
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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Jim Carrey in the 1985 wrote himself a check for $20 million for acting services rendered.  Less than a decade later he made $20 million with he became a breakout star with Ace Ventura, The Mask, and dumb and dumber.  He then became the first actor ever to earn $20 million from a single film, the cable guy.  Carrey has since been very open about his spirituality and belief in the law of attraction.  This is a guy who was homeless, living in a car with his family, dropping out of high school, moving from Canada to Hollywood, broke.  But with a vision.


If you do not believe in law of attraction and have no interest in using it.  Then you lose.  That’s your problem.  This is not me being judgemental.  This is not me being arrogant.  This is me stating a fact.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Thestarguitarist14 I don't understand why you think that setting a goal, having a vision about the end result, and working toward it is some magical law of attraction.

Why do you insist on turning something normal and ordinary into something magical?

Why do you insist on LOA not existing? You seem to have made your mind up.

I wont argue, because this is something that is outside the realm of pure logic - it is a matter of direct experience.

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19 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Thestarguitarist14 I don't understand why you think that setting a goal, having a vision about the end result, and working toward it is some magical law of attraction.

Why do you insist on turning something normal and ordinary into something magical?

That is exactly what the law of attraction boils down to.  But instead of thinking you can achieve something solely through hard work, you use the power of intention and let go.  There are plenty of actors and comedians who probably worked harder than Jim Carrey.  But you have never heard of them.  Go try it yourself.  

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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14 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Michal__ @Thestarguitarist14

Well. This isn't going anywhere is it.

Keep your fantasies. Whatever makes you happy. I'm happy for you. I leave this thread now.

Hey man, it’s your life.  You can allow it to be as sorry as you desire.


Just remember, when you are stuck in philosophies, you have no room for vision.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Michal__ @Thestarguitarist14

Well. This isn't going anywhere is it.

Keep your fantasies. Whatever makes you happy. I'm happy for you. I leave this thread now.

I guess it isn't.

Anyway, good luck working twice as hard for half the results.

But hey, at least you feel smart.

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1 hour ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Jim Carrey in the 1985 wrote himself a check for $20 million for acting services rendered.  Less than a decade later he made $20 million with he became a breakout star with Ace Ventura, The Mask, and dumb and dumber.  He then became the first actor ever to earn $20 million from a single film, the cable guy.  Carrey has since been very open about his spirituality and belief in the law of attraction.  This is a guy who was homeless, living in a car with his family, dropping out of high school, moving from Canada to Hollywood, broke.  But with a vision.


If you do not believe in law of attraction and have no interest in using it.  Then you lose.  That’s your problem.  This is not me being judgemental.  This is not me being arrogant.  This is me stating a fact.

Heres my question though, and it follows what @Keyhole was saying, from your perspective if you believe in LOA it means that you have the power to manifest absolutely anything, if you set your intention and do whatever the steps are it will come to fruition, so lets say thats the case 100% no doubt. If you could do that why wouldnt you set an intention to end the suffering of all people, or raise everyones consciousness, or stop poor people dying because they cant afford treatment, you literally have the power to do these things and more, but your choices are to star in a studio film and get an audition. Why dont you or every other LOA believer set these intention and make these things happen? If it is a meta-physical law it will definitely happen so you are making a choice of personal gain over intentions that could help many other people. Why dont you set these intentions that could change the world for the better?

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5 minutes ago, Consept said:

Heres my question though, and it follows what @Keyhole was saying, from your perspective if you believe in LOA it means that you have the power to manifest absolutely anything, if you set your intention and do whatever the steps are it will come to fruition, so lets say thats the case 100% no doubt. If you could do that why wouldnt you set an intention to end the suffering of all people, or raise everyones consciousness, or stop poor people dying because they cant afford treatment, you literally have the power to do these things and more, but your choices are to star in a studio film and get an audition. Why dont you or every other LOA believer set these intention and make these things happen? If it is a meta-physical law it will definitely happen so you are making a choice of personal gain over intentions that could help many other people. Why dont you set these intentions that could change the world for the better?

What b.s.

At the end of the day, you come first.  Even if you are a parent, you come first.  If you do not take care of the inner child, you will never be of use to anyone.

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5 minutes ago, Consept said:

Heres my question though, and it follows what @Keyhole was saying, from your perspective if you believe in LOA it means that you have the power to manifest absolutely anything, if you set your intention and do whatever the steps are it will come to fruition, so lets say thats the case 100% no doubt. If you could do that why wouldnt you set an intention to end the suffering of all people, or raise everyones consciousness, or stop poor people dying because they cant afford treatment, you literally have the power to do these things and more, but your choices are to star in a studio film and get an audition. Why dont you or every other LOA believer set these intention and make these things happen? If it is a meta-physical law it will definitely happen so you are making a choice of personal gain over intentions that could help many other people. Why dont you set these intentions that could change the world for the better?

I think LOA power Is directly proportional to LOC - obviously nobody on this forum (or perphaps ever) is consciouss enough to do that. 

That's why people can cure cancer through occult means but can still get killed for "blasphemy".

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Just now, Thestarguitarist14 said:

What b.s.

At the end of the day, you come first.  Even if you are a parent, you come first.  If you do not take care of the inner child, you will never be of use to anyone.

Well you say you are of higher consciousness, high consciousness expressly is very self-less and so their life purposes revolve around helping other people, if you look at guys like sadhguru and mooji they want to raise the consciousness of everyone they can and also Saduguru especially has programs that help impoverished people. Only wanting stuff for you would be lower consciousness by definition because youre either not conscious of others suffering or you are and you dont care enough to help. So with regards to LOA if you are high conscious and you have the means to help through LOA which will definitely work, I dont see how you could just focus on minor things like material gain for yourself. 

You should of course take care of yourself as well, but im guessing LOA is an infinite thing so you could do both as far as i understand it, so why choose not to help others or the planet or anything outside of yourself? 

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That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. It’s seemless.  If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics.  The initial challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)



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7 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

I think LOA power Is directly proportional to LOC - obviously nobody on this forum (or perphaps ever) is consciouss enough to do that. 

That's why people can cure cancer through occult means but can still get killed for "blasphemy".

Right but im not necessarily saying cure cancer. Its interesting you bring up that LOA power is somewhat limited, what would be the limit, as in whats the most we can achieve for the planet using it? 

But anyway it can be relatively small things, like you could use it to help your local elderly people feel less lonely or help people who want to get jobs or whatever, actual achievable things, why dont people or why dont you use the law of attraction for these things?

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics.  The challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)

LOA at the highest level is synonymous with enlightenment.

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You think you’re in a reality where there is people, and or other people. That is not what this reality is, at all. That is the movie, what it appears to be. (No offense, in any personal sense).

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that the more you know about where an electron is, the less you can know about where it’s going, and vice versa. All there is to appearance is “electrons”. The Uncertainty Principle is not a revelation about electrons. It’s pointing out how focus is functioning. What you do not give your attention to - which could be said that you avoid - is literally a void, and does not “exist” in the usage of the word exist indicating appear. All of the findings of quantum mechanics are the same. They’re telling us the “facets” of how reality works. 



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1 minute ago, Consept said:

Right but im not necessarily saying cure cancer. Its interesting you bring up that LOA power is somewhat limited, what would be the limit, as in whats the most we can achieve for the planet using it? 

But anyway it can be relatively small things, like you could use it to help your local elderly people feel less lonely or help people who want to get jobs or whatever, actual achievable things, why dont people or why dont you use the law of attraction for these things?

I actually started affecting other peoples ability to make money not too long ago as an experiment to see whether it has an effect on karma.

So yeah, why were you assuming I haven't done that?

It is directly proportional to insight or LOC or both, I am not sure.

Like when you realize oneness it gets easier to affect other people etc.

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5 minutes ago, Consept said:

Well you say you are of higher consciousness, high consciousness expressly is very self-less and so their life purposes revolve around helping other people, if you look at guys like sadhguru and mooji they want to raise the consciousness of everyone they can and also Saduguru especially has programs that help impoverished people. Only wanting stuff for you would be lower consciousness by definition because youre either not conscious of others suffering or you are and you dont care enough to help. So with regards to LOA if you are high conscious and you have the means to help through LOA which will definitely work, I dont see how you could just focus on minor things like material gain for yourself. 

You should of course take care of yourself as well, but im guessing LOA is an infinite thing so you could do both as far as i understand it, so why choose not to help others or the planet or anything outside of yourself? 

Hey man, I see what you are doing here.  Not going to work.


First, I never claimed to be at the level of Sadguru.  I could get there.  Growing up, a lot of people thought I would be a shaman.  But that is not my thing.


You are making a shit ton of assumptions without knowing a damn thing about me.  I am an artist.  Lately I have been focusing on my music and writing.  Both are meant to raise the consciousness of society.  I create both with unconditional love (that’s not even the right word).  That is how I give service.  

If I was actually all about wanting stuff, I would create a low consciousness business and sure as hell not be an artist.


7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. It’s seemless.  If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics.  The initial challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)

Law of attraction and inner reconciliation are really intertwined.

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Yeah, I agree. But also, that’d be true when said about literally anything lol. Dog shit at the highest level is synonymous with enlightenment. ?

Well, technically yes but you get what I mean xD.

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If a calling is deep and intention is such a great goal as end suffering of all men, the timeline is also great but progress works incrementally and the positive vibrations created will in turn attract others to that same cause and it will accelerate accordingly over time. No guarentee it will change the world in your lifetime. 

Simpler goals, shorter timelines. 

Although this works both ways, and always, for everyone, all the time. Not only consciously but also when unconscious.

An example on attracting things unconsciously could be that people who are prone to only see the limitations and the negative in life and happenings are sure to have things, people and interactions working against them. Vibrationally, negatively so, we then create a ripple effect where we not only repell that which is positive but we attract that which we focus on, more negativity, more conflict, more arguments and less happiness. 

Just look at the many posts in a place like this, a lot of energy is invested into arguing and people, very often the same people, end up in dogmatic positioning and often around trivialities in matters. This for the simple reason that focusing on the negative give you negative experiences and friction with people give you negative relationships.

At the very same time there are infinite opportunity to focus on the positive aspects if not only for the simple reason of gaining understanding for multiple perspectives, build compassion and humility to diversity, and paradoxically at the same time open up for many other positive aspects and side-effects.

This positive position in view generates positive vibrations that open people up and attract others into interactions that are fruitful into whatever wants you have. 

Considering that people generally are not aware of their thoughts and what they attract, this becomes somewhat "magical" without understanding of the simplicity of it all. 

Non the less it is dealing with energies and vibrational aspects that are metaphysical, and works its "magic" regardless, affecting everyone directly or indirectly subjected to it. 

It's of course not metaphysical in the sense of it being possible to manifest an elephant with multiple sets of golden tusks, right in front of you. That is magical thinking.

Still, we can transform negative experience into positive attraction by identifying a limitation or problem and deliberately switch from focusing on the problem into looking for desired outcomes and possible solutions that lead to positive aspects. There are always positive angles to even the seemingly most negative and dark circumstance.

Holding such an understanding for, let's call it law of attraction, is in a sense "magical" :x 

It creates opportunities and possibilities everywhere, and we're never helplessly stuck in our being. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:


You think you’re in a reality where there is people, and or other people. That is not what this reality is, at all. That is the movie, what it appears to be. (No offense, in any personal sense).

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that the more you know about where an electron is, the less you can know about where it’s going, and vice versa. All there is to appearance is “electrons”. The Uncertainty Principle is not a revelation about electrons. It’s pointing out how focus is functioning. What you do not give your attention to - which could be said that you avoid - is literally a void, and does not “exist” in the usage of the word exist indicating appear. All of the findings of quantum mechanics are the same. They’re telling us the “facets” of how reality works. 

I agree with you but thats probably a higher level conversation than this thread, reality is not what we see, what just see whatever we need to that aids our survival, so reality probably can never be seen for what it is as long as we're in a human body, so we're talking on a illusionary material level which i dont mind doing  lol. But what people are saying with the LOA is that they can reap all kinds of material benefits from believing in it , my point is that if that is true why not help people instead, im not asserting anything myself, im just talking from their perspective. 

11 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

If I was actually all about wanting stuff, I would create a low consciousness business and sure as hell not be an artist.

Bro im taking what you literally used as examples of manifesting, you said LOA got you a studio film, fair enough and maybe your art will help people, maybe its completely self indulgent, i have no idea. But either way im sure there are some kids starving in your town or some kids that need help with jobs or whatever why not set some intentions to help them, i really dont get that if you 100% have the power to do these things that you would choose not to 

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