
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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8 minutes ago, datamonster said:

Why not take action guided by purpose towards an amazing goal instead?

But I don't see how believing that the universe will magically materialize my desires if I only believe it hard enough, would help me with that, or anything for that matter.

To me that seems more like a hindrance than an enabler.

You don’t get it at all.


First off, how many people know their purpose?  Secondly, even if you do, have you dealt with all your resistance?  All the negative limiting beliefs that you have?  If the answer is no, then good luck because nothing significant will happen for you.


Leo said it best, to be able to actually visualize what you desire in your life clearly is a powerful thing.  

9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Thestarguitarist14 you do realize the law of attraction is just a concept? There is no actual "law" somewhere? 

Go ahead, think what you like man.  I really don’t care.  It’s your life, not mine.

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4 minutes ago, datamonster said:

Sure thing. But why would you have to believe in LoA for that?

That is the law of attraction.  Visualization is probably the most popular manifestation tool ever.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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@Thestarguitarist14 do not get offended or take it personally. I don't get your defensive attitude as if you are founder of LOA lol xD

I just have a few questions.. To open up a clear understanding. 

1 focusing on what  you want +taking the action = a chance of achieving it.   If I just focus on it and don't do the action there is zero chance of me getting my that means it's the effort. It's just taking the action. If I want a glass of water. I gotta go grab it. No amount of LOA will bring me something as little as a glass of water if I don't do the action.  And even when taking the enough action.. It can't be said that I will definitely reach my goal since there is no certainties here. There is still place for randomness.  Ever worked or studied so hard and really wished for success yet you ended up failing??. 

2 as I pointed out earlier.. I want an explanation for "planting your mind with positive thoughts and eliminate all negative thoughts" as if there is a you that is actually thinking thoughts. This is a fundamental misunderstanding. 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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23 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

First off, quit your little fucking games.

Careful bro you might attract aggression into your life with that attitude :D 

OK genuine question, what about all the people who say get terminal illnesses or people from war torn countries that lose everything, or people who were abused as kids, would you say they brought it upon themselves with their thinking?

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I've been running around like chicken with its head cut off and just found an actual dead chicken with its head cut off in the place I go swimming. So I asked a lady with the name Riddle and she said she put it there. xD

For real. Creepy AF. 

LOA, signs from the universe from yourself to yourself, Apophenia, it's all the same! xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, datamonster said:

If LOA wad only about a simple visualization technique I'd buy it. But people seem to attach so much more to it especially how the universe will respond to one's visualization. This is where I'm out. 

You have to understand that these are ancient teachings. Alchemists and etc have been working with the law of attraction for ages.  

Check out those audiobooks that I posted in one of my replies.  Richard Dotts explains the law of attraction in a very down to earth and practical way.  It was not until I started reading his stuff that I truly believed in the law of attraction. 

21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Thestarguitarist14 do not get offended or take it personally. I don't get your defensive attitude as if you are founder of LOA lol xD

I just have a few questions.. To open up a clear understanding. 

1 focusing on what  you want +taking the action = a chance of achieving it.   If I just focus on it and don't do the action there is zero chance of me getting my that means it's the effort. It's just taking the action. If I want a glass of water. I gotta go grab it. No amount of LOA will bring me something as little as a glass of water if I don't do the action.  And even when taking the enough action.. It can't be said that I will definitely reach my goal since there is no certainties here. There is still place for randomness.  Ever worked or studied so hard and really wished for success yet you ended up failing??. 

2 as I pointed out earlier.. I want an explanation for "planting your mind with positive thoughts and eliminate all negative thoughts" as if there is a you that is actually thinking thoughts. This is a fundamental misunderstanding. 


1) Nobody is saying not to take action.  But to take action for the sake of action without letting go of your resistance is futile.  

2) It’s different for everyone.  For me, I use shamanic tapping, the Sedona method and meditation to release all of my negative feelings.  Then I do some manifestation practices like practicing gratitude and visualization.  I find this to work really well and I get a lot done.


20 minutes ago, Consept said:

Careful bro you might attract aggression into your life with that attitude :D 

OK genuine question, what about all the people who say get terminal illnesses or people from war torn countries that lose everything, or people who were abused as kids, would you say they brought it upon themselves with their thinking?

Yup.  That is a manifestation.  You may be like “what?  Why?”  Well, this is a little different than law of attraction but, has it ever occurred to you that not every soul comes down here to experience a great life?  That some souls want to know what being in a worn torn country is like?  Life is a school.  It’s not so cut and dry as you seem to want to believe it is.

As far as breaking out of those situations, they can manifest their way out.  But it would take the unwitting off years of negative beliefs that they had accumulated.  Which is why most stay in those shitty situations.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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I've been practicing the Law of Attraction prior to my first mystical experience.

After that, it incorporated itself in a more mature and natural way in my understandings and as a tool of progress on the path.

Cheers, Greg.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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4 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Nobody is saying not to take action.  But to take action for the sake of action without letting go of your resistance is futile

Taking action for the sake of reaching your goal. Not sure what does taking action for the sake of taking action means.   

6 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

It’s different for everyone.  For me, I use shamanic tapping, the Sedona method and meditation to release all of my negative feelings.  Then I do some manifestation practices like practicing gratitude and visualization.  I find this to work really well and I get a lot done.

Good for you. Although that's not the fundamental understanding That i asked for regarding how thought process works.   It's like why can't I stop thinking this negative thought??  Well first of all you are not thinking it.. You are just conscious of it.. If you are observing it.. you can't be creating it simultaneously.  

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Take it easy guys, no need to get upheaded its just a discussion - change of ideas. 

46 minutes ago, datamonster said:

Why not take action guided by purpose towards an amazing goal instead?

But I don't see how believing that the universe will magically materialize my desires if I only believe it hard enough, would help me with that, or anything for that matter.

To me that seems more like a hindrance than an enabler.

@datamonster You don't need to understand how it happens (Just like you dont need to understand how a car functions before driving it), just do the practises and take the necessary action to manifist it. And its not about desires but setting real life goals. Everybody has desires. But setting the intention of achieving your goal while doing the practises everyday will make wonders in your life. And its to all of you guys. Like I understand where you are coming from, its natural to be skeptic, but you can't ever know if it works or not if you don't open your mind. Dismiss it if you want, but atleast open your mind to the possibility before throwing it out. Its not like your guys understanding of reality is 100% truth and absolut, mine neither. @Someone here And, dude you are making it hard on yourself. Yes there isn't any You doing it all. But there is still perception, there is still a body, there is still your subconsciouss whether you believe or not. Don't try to reason you skeptism with non duality. You wont get any where with that attitude. 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Taking action for the sake of reaching your goal. Not sure what does taking action for the sake of taking action means.   

Good for you. Although that's not the fundamental understanding That i asked for regarding how thought process works.   It's like why can't I stop thinking this negative thought??  Well first of all you are not thinking it.. You are just conscious of it.. If you are observing it.. you can't be creating it simultaneously.  

You just said it my friend.  How are you goi g to achieve anything when you have a bunch of resistance and negativity bottled up inside?  You are going to emit that energy and repel people, places and things.  This is what self sabotage is.


You can stop thinking negatively by healing yourself and focusing on the present moment.  You have to do the work.

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@datamonster what is the universe but you? You are it. You have acces to infinite intelligens. Your subconsciouss is a tiny bit of Universal Mind. And don't take it like you can do anything, bend the laws of physics. Thats not what I am talking about. Thats a very egoic way of understanding this. Its not even that radical if you have had mystical experiences, and studied LoA with a open mind, and off course try it out with the right expetations. 

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16 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Yup.  That is a manifestation.  You may be like “what?  Why?”  Well, this is a little different than law of attraction but, has it ever occurred to you that not every soul comes down here to experience a great life?  That some souls want to know what being in a worn torn country is like?  Life is a school.  It’s not so cut and dry as you seem to want to believe it is.

As far as breaking out of those situations, they can manifest their way out.  But it would take the unwitting off years of negative beliefs that they had accumulated.  Which is why most stay in those shitty situations.

Hmm ok this seems to lack some compassion, its also making a lot of assumptions. So youre saying everyone in a bad position is because theyve manifested that bad position or because when they were a soul they chose to experience that bad situation. 

Theres an assumption that you know what happened before we got to earth, i dont think you do, unless you have some memory of that youre just repeating something else that youve heard. In which case this would fall squarely in the belief category, if you do have direct experience of this please share. 

The thing is this manifestation thing can only work if you also say that everyone else manifested their situation in some way, therefore it seems to me that you would have to blame the victims, like if someone gets raped or if someone is wrongly imprisoned and given the death penalty or if a child gets a terminal illness. If only these people knew about the LOA they could have changed these situations, or maybe they did know but didnt manifest with enough belief. I dont know man this is kinda weak 

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11 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

And, dude you are making it hard on yourself. Yes there isn't any You doing it all. But there is still perception, there is still a body, there is still your subconsciouss whether you believe or not. Don't try to reason you skeptism with non duality. You wont get any where with that attitude. 

Lol whatever. I asked honestly I don't get it. I don't feel like repeating my question again. I made my point clear and there wasn't any satisfying answer. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Consept said:

Im not too sure about this, what ive noticed from becoming more aware is that you just cant change thoughts and actually trying to change your thoughts creates more thoughts and resistance, 'you cant get stillness from action'. So i think what makes more sense to me is acceptance and actually love for your negative thoughts, all thoughts come from some where and in a sense they mean well, for example your brain might want you to procrastinate as a survival mechanism, because if you dont do anything you will survive, its important to acknowledge these but not necessarily follow them. I feel what youre saying is to actively change thought patterns and i dont really see how you can do this by just willing it. There is of course CBT but the method is very different and it doesnt really extend to manifesting and the things LOA offers. LOA seems a bit simplistic in this sense 

There will always be doubt, negative thoughts and so on. Its more, are you buying in to them? are you reacting to them strongly, do they control all of your life? I truly don't know so much about Cognitive behavorial therapy, and its probaly a effective method for some people. But I truly believe the principles underlaying both CBT and LoA is the same. And yes you can change your thoughts in any problem area in your life. Its not only the will, but also you imagination. When the will and imagination goes together you'll with out doubt achieve your goal and change your thinking. 

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@Someone here My friend you have only yourself. I've tried my best. Only you can find the answer. I can't make you understand, when you have so many conflicting ideas of how life and the world works. The best I can say to you is be open minded, and look at the resources I sent you, if you desire to understand and can see the potential. Its up to you. 

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@PeaceOut96 OK thanks. Will check them out. 

I don't have any conflicting ideas tho.. There is no me.. That's just the nature of ideas to be conflicting lol :P

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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10 minutes ago, Consept said:

Hmm ok this seems to lack some compassion, its also making a lot of assumptions. So youre saying everyone in a bad position is because theyve manifested that bad position or because when they were a soul they chose to experience that bad situation. 

Theres an assumption that you know what happened before we got to earth, i dont think you do, unless you have some memory of that youre just repeating something else that youve heard. In which case this would fall squarely in the belief category, if you do have direct experience of this please share. 

The thing is this manifestation thing can only work if you also say that everyone else manifested their situation in some way, therefore it seems to me that you would have to blame the victims, like if someone gets raped or if someone is wrongly imprisoned and given the death penalty or if a child gets a terminal illness. If only these people knew about the LOA they could have changed these situations, or maybe they did know but didnt manifest with enough belief. I dont know man this is kinda weak 

It is clear that you have some kind of mental roadblock.

Not every soul comes here to have a comfortable life.  Take me as an example.  I almost died at birth, was abandoned when I was six years ago, got abused physically, mentally and emotionally by my mother, absentee father, teased and bullied, had asthma, got out casted as a freshman in high school, have been entangled with women with npd, I work in Hollywood (that’s traumatic for everyone) and a host of other things.  You may be like “oh no!”  Oh give me a break.  I cho:3 it.  I choose the two assholes that are my parents.  I chose it all.  Why?  Maybe it is so I can explain to people how fucked up society is.  

There are a lot of people who are victims.  I am not a victim.  I am a recipient.


Again, you have a mental roadblock.  You can’t even get out of your mind to understand what I am saying (I already said that isn’t really law of attraction).  You are saying what I said is weak.  Well, how about we flip the script?  Your inability to be able to let go of your useless limiting beliefs is weak.

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1 minute ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Again, you have a mental roadblock.  You can’t even get out of your mind to understand what I am saying (I already said that isn’t really law of attraction).  You are saying what I said is weak.  Well, how about we flip the script?  Your inability to be able to let go of your useless limiting beliefs is weak.

Whats my limiting belief, i dont think ive stated any beliefs, is my limiting belief that i may not believe in the LOA?

Also how do you know that you chose your life before you came here? Do you have a memory or direct experience of that?

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6 minutes ago, Consept said:

Whats my limiting belief, i dont think ive stated any beliefs, is my limiting belief that i may not believe in the LOA?

Also how do you know that you chose your life before you came here? Do you have a memory or direct experience of that?

You clearly are still in stage orange/achiever level thinking.  That is it.  You are not on my level.

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