
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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5 hours ago, Consept said:

I havent actually seen a non-duality teacher speak on law of attraction, you can show me some if you like. But even if  they dont it doesnt prove that its not real or useful. But looking into it its definitely not a law, if youre saying its a scientific law, ie 'like always attracts like', it doesnt hold up as its not the case with magnets for example, the same polarity magnet actually repels. 

I have noticed through the thread that you have an extreme reaction of agreement if someone has a similar opinion to you and almost anger if someone disagrees. What i would ask is are you able to hold in your mind that loa is not true or are you 100% tied to your belief?

I already know it’s true because I have seen it at work in my life.  So why would I consider it to not be true?  Go back through the thread as I have given examples of it working for me.

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9 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I already know it’s true because I have seen it at work in my life.  So why would I consider it to not be true?  Go back through the thread as I have given examples of it working for me.

So whats the distinction between what youve just said and a christian that says 'I know Jesus and my Christian God are real because i prayed and ive seen the results in my life. For example i asked God for a job and within 3 months i got a job'. Would this make Christianity true?

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4 minutes ago, Consept said:

So whats the distinction between what youve just said and a christian that says 'I know Jesus and my Christian God are real because i prayed and ive seen the results in my life. For example i asked God for a job and within 3 months i got a job'. Would this make Christianity true?

I was raised Christian and while I wouldn’t call myself that anymore, the Bible actually has a ton of truths if you read between the lines of what is said.


Christianity is not complete bullshit.  If it was it would not be the biggest religion in the world.

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2 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I was raised Christian and while I wouldn’t call myself that anymore, the Bible actually has a ton of truths if you read between the lines of what is said.


Christianity is not complete bullshit.  If it was it would not be the biggest religion in the world.

Im not saying its complete bullshit, and yes i agree if you read between the lines there is some great insights and analogies. I assumed you werent religious which is why i used it as an example, but i dont think youre getting my point, ill give you the benefit of the doubt that youre not will-fully ignoring the point. Ill give you another example -

 Whats the distinction between what youve said and a Scientologist that says 'I know Scientology is real because i followed what they said and ive seen the results in my life. For example i asked for a job and within 3 months i got a job'. Would this make Scientology true?

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"Law of Attraction" is a rather sloppy way of calling various long-standing serious occult teachings and practices.

Most of you guys are very biased towards Eastern spirituality, in which the occult isn't mainstream and has a bad reputation, because they go straight for enlightenment. 

That's why you are close-minded about some of these concepts.

So if you want a more holistic understanding of spirituality I suggest you broaden your sources.

Edited by Fran11

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3 minutes ago, Consept said:

Im not saying its complete bullshit, and yes i agree if you read between the lines there is some great insights and analogies. I assumed you werent religious which is why i used it as an example, but i dont think youre getting my point, ill give you the benefit of the doubt that youre not will-fully ignoring the point. Ill give you another example -

 Whats the distinction between what youve said and a Scientologist that says 'I know Scientology is real because i followed what they said and ive seen the results in my life. For example i asked for a job and within 3 months i got a job'. Would this make Scientology true?

Scientology is cult.  Law of attraction has been around since the beginning of time.  You are being too tied to the name and not seeing it for what it is.

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:


True open mindedness considers both sides. You loa supporters only support the side which says that loa is true.

In not a loa supporter ?‍♂️.  I don't consider it true/not true.  I wonder if you consider yourself open minded? 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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5 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:


True open mindedness considers both sides. You loa supporters only support the side which says that loa is true.

Of course the law of attraction does not work in their favor, they do not believe it.  Even then, law of attraction is still working in their lives.  Just like it is in your life.  Just negativiely.

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Just now, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Scientology is cult.  Law of attraction has been around since the beginning of time.  You are being too tied to the name and not seeing it for what it is.

So youre saying the distinction is that the law of attraction has been around longer than other ideologies? How do you reconcile that the framework of what you said - 

33 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I already know it’s true because I have seen it at work in my life.  So why would I consider it to not be true?  Go back through the thread as I have given examples of it working for me.

Could literally be said for Scientology or prosperity preachers or pretty much anything, ie if i believe it and good things happen in my life it is because of -insert ideology here-, if it doesnt work its because i didnt believe in -insert ideology here- enough 

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3 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Yes I do.

Saying that something is horseshit does not sound very open minded to me.


2 minutes ago, Consept said:

So youre saying the distinction is that the law of attraction has been around longer than other ideologies? How do you reconcile that the framework of what you said - 

Could literally be said for Scientology or prosperity preachers or pretty much anything, ie if i believe it and good things happen in my life it is because of -insert ideology here-, if it doesnt work its because i didnt believe in -insert ideology here- enough 

I don’t need to.  Read ancient spiritual teachings on hermeticism and alchemy.  That is the root of law of attraction.  You know what?  Let’s just call it alchemy.  I love that manga/anime full metal alchemist.  You can call me an alchemist.  

You still do not get what the law of attraction/alchemy is.  In essence, it is all about reprogramming your subconscious mind and allowing what you desire in your life to flow to you.  Every minute is a manifestation of your thoughts whether you like it or not.  So why not be a conscious creator?  As Carl Jung said:”you will allow your unconscious to direct your life and call it fate.”

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7 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I don’t need to.  Read ancient spiritual teachings on hermeticism and alchemy.  That is the root of law of attraction.  You know what?  Let’s just call it alchemy.  I love that manga/anime full metal alchemist.  You can call me an alchemist.  

You still do not get what the law of attraction/alchemy is.  In essence, it is all about reprogramming your subconscious mind and allowing what you desire in your life to flow to you.  Every minute is a manifestation of your thoughts whether you like it or not.  So why not be a conscious creator?  As Carl Jung said:”you will allow your unconscious to direct your life and call it fate.”

I get what it is, im saying your reasoning to get there is literally the same as scientology or prosperity preachers 

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11 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Maybe it doesn't sound like it.

I follow evidence and facts. There is absolutely zero reason to believe that loa is true.

And until proven otherwise, I wont believe in loa.

LOA teaches that your beliefs and assumptions play a role in creating your reality. 
So even if LOA were a real mechanism, you wouldn't be able to experience it, given that you have already assumed it to be false.

Have you tried believing it to be true? What's the worst that could happen? 

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21 minutes ago, Consept said:

I get what it is, im saying your reasoning to get there is literally the same as scientology or prosperity preachers 

Scientology is a cult.  I am however, in agreement with most prosperity teachers.  Though I have found focusing on lifestyle creation to allow my manifestations to come in quicker.


18 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Maybe it doesn't sound like it.

I follow evidence and facts. There is absolutely zero reason to believe that loa is true.

And until proven otherwise, I wont believe in loa.

Yeah, that is not open mindedness at all.   Sounds like you just are stuck in negative limiting beliefs.

7 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:


? ??

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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5 minutes ago, TheSunKing said:

Have you tried believing it to be true? What's the worst that could happen? 

Have you tried believing that Jesus rose from the dead? Whats the worst that could happen? 

3 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Scientology is a cult.  I am however, in agreement with most prosperity teachers.  Though I have found focusing on lifestyle creation to allow my manifestations to come in quicker.

Saying its a cult is your perspective, some may have the same opinion on loa and prosperity preachers, especially considering the dogmatic way that you believe in them. You also share the belief system in that if i do everything they tell me to do ill get what i want, so i fail to see the difference in that respect. 

Speaking of prosperity preachers, i would ask you to watch this and then give me your opinion -


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1 minute ago, Consept said:

Saying its a cult is your perspective, some may have the same opinion on loa and prosperity preachers, especially considering the dogmatic way that you believe in them. You also share the belief system in that if i do everything they tell me to do ill get what i want, so i fail to see the difference in that respect. 

Speaking of prosperity preachers, i would ask you to watch this and then give me your opinion -


#1 it is not fucking dogma.  Not trying to say that I am better than anyone here, but there is a hierarchy.  I have already been through my skeptic phase.  I left the law of attraction because I didn’t believe already.  I know what’s up.


I’m not telling you to do everything that I have told you.  I’m just stating facts.  There is a difference.


And that is religion, that is the church.  Big difference.  I haven’t set foot in a church in years.

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4 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

It is open mindedness.

I don't believe that a invisible unicorn is sitting on my couch and reading a book because I have no reason to believe that is the case.

But if there would be evidence that shows it is sitting on my couch and reading a book, then I would believe it 


Okay, live your life how you want.  There is no helping you.

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@Mikael89 Dont take it as a personal attack. But you are to matrialistic and rational (not that it is a bad thing) minded to understand anything like LoA. What proof do you want? You sound like the matrialistic sciencetist that thinks that they hold the absolut truth. Let me explain LoA for you. 

You need to know your thinking, you need to be extremely OPENMINDED and extremely oberservent of you beliefs and thought patterns. You can't demand proof, you'll have to have enough faith and belief. Really LoA is all about realizing that your thoughts directly affect all areas of your life. Everything is one (as you have heard Leo talk about 1000 times), everything is connected. Your subconsciouss mind is directly linked to Universal Mind. You have acces now to infinite intelligens/creativity with your subconsciouss. There many aspects of LoA (and really LoA is only one of the laws of the mind). Its a deeply complex field of study. Like I said its not about having objects magically apear, only God can do that ;)

Edited by PeaceOut96

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4 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

#1 it is not fucking dogma.  Not trying to say that I am better than anyone here, but there is a hierarchy.  I have already been through my skeptic phase.  I left the law of attraction because I didn’t believe already.  I know what’s up.


I’m not telling you to do everything that I have told you.  I’m just stating facts.  There is a difference.

I would consider - 'I already know it’s true because I have seen it at work in my life.  So why would I consider it to not be true?' to be a dogmatic position, if someone said that about something you didnt believe in or didnt think was true you would think what they believe is dogmatic if they were to say what you said. 

Youre scared to question the belief and have to believe it 100% because in your mind if you do you wont attract what you want. This belief system is baked into every religion and ideology you could think of, 'if i dont believe in Allah i will be forsaken' 'If i dont believe in mormonism i will be forsaken', its all the same mechanics, and it is very easy to get into this thought pattern. Its also reinforced by the belief if what i want doesnt come true its because i didnt believe enough, this is textbook stuff. I could literally make up a belief, lets say the sacred turtle, if you believe in him you can have whatever you want, if it works its confirmation, if it doesnt you just didnt believe in him enough.

What facts have do you have, aside from you believed in loa and some things happened for you and some things didnt? 

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