play. 

I know you're serious, pudding. That's why I'm pushing your low consciousness buttons. 

If you are serious about enlightenment you really DONT GET IT. 



35 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Ok then, it must be correct then. Lol! The rasa giver... ? I can also repeat to you a number twice, that doesn't mean anything... 

Sounds ludicrous that you believe some Rasa giver about some number concerning your very own consciousness. Heheh that's a funny concept. 

Maybe that's what you're missing to reach 1000 and later over 9000. Only have to realise there are no gurus, no students, no rasa giver and no rasa receiver. 

Whatever happened to introspection?  

Nah, you're just being a devil.

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18 minutes ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

@Dodo yea dude I'm just a weak ego and you're a wise sige pushing my buttons, you figured me out dude.

If I'm not serious about enlightenment I don't get it? Sounds pretty ridiculous and what people who have no knowledge of enlightenment would say.

Try to laugh sometimes, it might enlighten you. ;)

@Michal__  ok. I am sorry that poking at someone's beLIEfs is devilry. When people trying to become enlightened meat, i just like to give a helping hand. But it turns out as an attack on your guys ' identity. 

Because you are identified with the appearance and pointing at this here on the other side of the screen as another identity. 

You are not that devil who is progressing on a path. You are the light beyond time and space and the devil (ego) which is progressing in time and space is just your identity during the waking state.. ? 

There is only the Self, but during the waking dream ignorance rules and now you trying to achieve what you always already are. But that's also cool.

Practice is necessary for the character, but don't get fcking attached so hard you have to post about and defend your enlightenment score lmao.. Not you necessarily, just noticed this about people that talk about LOC. 

Maybe you guys need a dosage of Eckhart Tolle.

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38 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

Nah, you're just being a devil.

Everyone with a Rasa score is admitting they do not recognise the Absolute as their true nature, but a limited self.  So really what can they say about enlightenment? 

While there is some begger somewhere who doesn't know shit about any spiritual concept and maps  and is immersed as the Absolute...  because its simpler than what the ego thinks

Edited by Dodo

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16 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Everyone with a Rasa score is admitting they do not recognise the Absolute as their true nature, but a limited self.  So really what can they say about enlightenment? 

While there is some begger somewhere who doesn't know shit about any spiritual concept and maps  and is immersed as the Absolute...  because its simpler than what the ego thinks

That is true only from the absolute POV. Nobody on this forum is there (well, technically they are, but they (including me and you, even Leo) don't realise it).

Until you TRULY realise you are already enlightened rasa transmissions are a legit tool.

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4 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

That is true only from the absolute POV. Nobody on this forum is there (well, technically they are, but they (including me and you, even Leo) don't realise it).

Until you TRULY realise you are already enlightened rasa transmissions are a legit tool.

But man what is this other than a belief, an appearance in the Absolute, formless, changeless, right now. 

This joker body here has been marinating and doing many spiritual practices since 2016! It's not like it's only been typing here like a savage mentally masturbating.

But really I cant believe how appearance in consciousness can have so much faith in another appearance in consciousness to believe that they know better than them whether they realise they are not the appearance, but consciousness. 

Its Goddamn ridiculous and pretty funny. 



-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 minutes ago, Dodo said:

But man what is this other than a belief, an appearance in the Absolute, formless, changeless, right now. 

This joker body here has been marinating and doing many spiritual practices since 2016! It's not like it's only been typing here like a savage mentally masturbating.

But really I cant believe how appearance in consciousness can have so much faith in another appearance in consciousness to believe that they know better than them whether they realise they are not the appearance, but consciousness. 

Its Goddamn ridiculous and pretty funny. 



Well, yeah you might have had glimpses. You will get there one day.

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35 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

Well, yeah you might have had glimpses. You will get there one day.


35 minutes ago, Michal__ said:


52 minutes ago, Michal__ said:


Getting there means getting here. But i get you. Wink wink, we're going to get there some day! 

I trust the Universe. Everything will happen as it must. All I can do is be here. 

I'm not enlightened. The real part of reality is formless. Forms are illusory, the one writing t you is a form which acknowledges publicly it's illusory nature. Only God, the impersonal self, is real. I cannot say anything more true. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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