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Whats the link between anger and depression

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Does being angry make you feel depressed? even if you think you've solved something through anger, theres always the cocern that issue is going to come back twice as hard and hence no way to win through such low consciousness emotions. What effect does being angry all the time have on your life.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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It's definitely a feedback loop, just as depression pairs well with: loneliness, failure, hopelessness, unfulfilled desires, etc. 

I get angry at work when things don't get done a certain way, my way. ( Although fortunately I've been much better lately!)  then I get depressed and worried that it will always be this way and none of my hard work or input will ever make the situation better or easier. (although I ignore the truth that things have steadily gotten better over the years) then I get angry AND depressed that I'm feeling miserable and have no way out of this current job situation. (although I ignore that things aren't really that bad and I live very comfortably.) 

And that's just a typical Tuesday.... 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 9/22/2020 at 6:44 PM, Chives99 said:

Does being angry make you feel depressed? even if you think you've solved something through anger, theres always the cocern that issue is going to come back twice as hard and hence no way to win through such low consciousness emotions. What effect does being angry all the time have on your life.

The ‘link’ is believing thoughts, rather than the feeling. 



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