
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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Super interesting thread. Is there a difference between the practice/art of manifestation and loa? This is something Ive never been clear on.

Also, if someone isn’t 100% nailed down on what it is they’re desiring, can they really tap into loa? Or could someone use the loa by patiently waiting for inspiration? Like the desire to discover one’s purpose or next steps on their journey. 

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@Consilience Yes you can become consciouss of your deepest desires. Meditate, and than contemplate "What are my deepest desires? And than journal and brainstorm. Do it everyday with an openmind (and no jugdements of yourself), for at least a month. And you'll discover many deep desires that you didn't even know about :)

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It's obvious that when you focus on something you probably will take more actions towards achieving it.  Nothing magical about it. 

It's like saying if you want something so bad and put on effort to make it happen there is a higher chance it's gonna happen than if you don't want it and don't focus on it.   Yeah no shit.  It's natural. Got nothing to do with spiritual paranormal laws. 

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@Mikael89 I understand where you are coming from. LoA is confusing believe me. It took me 2 years to really figure out for my self how to use it, and with the use of psychedellics my understanding flew to the roofs. Like I said, the most fundamental aspect of LoA is working with your thoughts and doing the inner work everyday to imprint directly to the subconsciouss. And like I said your subconsciouss is the gates to Universal Mind. You'll need to change your thinking to get it to work. How else are gonna go out and take action on your goals? If you thinking is in the way, you'll in 100 years never gonna accomplished your goals and anything for that matter. Like I said its not about having things magically come to you without you taking any actions. But when you open your mind and thoughts you'll be surprised how circumanstances and oppertunities open up for you. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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@Someone here off course focus is a big part of it. But more fundamentally it is discovering and elitamiting any negative belief and thought pattern. Its no easy thing to do, for me thats the magic of it. But it goes much deeper, people have used it for all kind of crazy things. 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

@Someone here off course focus is a big part of it. But more fundamentally it is discovering and elitamiting any negative belief and thought pattern. Its no easy thing to do, for me thats the magic of it. But it goes much deeper, people have used it for all kind of crazy things. 

What youre saying of course is not wrong, this has been around in psychology for many years, Maslows scarcity/abundunt mindsets, Jungs shadows. What i think the problem is, is that people turn this into a religion, where they force themselves to have positive thoughts by suppressing other thoughts, this is the opposite of what Jung was talking about. The self-help industry is worth $10 billion a year, many LOA teachers can make money with books, seminars etc and people eat it up, so theres a clear incentive to put these ideas out there with defense of 'if it doesnt work for you, you just didnt believe enough', which keeps people wanting more and more, without necessarily getting results. The other thing is that there is no scientific law of attraction, it doesnt exist or even make sense, like doesnt necessarily attract like in the world, the same polarity magnets repel, so its a good way to attract more materialist type people of our time. 

A great example is the MLM industry, they really preach the LOA and show people that have 'made it' to new recruits. Only the top maybe 2% will make anything that looks like an average wage, yet they can cover themselves by saying you didnt believe in what you were doing enough thats why you werent successful. If the LOA worked all of these people should be successful but of course they cant be because of the structure of the system theyre in. If everyone in India believed in it and wanted to be rich, it literally wouldnt work as the system is built in a certain way, this extends to all systems around the world 

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@Consept Yes thats the danger with any kind of ideas. It gets turned up and down, and people pollute it with all kinds of bullshit, especially the people trying to make money out of it. Its a very nuanced and complex field to understand, and seriously discussing any thing radically (like what I have seen people here do) will do no one any good. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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  On 9/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

@Someone here off course focus is a big part of it. But more fundamentally it is discovering and elitamiting any negative belief and thought pattern. Its no easy thing to do, for me thats the magic of it. But it goes much deeper, people have used it for all kind of crazy things. 

If you could tell me how is it possible to eliminate any Negative beliefs or thought patterns would appreciate it 

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@Someone here Thats a very personal question my friend. Everybody is different. But: Look at any problem area in your life - be observent of any kind of recurrent patterns (your behavoirs, thoughts, emotions) - Just be observent - Than contemplate (Psychedellics if you have acces to them, will cut through the bullshit, and they are also very healing). You'll need to find the fundamental beliefs and thought pattern behind your actions. And than when you have become consciouss of the them, just replace them with strong positive belief. Do it the practises everyday for at least 3 months. The change will be subtle, you'll still have to do the actions to achieve and manifist. And it will be a good idea to do some healing work besides LoA. There many ways you can do it. I have a lot of resources I can point you too. Just leave a message. 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 6:37 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

You'll need to find the fundamental beliefs and thought pattern behind your actions. And than when you have become consciouss of the them, just replace them with strong positive belief.

Yes how exactly is that done?  Thoughts and emotions arise at their own accord. I'm just conscious of them (not even). Rather than creating them.

  Appreciate it man but I never understood how this would work. 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 6:43 PM, Someone here said:


Yes how exactly is that done?  Thoughts and emotions arise at their own accord. I'm just conscious of them (not even). Rather than creating them.

  Appreciate it man but I never understood how this would work. 

This is a good point, if thoughts arise themselves, how is it possible to control them?

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@Consept You'll never really control all the thoughts in your mind, maybe with awakening (No-mind). But when you discover any negative thoughts pattern dictating all the areas in your life, you can begin the process of cultivating and changing your thoughts in a specific area in your life. Remember its about imprinting into the subconsciouss. And it is the subconsciouss who will do the work for you. 

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@PeaceOut96 there is no you lol. 

  On 9/24/2020 at 7:08 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

You'll never really control all the thoughts in your mind, 

You +your mind +the thoughts In your mind =one thing. 

It might sound out of the context. Talking from the relative perspective you can construct such dualistic notions. Stuff like "the subconscious mind" also fall into the same category. 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 7:19 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

And there is no difference in the Absolut between you and a rock. Are you identical to a rock? 

You can't say anything in the absolute. That's why it's absolute. If you say it.. It ain't absolute ;)

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  On 9/24/2020 at 7:08 PM, PeaceOut96 said:

@Consept You'll never really control all the thoughts in your mind, maybe with awakening (No-mind). But when you discover any negative thoughts pattern dictating all the areas in your life, you can begin the process of cultivating and changing your thoughts in a specific area in your life. Remember its about imprinting into the subconsciouss. And it is the subconsciouss who will do the work for you. 

Im not too sure about this, what ive noticed from becoming more aware is that you just cant change thoughts and actually trying to change your thoughts creates more thoughts and resistance, 'you cant get stillness from action'. So i think what makes more sense to me is acceptance and actually love for your negative thoughts, all thoughts come from some where and in a sense they mean well, for example your brain might want you to procrastinate as a survival mechanism, because if you dont do anything you will survive, its important to acknowledge these but not necessarily follow them. I feel what youre saying is to actively change thought patterns and i dont really see how you can do this by just willing it. There is of course CBT but the method is very different and it doesnt really extend to manifesting and the things LOA offers. LOA seems a bit simplistic in this sense 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 5:25 PM, Consept said:

I would consider - 'I already know it’s true because I have seen it at work in my life.  So why would I consider it to not be true?' to be a dogmatic position, if someone said that about something you didnt believe in or didnt think was true you would think what they believe is dogmatic if they were to say what you said. 

Youre scared to question the belief and have to believe it 100% because in your mind if you do you wont attract what you want. This belief system is baked into every religion and ideology you could think of, 'if i dont believe in Allah i will be forsaken' 'If i dont believe in mormonism i will be forsaken', its all the same mechanics, and it is very easy to get into this thought pattern. Its also reinforced by the belief if what i want doesnt come true its because i didnt believe enough, this is textbook stuff. I could literally make up a belief, lets say the sacred turtle, if you believe in him you can have whatever you want, if it works its confirmation, if it doesnt you just didnt believe in him enough.

What facts have do you have, aside from you believed in loa and some things happened for you and some things didnt? 

No, that’s not dogma.  I already have stated that I did not believe it.  So why go backwards?


I have been there, done that, made the shirt.  You do not know my past, so do not act like you have me pegged because you do not.


Go and read some books.  Check out YouTube for some lectures on ancient hermetic teachings and the occult.  Nothing I am saying is new age. 

  On 9/24/2020 at 5:32 PM, Consilience said:

Super interesting thread. Is there a difference between the practice/art of manifestation and loa? This is something Ive never been clear on.

Also, if someone isn’t 100% nailed down on what it is they’re desiring, can they really tap into loa? Or could someone use the loa by patiently waiting for inspiration? Like the desire to discover one’s purpose or next steps on their journey. 

They are the same thing.


You definitely have to be clear on what it is you desire.  When you do, inspiration will naturally come. 

If you are looking to manifest your life’s purpose what you can do is write down how grateful you are for your life purpose.  Mediate and visualize yourself doing your life purpose.  Most people say do this for thirty days as it will be impressed on your subconscious mind.


  On 9/24/2020 at 6:05 PM, datamonster said:

@Thestarguitarist14  I feel like people mainly use LoA to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and results in life.

If you don't have a Ferrari yet, it's of course because you haven't imagined it enough for the universe to materialize it in your driveway.

If it helps people comfort themselves, by all means do it. But I wouldn't except huge results from just wanting shit. At some point you gotta actually do something.

I believe it’s the exact opposite.  When you understand law of attraction, you realize how you face co created all of the negative things in your life.  It forces you to take responsibility for your life.


Go ahead, take action for the sake of taking action.  See where it gets you.  That has never worked for anyone.  Nobody is saying don’t take action.  But just working hard never made anyone’s goals come true.  That is a very rational materialistic way of approaching life.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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  On 9/24/2020 at 8:46 PM, Consept said:

What would you consider dogma? Are you saying you dont believe in LOA?

First off, quit your little fucking games.  

I’m going to do you a favor, here are some of the best manifestation audiobooks that have been helpful for me understanding law of attraction:

(ignore the name, he explains why, this book basically explains think and grow rich)

If you are a truly open minded person, listen to all these and then come back and talk to me.

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